You Live and You Learn

After our little interlude in the kitchen I finished my coffee and excused myself to shower. Edward was so quiet around me. Naturally he was quiet anyway, but I knew he was extra quiet because he was giving me time to think. I wanted to be as sure as he was I didn't want to be ruled by my fear but I knew the next steps would be the hardest things I've done in my life. I would have to confess to my mom what I had done and hope to God she wouldn't hate me for my secrets and my betrayal. I would have to face the Cullens as well. They would call me a home wreck and I would agree with them.

"I tried not to," I murmured to myself as I dried myself off and threw my robe on. I moved away and I didn't tell Edward a single thing. I wanted him to continue his happy perfect little life. I didn't want him to be as screwed up as me. After a few moments I heard the door open and I heard the voices of Esme and my little man. I was anxious to see him. He was talking to his daddy about the hunt. He was proud of the fact that he was able to hold his own. I cringed at the thought of my toddler looking child hunting down his prey. I closed my eyes and tried not to think about the details. I threw on some pajamas and headed out of my isolation.

"Where's Ness?" I asked as I saw Esme holding Holden and Edward toying with his fingers.

"She went up to her room. She wanted to talk to her mom and ask her if it's okay for her to stay here for a while." Edward delivered the news and I could tell he was happy. I told him Ness would come around. I don't know how happy she would be to know that we were actually together, but she said she could tell how felt about her dad.

"Mommy, I feel full … really full," Holden said with a smile.

"Oh Scooter I'm so glad!" I reached out to him and he hopped off his grandmother's lap and within seconds he was in my arms. I brushed his hair out of his face and his brown eyes were traced with a hint of gold. He chuckled and placed his head on my shoulder.

"I'm going to go to Ness now," he proclaimed. "Grandma is really nice," he whispered before he zoomed upstairs in a flash. My son and I apparently have different ideas of nice. A nice person wouldn't try to steal someone's son. I sat down in the chair across from Edward and Esme and they both looked at me as if they were expecting something.

"Thank you for taking Holden. He seems to have really enjoyed himself," I said for lack of anything better to say. I crossed my legs and arms.

"Of course, I want as much time with my grandson as possible. You should have let him hunt sooner. He seemed really thirsty. I know you may not like the creature that he is, but he is what he is. Understand?" I rolled my eyes. She was trying to tell me how to parent again.

"I accept Holden for ALL that he is. My only mistake was that I didn't increase his blood intake as he grew. Sometimes I forget he still isn't the tiny little baby I had a few months ago," I confessed. Esme opened her mouth to say something but apparently thought better of it.

"Well … you live and you learn," Esme surmised and she shot a glance at her son. "I am headed off. Carlisle and I are attending a charity event for the hospital later." She stood up to leave and Edward stopped her and he looked at me as if asking for permission. It was his call we were going to have to tell them sooner or later.

"Mother, Bella and have officially divorced. The papers are on there was to the attorney's office as we speak," he started and Esme sat back down. She looked as though her world had fallen apart. She stared daggers at me and I knew I was being blamed.

"Don't do that," Edward warned. "I have been going back and forth with this idea for a while now. I decided to take action. Leah knew nothing about it so if you need someone to blame, blame me. I was too quick to assume Bella was the one simply because she was different. She was interesting to me because I couldn't read her. I should have known the different between intrigue and real love. There were a few moments of silence. I really didn't know what to say. Edward had just told his pseudo mom that he loved me.

"So you're saying that's what you feel now?" Edward nodded and looked at me and so did Esme.

"And what about you Leah? Do you love my son?" Dammit ugh, how many times was I going to have to say it in one day? I wasn't the type for all the confessions and the mush. So I did what Edward did I nodded and hoped it would be enough.

"Well … I can't say I'm happy for you although I wish I could. I just hope you got it right this time son," Esme said before saying goodbye. Once she left I exhaled deeply. I hadn't realized I had been holding my breath.

"See it wasn't so bad," Edward snickered a little bit.

"No, but your mother is the nicest one in your family. Don't deny because you told me that yourself. The worst is yet to come," I hopped up and stretched. "I gotta get ready for work." I started to walk past him but stopped turned around and gave him a kiss. I could feel his smile against my lips and it cause me to grin too. I might as well enjoy the perks of all this craziness while it lasts

Author's Note: I know, I know I am a horrible person. I haven't been back to this story in forever. I hope you like the little chappie. I have not forgotten this story.