The summer breeze is welcoming in this sweltering heat. Godric's Hollow is peaceful as usual. Somewhere in the distant, I can hear children playing.

I put the flowers down in front of the faded gravestone.

Lenore Helen Langley

1926 – 1946

When I asked Professor Bodeman about seeing Lenore at the grave and hearing her, she told me it was probably another one of Tom's tricks. Lenore is long gone from this world.

I still struggle to understand what had occurred to me. Mister Potter speculates that he chose me because of my resemblance to Lenore and my family's possession of her pensieve. Grandpa Bones didn't know that it had been Lenore Langley's pensieve. He doubts that even Great Aunt Amelia knew.

I haven't had a dream since the destruction of the ring. I haven't seen him at all.

"Don't look so depressed." James casually puts an arm around my shoulders.

I lean against him. "It's just sad knowing that if she had been alive, maybe things would've turned out differently."

"Or nothing would have changed." He rubs my arm. "He probably would've killed her or put her under his control with a curse. Who knows? Maybe she would've followed him willingly."

"Maybe. We can only speculate." I sigh.

"How can anyone love a murderer?"

"Some women write to men in prison and marry them." I point out. "I think he was all she had and she didn't know anything else."

"Maybe it's a good thing then. That she didn't live to see what he became."

"Probably." I look up at him and pat his stomach. "What shall we do now?"

"Dunno." He thinks out loud. "We can go to London… Maybe the British Museum?"

"Ooh, that'd be nice. I've never been."

"Perfect! And it's free too. I'll convince mum to pack us lunch." He steers me away from the graveyard. "We should try and spend as much time together this week before we both start working."

I grin. "Are you excited to start your Auror training?"

"You just watch, Ev. I'm going to be the Head of the Auror Office too. Just like dad."

"Sure you will."

"You just watch."

James and I are both starting our jobs within the Ministry next week. Him as an Auror-in-training and me as a research assistant of the potions division of the research committee.

"You know… we should live together." He suggests for what seems like the hundredth time.

"We are not living together, James. That is the worst idea ever. We've been together for what…? A couple months?"

"Four." He reminds me.

"You don't even get paid minimum wage as an Auror-in-training. It'd be a miracle if you can afford half a rent."

"You'll pay for everything and I'll put in money towards utilities."

"I'm going to continue living with my mom."

He sighs deeply. "Fine. Fine."

"I think with my first paycheck, I'm going to buy myself a new ring. I really liked that ring…"

James pulls me tightly against his side and I giggle in delight. "Once I become an Auror, I'll buy you a nice, big ring."

"Oh, really?"

"One with diamonds and everything."

"I'll be looking forward to it."

And that is the end of this story! Thank you so much to the people who had commented, followed, and favorited this story! I greatly appreciated everyone's support and advice!

This story came to me as a dream when I was sixteen. I had a dream that Tom Riddle went on the road of destruction because the girl he loved was killed by a muggle. This story has literally been six years in the making. It feels great to have finally written it down, although I'm not quite satisfied with it. I'll probably never be satisfied with it.

Hopefully I'll write another story. I'm thinking about a Draco/OC story, but that won't happen until I finish reading the Harry Potter series.

Thank you so much for reading this story!

With love,
