The water surrounded me. Or at least it felt like water, like I was floating in a vast black pool. I'm not exactly sure how I got into this certian situation, but I do know that if I don't break surface soon I'll die. That's a strange thought to actually have. I might die. Huh, who knew the thought would feel so matter of fact.

I dimmly felt someone touch my face. Someone was gasping. I wanted to ask what was wrong, but my body wasn't responding to me. Huh, was I already dead? I sorta felt like I could float away any second. There wasn't much pain just that slight floaty feeling.

"What the hell?" Someone's voice was very loud and near me. "We shouldn't have used her!" I swear I had heard this voice before. Something touched my throat. "No vital signs." This voice was rough, mean.

But I'm here. I tried to speak but nothing really came out of my lips. Did I have enough air to say it...did I have any air?

"Move!" This voice was commanding. Something slammed agianst my chest. Stop. I said, but once again there was no voice. I could hardly feel what was happening to my body, there was no pain. Just this sense that I should leave now. I could float away from this place and into something better. I could choose. I felt air being pushed into my unresponsive lungs. The pounding on my chest agian.

"Steve, she's dead. Let her go." A smoother voice said.

"Why the hell did you use a young girl as bait?!" The mean voice yelled.

The pounding continued.

"Steve." This voice was soft, calming. "She's's not your fault."

"No!" Something pounded even harder, and I felt a jolt. The floaty feeling began to dissapear, and in it's place I could feel more and more of my body. Stop it! I wanted to scream. Let me leave now, I'm ready to float away! But the pounding was pulling me back, jolt by jolt, into my damaged body. I could feel it now, the want of my heart to beat.

"Steve!" This voice was very formal. The pounding stopped, but my heart still strained to beat. I could ignore it, and float away or I could claw myself back to the surface. Time to choose.

"What have we done?" The commanding voice sounded broken.

"She said she didn't have any family." The smooth voice said. "She said he killed the last of them. She knew what she was getting herself into. At least we don't have to notify next of kin." The joke fell flat, and the voice that said it sounded more sad than anything else.

"She trusted us to save her!" The commanding voice shouted.

Who were these voices? Should I stay to find out? My time was almost up. Time. To. Choose. I wanted to see the faces that went with the voices. I choose to live. And just like that I began fighting the warm darkness that covered me. I had to get back to them. My chest was sore, but my stomach hurt so badly. It burned, it felt like I had been struck by lightning. I couldn't hear anymore, just could fight against the darkness that threatened to crush me. It was no longer comforting. No.

I gasped suddenly, feeling the wonderful rush that air provided. Something touched me agian and I batted the hand away. I opened my eyes to see seven pairs of eyes staring at me in shock. I tried to sit up but whimpered when the pain truly hit me. It was horrible, I should have stayed in the darkness. One of the people who was dressed in red white and blue bent down. I automatically shied away, causing myself to gasp in pain once more.

"Please don't touch me." My voice was breathy. The darkness was coming back, it was threatening to drag me under."What happened?"

"My brother shot you." The formal voice belonged to a very pretty muscled man with long blonde hair. Kinda like my hair.

"Fury, we need a ambulance!" The red white and blue one called. A black man with an eyepatch looked towards the red white and blue man.

"Already on route." Was his clipped reply.

"Hey!" A gentle looking man with curly hair said to me. "You can't sleep right now."

"I was dead." I said softly. "I'm still close." I added. It hurt to talk.

"Don't worry, Kid." That was a man with an odd type of goatee. "We got you."

"Way to joke about a dead girl's dead parents, Jerk." I gasped out. I reached out to grasp my side where a horrible burning pain was, and a few hands shot out to stop me, I hit marred flesh and the slickness of blood. My world blurred and began to turn black. Parts of me were missing on my side.

"Stay with us!" That was an order. My eyes shot open to look at the red white and blue clad man.

"I can't really remember anything." I said my voice so weak it was pathetic. "I can't remember your names."

"That's the shock." The curly brown haired one said. "My name is Bruce Banner."

"Steve Rogers." The commanding one said. His eyes were beyond us, I could hear other people in the background now. We weren't alone.

"Tony Stark." The goatee man said.

"Agent Hawkeye." A man clad in all black said. I looked at him confused. He sighed. "Clint Barton."

"Natasha Romanoff." A red-haired beauty said. I smiled at her.

"Thor Odinson." The pretty blonde man boomed.

"Nick Fury." Was the rough one's responce. "Don't call me Nick."

"To be fair I should be able to call you what I want." I said, but my voice was hardly there. "After all I am dying for you all."

"Don't talk like that." Steve's eyes were on me now. I could feel something now, deep down in the marrow of my bones. Something new and painful that was zinging it's way through my system. I had never felt this before.

"Something's wrong." I gasped out. I saw Steve's eyes go to someone, and I followed his gaze and saw pure green eyes looking back at me. "You." I couldn't even hear my voice, but the man with the giant muzzle and green eyes quirked one black brow at me. "You know what's going on with me." I could almost feel the smirk he gave me behind his mask.

Something alien was blossoming in my chest, and it was beginning to grow and encompase my entire body. I tried not to scream.

"What's going on with her?" Steve suddenly spat at the green eyed man. I must have actually screamed. The man gave a look as if to say I can't really talk at the moment. I actually heard that in my head.

"Well it's obvious you can't talk." I told the black haired one. Another quirked brow.

You can hear me can you? I simply nodded. You are going to die filthy little Midgardian. He added a hard look entering his eyes.

"At least I can die with pride." I whispered.

"Stop saying that you'll be fine!" Steve insisted crouching next to me.

Your vital signs are fading as we speak. I forced my gaze to Steve, and gave him a weak smile. "You're right, I'm feeling better already." Liar. Steve smiled and looked around.

"Will you be okay on your own for a second?" He asked.

No. "Yes." I said trying to rid my head of the mental messages the green eyed man was sending. My name is Loki, not green eyed man.

"Why can I hear you?" I asked my breath hardly stirring the air.

Because to kill you I sent a blast of magic, which is now attaching itself to your essence. You will die soon, no mortal can withstand obtaining magic.

"And how would you know?" I asked.

Because, I have tested my theory multiple times. He paused as if to let that sink in. Your life is over little Midgardian. I hope you lived it well. The last part was almost said in laughter.

Multiple times is what he said. I gasped as what I now knew as magic slammed through my right arm. I now had no control over it. I tried not to cry as the magic assalted my left arm. This was, at one time, all that I ever wanted. To gain magic. That and fly on the TARDIS, but that wasn't going to happen now.

You shouldn't fight the pain. I'd rather hear your last screams.

"Get out of my head."

You're the one picking up my thoughts. I am merely sending them out. The others were gone now, it was just me laying alone with a snarky male voice in my head.

"Let me die in peace at least." My pleas were losing their strength.

You could have let me rule this planet in peace, but instead you chose to become the bait to my ultimate demise. I will watch you suffer your last pathetic moments.

"Pathetic?" A scream cut off what I was saying. It was my scream. The magic was moving fast now, slowly binding itself to me and in the process killing me. I was going to die.


"And to think," I panted, "that if I'm so pathetic...what must that make you?" I moaned in pain, and in the distance I heard sirens. They couldn't help me. "To be brought down by a pathetic Midgardian. Not even an Avenger. Just..." I couldn't go on, the world was blurring through my pain. Thought spiraled away from me and broke apart at the seams. It seemed that I was stuck like that for some time, then strange enough, some force pulled my thoughts back together agian.

Just what exactly? Loki's voice echoed in my head.

I did not speak, I did not move. I could feel the pain heading to my heart. My head burst into radiating pain. I wanted to scream, but my body had abandoned me. I was being pushed into the water agian.

You're almost dead, little Midgardian. Any last words?

What would I want my last words to be? I hadn't even thought of that. Of all the years that I'd lived what would I want to say when my life was taken. What would I want the world to remember me by? I was wasting time I didn't have.

You were fantastic, and you know what? So was I.

I don't want to go.

Goodbye, Sweetie.

Oh what a little Whovian I really was. I forced my lips to move, with a feat of strength and will that I had never before been able to achieve.

"What seems like the end, is only the beginning." There, a quote from my own character, Ava. The only diffrence between us was power and upbringing. Alike even in death. But hers was only temporary. The pain hit my heart, and I closed my eyes one last time. Who knew, maybe something greater awaited me on the other side of this unimaginable darkness. Maybe an adventure.


Something shocked me.

Agian with the shocking.

Really? Why won't people just leave me alone?

That one actually kind of hurt.

I should hope so.

Was that who I thought it was?

Sadly yes. Don't get used to this. I am only saving you because Thor is brandishing his hammer and yelling. And Banner is threatening to unleash the Hulk if I do not.

Another shock. Stop it.

And have my head smashed? I'd rather not.

All about you is it?

I do what I want.

This time a shock so big I was slammed into my body. I sat up gasping for air, eyes wide. Loki was kneeling next to me, his slender and cold hands resting on my neck and stomach. His muzzle was still on. I could still feel the smirk that came to his face.

"For the love of all that is holy leave me alone!" I screamed. His hands dropped. "Who do you think you are?"

I am Loki, of Asgar-

"I don't care who the hell you are. You had no right! First you kill me, then you listen to me suffer, and then to top it all off you bring me back." And then without real thought I reared back and slapped him as hard as I possibly could. His head snapped to the side.

"My brother has saved you!" Thor boomed pulling me into a hug. I expected pain...but strange enough there wasn't any.

"Why are you hugging me? And why exactly did he save me?" Thor relased me after a moment. He held out a hand and I stood, frowning. Why wasn't my side hurting.

"Well Banner here threatened to smash him once more if he did not. And Thor threatened to hit him with his Hammer." Stark answered smiling in welcome at me. It was a strangely warm smile.

"Mojlnir." Thor clarified showing me the legendary hammer.

You will die soon. Was Loki's input. I could already feel the ache.

"I'm still going to die. Loki said when he hit me and I didn't immediately die...the magic tried to attach to me." I said unsure.

"Attach?" Stark asked confused.

"It's trying to intigrate into my system but my system will crash if it does. Its already crashing."

"How do you know this?" Was Barton's question.

"Loki told me."

"How?" Natasha asked crouching beside me. "He has the muzzle on."

"Well that's how I sort of found out its true. I can talk to him, if he wants I can hear his thoughts."

"How do you know it wasnt a delusion." Steve asked with a frown.

"Oh for God's-Loki." I said turning to him. "When I turn around please hold up a number so I can prove this."

Why should I?

"Because if you don't then I swear to whatever religous figure you hold dear I will choke the life out of you myself."

I don't take kindly to threats.

"And I don't take kindly to dying. Looks like we both have to deal."

There was a flare of pain, and I hunched over the smallest bit.

I could enjoy this. Watching you die again. Then bringing you back once more just to see it happen agian.

"Or you could just let me die. I could just make them take you away from me."

I would break free.

"It doen't seem like you've broken free yet. I think I'll take my chances. And why go through all this trouble for one petty little Midgardian?"

"Where did you hear that term?" That was Fury.

"Its what Loki called me when I was dying." I said with a shrug, that quickly turned to me falling as a flash of pain surged through me. Cold hands were suddenly keeping me on my feet. As soon as I gained my footing Loki backed away glaring at me.


"I never would have guessed it was you being nice, so relexes sound about right." I growled at him.

"He's a villan he has no good in him." Was Banner's reply.

"Every villian is a hero in his own mind." I automatically retorted. More pain.

Defending me? He asked, his voice was oddly controlled.

"Reflex." I hissed at him.

"Perhaps my father can help." Thor said for once not uber loud.


"I can bring her with me to Asgard to save her life. If you so shall allow." This Thor said to Fury. He watched me for a moment.

"She is under earth's protection." Fury said.

"She is under my protection as well." Thor said looking at me.

"Then do this to save her." Fury said.

I gasped trying hard to keep my footing under the pain.

"What about my opinon?" I asked. Loki then seemed to realize I didn't want to come, and his eyes suddenly grew bright. He pointed at his mask, and looked calmly at his brother.

Thor took it off slightly so that he could speak.

"Asgardian magic is now rewriting her entire body. She is becoming half Midgaridan and Half Asgardian. She is now one of our people as well. She has to come with us, we cannot leave our dead behind." Loki grinned like he just won at chess. His voice was actually quite nice. He didn't sound quite the same in my head. I turned away from him and looked at Fury, pleading. There was a snap as Thor replaced the muzzle.

"I'm not dead." I objected. "Wait...what do you mean half Asgardian?"

My magic is changing you. You are becoming like us already. You will not survive the transformation, but you will be half of what I am.

"I'm becoming...half alien?" Was my horrifed reply.

Technically yes. Loki's eyes were alight with glee.

"I feel like the Doctor Donna." I said after a moment. Everyone looked at me confused. "Doctor Who wouldn't understand."

Does she die too?

"Will you stop?" I snapped at Loki. Then I felt myself sway as pain once agian gripped my features. So it wasn't just attaching to was changing my very chemical makeup. No wonder it hurt so much.

"We must leave soon if she is to survive." Thor said reaching out and steadying me.