Chapter 6: Breeding and Family

When it comes to the male and female forms, there is no difference for both the riolus and lucarios. I'm not sure where the rumor started that female lucarios have breasts, but they do not.

How does one tell if they have a male or female riolu? There really isn't away, however, males are more common so chances are, your riolu is male.

It is unclear to why female riolus are rare, not only in the wild, but domesticated as well. If one does the math, there is an 12.5% that you will happen upon a female riolu. I myself have only seen 3 females and only one was a lucario. Lucarios can breed with any pokemon that is in the field/human like group. However, since it seems the off spring is often, if not always, the same species as the mother, it's difficult to hatch a riolu.

There is also the possibility of breeding a lucario with a ditto, but these are considered a 'lower' pedigree and from my studies, do seem to fall behind a 'pure' pedigree.

I was lucky enough to come upon my close friend who is the proud trainer of a rare female lucario who she nicknamed 'Onee-sama', a foreign term for a respected older sister. I have no idea where she found it, but it is through mutual benefit that her lucario and mine breed to raise the number of such a rare and wonderful species. It is also heart warming to see how attached the two are to each other.

If you've met me and I've dubbed you a deserving trainer, I've most likely intrusted you with one of the offspring.

Riolus and Lucarios are social creatures, however, due to the rarity of them, it is almost impossible to find a pack. It is hard to catalogue how wild riolus and lucarios act around each other, but from what I have observed between my lucario, Onee-sama, and their son I kept, I can conclude that at least domesticated lucarios are protective parents and nurturing.

There was one instant when Riolu wandered off on his own. He came upon a wild raticate and like all riolus, when scared, he sent out a ripple of aura to signal his distress. Lucario and Onee-sama felt the ripple (as did I only to a weaker extent) and were off to find their son. I have never seen a lucario in such a rage. I was worried the parents would go beyond fainting the wild raticated .

I have also observed the parents teach their offspring simple fighting moves and ways to improve the control over the riolu's aura abilities. However, the riolu seems to also have, to some extent, instincts on the basics of how aura works.