A/N: Hi! Welcome to Love's Difficulties! To give you a warning, this is threesome yaoi, so if you don't like, please.. I beg you... don't read! Otherwise, enjoy!

Storyline- Rowan Lyneth (AKA me!)

Hetalia- Himapapa! ... Hidekaz Himaruya, if you prefer to call him that... I just think Himapapa is easier to say...

Yeah, I don't own much but the storyline... so please don't sue me... I'm poor.

Chapter 1


Feliciano stood at the kitchen counter, head rested on the cool, marble top. The Italian faced a dilemma. He felt cliche and animated, much like a character from one of his friend's, Kiku's, manga.

He never thought love triangles were real, just something to add drama into shows. Though, now that he was living one, he had no choice but to believe it, realizing that he was the one who was going to have to choose.

Yes, Feliciano Vargas, the very personification of the boot-shaped country of Italy, was infatuated with two people. Who are these people you ask? Since he was a country, it can be safely assumed that the two were countries as well. So, France and Spain? Seemed likely. Both countries had strong effects on the Italian's growth. But no, Feliciano only had brotherly respect for the two. England and America? Don't make him laugh. Those two weren't even in his league, and, yes, he did think that. The sweet boy never would admit it, but he knew that his cooking was superior to both of the aforementioned countries'. He would never downright say he was better though, it wasn't in his nature to. Cutting to the chase, Feliciano had major crushes on both of his former-allies, Germany and Japan.

Perhaps crush and infatuation aren't the right words. Italy fully believed that he was in love with the two countries. He felt so safe in Ludwig's arms. He loved the random moments that the German would give him a smile. He adored Kiku's accent when he spoke English, the way he made every word sound "Kawaii" as he would say. Feliciano couldn't help bit giggle whenever Japan would get all flustered over western customs and say its inappropriate. Each man had infinite amounts of things that Feliciano could, would, and did love about them that choosing between the two was almost too difficult. Scratch the almost, it WAS too difficult.

Also, the fact that both of them were his best friends made it all the more worse.

He didn't want to lose his friends, so he kept his growing feelings a secret from both of them. However, it was getting harder and harder to hide his emotions, so he knew he'd have to come clean eventually. He just didn't want to have to admit he liked them both. There was no way that'd be a safe idea. So, he decided he would have to choose, so that way, when he came clean, he would only lose one friend instead of two. Though, he preferred not to lose either.

So, there he stood, contemplating and tearing up from stress. There was a loud beep, and Feliciano broke out of his stupor. He ran to the pasta on the stove and took the lid off the pan before the contents boiled over.

Feliciano sighed. This was going to be a difficult week.

"Ja, ja. I get it." Germany sighed as his boss pestered him about more paperwork over the phone. He was exhausted from all the work he was set to do. Running a hand through his sleeked back, blonde hair, Ludwig sat down at his desk and commenced working, listening to the irritating voice of his complaining boss as he did so.

After a good ten minutes, he was able to hang up the phone. He sighed in relief, blue eyes closing, trying to relax. The silence was somewhat nice for a change. It had been so long since he had time to himself and room to think. He usually had a chatty Italian next to his ear, taking up all his thinking space. Yes, he was fully capable of zoning out of the Italian's chattering, but the fact of Feliciano's habit of public display of affection and close contact simply sent Germany's temperature over the edge and caused not entirely unwanted thoughts to break the surface of his conscience.

Ludwig had gained an... Emotional attachment to his smaller ally, as he would call it. He refused to believe it was any more than that because he knew where love can take you. Sometimes it can bring happiness and joy, bit the German wasn't so lucky. Due to the final events of World War II, his love was taken away, almost ripped from him. The two tried the secret Romeo and Juliette trick, but, having failed miserably, our dear blond Romeo was sent back to Germany without any hopes of the relationship continuing.

He shook his head. No, he wasn't going to have any repeat of that. He was fine being a celibate country. Whilst the rest went out and had fun, he would just stick to drinking with his brother.

Mein Gott... was has mein life come to?

Ludwig slowly set to completing his paperwork. With the thoughts of Italy and his past lover running through his head, he couldn't concentrate. He wondered where the Italian had been, the Italian he knew. Typically, the (ironically) older nation had the impeccable timing as to call him just as he started his work, begging to talk, hang out, or to have help with something ridiculous. For about a week Germany had been free. True, he enjoyed the quiet, but that never meant he didn't worry.

As if on cue, his desktop phone rang. He answered it, secretly hoping it was Italy.

"Konnichiwa, Ludwig-san." the soft voice resonated through the black phone.

Ludwig smiled, his heart calming from the anticipation of it being Italy. Even though the two were 'just friends', the Japanese man always had a way of calming Ludwig down.

"Ja, hello Kiku."Germany responded. "What's up?"

"Sorry if I'm disturbing your work. I was just calling to see if you knew what was wrong with Italy-kun?" Japan said, a hint of worry in his tone.

Germany sighed. "I was just thinking about that now, actually."

"So you don't know."

"Nein, I haven't talked to him since Sunday when he practically forced me to have Sunday brunch with him."

"Same here, but he forced me to his church service instead of brunch." Ludwig chuckled. He could hear the tone of irritation in the Asian's voice. He knew how much the nation hated it when other people tried to convert him. America had already tried it, obviously failing.

"What's so funny?"

"Oh, nothing."

A silence followed. Ludwig reclined back in his chair in thought, listening to Kiku's soft breathing through the phone.

"You know," he said after a while, "we could go check up on him. As far as I know he's home alone right now. He might like the company."

"H-hai. That sounds good. When should we go though? I'm just sitting here doing nothing. My boss has neglected to give me work."

Ludwig gave a dark chuckle. "Lucky. Mein boss has given me enough work to keep the fires of hell burning."

"You sound like your having fun." the German could have sworn the speaker had a hint of amusement in his tone.

"Ja. How about we visit him tomorrow? I'll be done with most of the work by then."

"Hai, Ludwig-san. I will prepare myself. Sayonara."

"Auf Wiedersehen."

With that, Germany hung the phone back up. For the rest of the night he pounded at the paperwork, but he just couldn't concentrate. With the prospect of visiting the Italian in his head, he felt as if tomato-fairies were cooking pasta in his brain, completely distracting him.

He really needed to get a better grip on his sanity.