"Finally. Finally."

He hugs me tightly, hand in my hair.

He lets me go and brings a strand of my hair to his lips.


"What's wrong?" I inquire, confused on why he's being so affectionate.

"You were gone for so long."

"I was?"

He presses my hand against his cheek and sighs deeply, leaning into the touch. "Too long. You know I can't live without you."

I stare up at the ceiling, digesting the weird dream. I've been having the same dream ever since the move to London a month ago. "Ugh." I groan, realizing how sticky with sweat I am. It's unbearably hot.

I drag myself out of bed to open the curtains. The sunlight is blinding, filling my room with even more unnecessary heat. Four floors below me, the morning commuters are desperately trying to get to work.

There's a soft knock on my door. "Evie? Are you awake, sweet?"

It's mom. "Yeah. I am."

She enters, looking as if she's treading on ice. Which she is. I never wanted to move to London. She had forced me because of her work. Because the British Ministry wanted her back.

My last year of schooling wasn't supposed to go like this. My friends and I had plans to graduate together, to travel together…

I can't believe I'm being forced to complete my seventh year in a completely different country where I know no one. I don't want to go to Hogwarts. Mom should have just left me back in the States.

"Do you have everything packed?"

"I do." I walk into the bathroom to get ready. I'm leaving for Hogwarts today. I know I'll stand out like a sore thumb, especially with my American accent.

She follows me in. She's wearing her favorite sun dress, red hair in a high ponytail. She looks younger than she is. Livelier. It's clear that this move to London has done a lot of good for mom. This is where she spent most of her life. She's at home here while I'm uncomfortable. "Are you excited to begin Hogwarts?"

I stay quiet. I don't want to argue with her anymore. I'm sick of it.

She sighs. "Evie…"

"Mom." I interrupt her. "Don't start. I know. This is what's best for us." Your career, I want to say instead.

She takes the brush from my hand and does my hair for me. "I'm sure you want to look your best today." I honestly don't give a fuck how I look at this point. "You'll have to send grandpa an owl telling him what house you get sorted into."

"I will." Most likely Hufflepuff. Everyone on my mom's side of the family, the Bones side, have all been sorted into Hufflepuff.

I watch my mother through the mirror. I wish I had been genetically blessed with her looks rather than my father's. I would have looked great with red hair rather than black hair. I'm just glad I got her navy blue eyes.

Platform 9¾ is busier than I expected. I had hoped that I would be able to blend in, but it seems that isn't going to happen. Everyone stares at me as I walk by, whispering behind their hands.

"Bye, mom." I hug my mother.

"Have fun and write to me." She kisses my cheek.

Despite my resentment, it makes me a little sad to leave my mom. I suppress the rising emotions and board the train. I can't find an empty compartment fast enough.

I just want to sit in a corner and hope that no one talks to me.

I settle into a seat and pull out my iPod. It's ridiculous that I won't be able to use electronics at Hogwarts. There were no such rules at Salem's. I cover myself up with a jacket, lean into the corner of the compartment, and prepare for nap time.

The compartment door slides open, but I keep my eyes closed, feigning sleep in hopes that they'll just leave.

"I guess we'll sit here." A male voice comments over my music.

"Quiet. She's sleeping." It's a female voice.

"Is that…?" Another male voice gasps. "That's the new girl!"

"What part of 'quiet' don't you understand?"

"Should we wake her up?"


"Leave her alone. She's sleeping."

"I'm going to wake her up."

Even though I know one of them is waking me up, it still comes as a surprise when my earbud is jerked out. I gasp and hit my head against the metal railing around the window. I groan in pain, holding my poor head. "Fuck."

"James!" The girl scowls. She's wearing the jersey for the Irish National Quidditch team, sandy colored hair in a high ponytail, blue eyes studying the boy standing beside her disapprovingly.

The boy ignores her, grinning at me. "Alright?" He's tall and fit, looking like the stereotypical jock. He's handsome with his brown hair and bright, mischievous brown eyes.

"I'm fine." I grumble.

"I'm Fred." The other boy introduces himself. He's taller than the other boy with fiery red hair and equally mischievous brown eyes. "Fred Weasley the Second."

"Evie Bones." I shake his hand.

"That's Cleena Finnigan and that's my best mate, James Potter."

"Mind if we sit with you?" Cleena inquires.

"Go ahead." I do my best not to sound too bitter.

James flops down right beside me. "So you're from Salem Witch's Institute?" He looks too confident, too self-assured, and it rubs me the wrong way.


"First time in Britain?"

"Nope." I put away my iPod and headphones.

"Like Quidditch? Because I'm Gryffindor Quidditch Captain."

I suppress my natural response to roll my eyes.

This is going to be a long train ride.