The earliest memory I have is sitting in the living room of my old house with my mother. I must have been wicked little, since the only dialogue I can remember is my mother bending over to me and saying, "baby!"

That's it. That's all I can recall. I think it's interesting how our minds can dive so far back in our history that we bring up these tiny memories. Memories that meant nothing at the time, but everything today. Life is so precious and short, it's important to find people who really make you happy.

I spent a lot of time being sad about the loss of my family. I wanted to see them again, I wanted to be near them. But in the end, I realized that it was alright to let go. They were in a better place, and I was, too. We need to move on and find new people to bring us joy, because there is always that person right around the corner, even if you don't believe it, who will give you everything you ever dreamed of.

The sun was setting over a vast expanse of ocean, flecking the water with lines of golden light. A few sailboats dotted the horizon, floating peacefully in the current. The sky was perfectly cloudless. God himself could not shape a better end to any day.

Along the still warm sand, two sets of footprints made a line running close to the water. Every ten steps or so, the smaller feet moved around and there were some handprints, too, before they got back up on their way. There would be a crab or piece of something interesting around the points where they had squat down. It was just how Logan was exploring the world; like a child. He walked alongside the Florida coast holding hands with James. It was the first time he had ever been to a beach, so everything was exciting. And it had only been a few months since his vision came back, so one could imagine the sense of exploration and joy that he felt regardless of the honeymoon.

James held a martini in his freehand as he teetered across the sand next the Logan. There was a plastic bag hanging from his arm that Logan was filling with a plethora of seashells picked from the beach. They continued at a slow pace until Logan suddenly dropped down to his knees once more. "Look!" he shouted, smiling, and brandished a thin finger to the sand. James squint and saw the skeleton of a sand dollar sitting on the ground.

"What is that?" he asked.

"I dunno," Logan replied, poking at the thin white thing. "A shell or something?"

James shrugged but opened the bag up. "Put it in. We can look it up or ask someone, maybe." Logan nodded and delicately lifted the sand dollar off of the ground and slid it into the bag.

"I think that's enough, right?" James asked upon feeling the weight of the bag.

"Probably," Logan said. He stood up on his feet once more and took James's hand in his. "This is so cool."

"What is?"

"Being here."

"Yeah!" James flashed a sparkling smile at his husband and sighed. He looked out over the ocean, so fucking thankful that Logan was able to see it. "Look out there," he said, taking Logan's shoulders and turning him to face the sea. They stood there in silence as a sailboat slowly made its way in front of the setting sun. The sky began to turn pink. James put his drink down on the sand and slipped his arms around Logan's waist. He nuzzled his nose against the crook of the shorter man's neck and kissed him softly. A soft, cute moan fell out of Logan's mouth as he rocked his head to the side and closed his eyes. Logan rose up his left hand and touched James's. The thin, silver bands that identically sat on their ring fingers sparkled in the evening sunlight.

"I love you," James whispered.

"I love you," Logan replied. "I never thought I could be this happy."

"Mmmmmh me neither."

Logan turned his head and met James in a kiss. It was a tame, chaste kiss, but full of passion nonetheless. Their love for each other radiated like the sunset over the ocean; it was endless, powerful, amazing and pure. This was a love that blended into lifetimes to come. A love that made miracles.

"Ready to get back to the hotel?" James whispered.


"I want to fuck you bad."


James picked up his almost empty glass and they made their way back to the hotel. It was practically night by the time they got back into the room. Logan yawned after the door closed. "I'm so sleepy," he said.

"How come?"

"The plane was scary."

"Not that bad. You'll get used to it."

"Well, I dunno if I'll be going on another one anytime soon."

James walked into the kitchenette and took two beers from the little fridge. He tossed one at Logan, who immediately cracked it open and started to drink.

"You will," James said, casually.

"Eh, what?"

The taller of them smiled, eyes twinkling, as he opened his beer and came into the common area of the room. Logan was confused. "What are you talking about?" he asked.

James didn't answer yet. He sauntered to the window by the bed and put his elbows on the sill. Night was starting to come out. People were walking along the boardwalk. Bright lights were turning on. There was a time in James's life where he would spend about an hour getting ready, "just perfect" and then leave for the nightlife, not to come home until the early morning. He would stay out, picking up guys, getting drunk, doing all of that. But not anymore. There was no need for that. He had the most amazing thing that anybody could ask for, ever.

He looked over his shoulder and gazed at Logan lovingly. Logan stepped slowly behind him, still looking downright confused. "What…are you talking about?" he asked once more.

James took a tiny sip of his beer and turned his attention out of the window again. His cheeks turned red, maybe from the alcohol, maybe from the romance, maybe from nothing. "I booked us a cruise," he finally said. Logan tried not to drop the can of beer in his hand.

"What?" he spat out.

"I booked us a cruise," James repeated. "A Mediterranean cruise. For the summer."

Logan laid the side of his face upon James's strong back. He sighed, smiling, and hugged him with one arm.

"I know how you always wanted to see that place," James continued. "So I thought, now's the perfect time, right?"

"Uh huh," Logan whispered. His happiness was overwhelming.

"I invited Carlos and Kendall, but they'll be too busy."

"Ahh, just like this trip," Logan sighed. He was disappointed that their best friends declined the invitation down to Florida.

"Hey, they have a good excuse," James said. He turned around and took Logan in his arms now.

"I guess."

"Shit, I even told them to bring Eleanor with them."

"Is it safe for pregnant women to go on planes?"

"I guess so. But they still said no."

"Stupid family," Logan grumbled.

"Hey, don't say that," James said. He brushed his nose through Logan's fine, dark hair, inhaling his intoxicating scent. "Doesn't it give you any ideas?"

"Like what?"

"Well, like, you know…Carlos and Kendall got married, found a surrogate mother. We got married…"

Logan started to giggle. He looked up at James with his chocolate eyes and smiled. "I see what you're hinting at."


"Not yet," Logan said. "I'm not even totally adjusted to taking care of myself, let alone a baby. But someday, definitely. Yeah. We'll have a family someday."

"I'd like that," James whispered. He finished off the beer and snatched Logan by the waist, hoisting him into the air.

"Aaaye!" Logan called out, squirming a bit.

"Let's go to bed!" James yelled. He carried Logan over to the bed and laid him down gently. He climbed up on top of him and began to kiss, wet and intense.

"Wait," Logan said. He put his index finger over James's lips.


"I don't want to have sex."

"Why's that?"

"It's too amazing," Logan said.


"Being here, just like this. It's too amazing. Let's have sex in the morning. Is that okay?"

"I guess." James reluctantly rolled off of his husband and cuddled up next to him. He tried to make his boner go away. "I don't totally understand, though."

"I just want to relax and be near you. I don't want to fuck."


James kissed Logan on the cheek and held him close. They snuggled up real tight and closed their eyes. Maybe Logan was right. It was nice just to be holding each other and relax. They had a whole lifetime of having sex together, but it was the only first night of their trip they would have like that. The window was open and light air blew in. Logan nuzzled James's chest and sighed in utter content. This was perfect. His life was perfect. Everything was fucking perfect.

"Thank you, James," Logan whispered, even though his husband had already fallen asleep. "Thank you."

~the end~