"It's just..."

He turned away from his once best friend in a lame attempt to protect himself from further injury.

"Just what?" the perpetrator inquired, not knowing how truly deep his words from earlier had cut.

"I just thought...that we would always be together you know?" Dick finally exclaimed. "We were always together, from the beginning! Even after Roy or Kaldur, after Conner and the Team, even after Artemis, it was still just us!"

He knew that he was yelling, but it hurt. He knew that Wally wasn't that big on the hero gig anymore and was never as "motivated" as the rest of them were, but Dick always thought he would have been the first one to know about his leaving the Team. He never dreamed that it would be through text-invite to his going away party.


"No! You don't get to call me that anymore! Kid Flash was the only one that knew who I am. You're just Wally West, not the Kid Flash I knew." Dick hissed, giving into the comfort offered by his darker side.

The look he saw on Wally's face when he looked up made him want to take it all back. The words, the yelling, and the memory of himself he was giving Wally on his last day as Kid Flash. Dick felt the apology and tasted the regret on his tongue, but it wouldn't come out.

He watched as green eyes darkened and a red head lower. He watched as the freckled face turned towards the door and the now-civilian body follows. His breathing stopped when the larger than average feet stopped in the doorway, thinking it was a chance to apologize.


"It's been an honor working with you...Robin." Wally said before stepping out the door.

"I..." Dick whispered to an empty room. "I always thought that we would be together..."

A/N: Taken from kididiots's Independence Day YJ ficathon. This is my own entry, so don't be all "You took someone else's fic?!" Because no, no I did not.

If you read this under YJ: Dabble Box, know that I decided to separate the chaps into one-shots so that they are easier to find for the users of this site. I plane to follow with my AO3 account soon. I'm still trying to figure out how to make masterpost pages on tumblr...I am the most technologically illiterate desi in the world. -_-

Accepting prompts for any YJ pairing. Of course I would prefer if you also sent a link to one of your favorite fics of the pair (if there are any) so that I can inspired. Also looking for a loyal beat if anyone is interested!