A/N: Look at that, only a little over a week between updates! I feel like I'm finally getting into a good rhythm with this story again (plus, settling into a little bit of a rhythm with my new job), so I'm hoping to continue with at least every-other-week updates, if not more frequent as the muse and my schedule allow. Thank you all for sticking with me!

And for those who were disappointed that this story won't be going toward Jolie endgame, I've also started publishing my next story, "Back To Square One", which may take a while to get there (the first few chapters are very focused on the Buchanan family), but will definitely be Jolie endgame.

"Are you sure you're ready for this?"

Natalie rolled her eyes as she closed the car door and looked over at her sister. "Jessica, for the eighteenth time today, it's just lunch at the Palace," she said. "We've probably done this dozens, if not hundreds, of times over the years. Why should today be any different?"

"Because it's only been ten days since you had major surgery," Jessica said. "And it's the first time you've been out of the house since coming home from the hospital. Going out in public is a big deal."

"It's only a big deal if we make it a big deal," Natalie said. "So let's not do that, okay? This is the first day since surgery that I feel almost like a normal human being, and I'm starting chemo day after tomorrow, so it might be the last time I feel like that for a long time. Can we please just enjoy it and not focus on the cancer thing?"

"If that's what you want, of course we can," Jessica said. "But you know if Renee's here, she's going to make a fuss over you."

"Well yeah, but she does that even when I'm not sick," Natalie said. "And she'll do it for you too."

Jessica laughed. "Good point," she said, pausing as they stepped through the front doors into the lobby of the hotel. "Hey, isn't that Cristian?"

Natalie followed Jessica's gaze across the lobby to the corner where, sure enough, Cristian Vega was sitting on an upholstered bench, his head down as he scrolled through his cell phone.

"Yeah, I guess it is," Natalie said.

"Let's go say hi," Jessica said, grabbing Natalie's arm before she could object. "Cristian!"

Looking up, Cristian smiled as the two women walked up to him. "Natalie, Jessica. Hi," he said, giving Jessica a quick hug before turning to Natalie, who returned his smile awkwardly as the exchanged a slightly longer hug.

"What are you doing here?" Jessica asked. "I thought you were off living the good life in Spain."

"I've been home for a few weeks," Cristian said. "It's summer break."

"Ah, the life of a teacher," Jessica nodded. "Well, I'm sure your mother is thrilled to have you home for at least a little while."

"I think she'd be happier if I came home permanently," Cristian said.

"Oh, I'm sure she would be," Jessica said with a smile, suddenly noticing the odd silence from Natalie and quickly assuming that she must be more tired than she'd let on when they arrived. "You know what? I'm going to go check and see if our table is ready. Make sure you sit down if you need to, Natalie, we're early so it might be a few minutes."

Natalie shook her head as Jessica walked away from them.

"Do you, uh, want to sit?" Cristian asked, motioning toward the bench.

"I'm okay," Natalie said. "She's been acting like I'm an invalid."

"She's worried about you," Cristian said. "She's your sister, she loves you."

"Well, it's annoying," Natalie said.

Cristian laughed and nodded. "You always were too independent for your own good," he said, pausing for a moment as she smiled at him. "How, um…how are you?"

"I'm…" Natalie hesitated, the word 'okay' lingering on her lips. "I'm hanging in there."

"If there's anything I can do…"

Natalie shook her head quickly. "You've got plenty of more important things to worry about," she said. "Shouldn't you be busy planning a wedding?"

"Mom and Erin are touring the ballroom right now," he said.

"So why are you hiding in the lobby?"

"Who says I'm hiding?" Cristian asked innocently.

"C'mon, Cris, it's me you're talking to," Natalie said. "You're hiding."

"I'm not hiding, I'm staying out of the line of fire," Cristian said.

"The line of fire?"

"Erin's not going to agree to get married here because she still wants to do it in Spain," Cristian said. "And when she tells my mother that, they're both going to ask me to take sides. And I don't want to do that."

"So you're hiding."

"Fine, I'm hiding," Cristian conceded. "Can you blame me?"

"I suppose not," Natalie said. "But at some point, they're going to find you, and you're going have to have an opinion."

"And I'll deal with that when it happens," Cristian said. "In the meantime, I'm going to enjoy this last peaceful moment here before all hell breaks loose."

"I don't blame you there," Natalie said. "I might take chemo over dealing with your mother when she's not happy about something."

Cristian frowned at her words.

"It's a joke," Natalie said quickly. "Don't go all dark on me, Cristian, I have to make jokes or I might turn into that cancer girl I'm trying to avoid becoming."

"I don't…"

"Cristian, there you are!"

Cristian shot Natalie a 'help me' look before he turned to find his fiancee approaching the two of them.

"Erin, where's my mother?" he asked, looking behind her but not seeing the second woman he'd been expecting.

Erin shrugged. "She said she'd meet us back at the house," she said. "Who's this?"

"Oh, um, Erin, this is Natalie," he said. "Natalie, this is Erin."

"His fiancee," Erin added, extending a hand to Natalie.

"Of course," Natalie said, forcing herself to smile as she shook the blonde woman's hand. "It's nice to meet you. I hope you're enjoying your time in Llanview."

"It's certainly been interesting," Erin said. "We're looking forward to getting back home to Spain next week."

"You're leaving so soon?" Natalie asked in surprise, looking over at Cristian.

"We're still working on our exact plans," Cristian said, ignoring the look Erin gave him.

"Well, I hope you liked what you liked what you saw here at the Palace," Natalie said. "It's always been the go-to place for our best events here in Llanview."

"I don't think that's saying much," Erin said. "It seems a bit dated to me, but I suppose some people don't mind that. Personally, I'm looking for someplace a little classier for my wedding."

"Classier?" Natalie almost laughed at the condescension in her voice.

"I've always liked the Palace," Cristian said defensively.

"We'll talk about it later," Erin said. "We should really get going."

"You're welcome to join us for lunch," Natalie suggested.

"I don't think so," Erin said. "Cristian, let's go."

Cristian frowned and mouthed an apology to Natalie as Erin slipped her arm through his and half-dragged him toward the door.

"Well, she seems a little possessive," Jessica commented, walking up behind Natalie just in time to see Cristian and Erin leave. "Who is she?"

"His fiancee," Natalie said, turning around to face her sister. "Is our table ready?"

"Alright, what the hell was that about?" Cristian asked angrily, starting the car as Erin climbed into the passenger seat. "You were so rude to Natalie back there. What's going on?"

"Well, you'll have to forgive me for not wanting to have lunch with your ex-wife in the same place you had your wedding reception," Erin snapped. "Or did your think your mother wouldn't mention that? Because she seems to have very fond memories of that day."

"Erin, you said you wanted something upscale, and the Palace is the most upscale venue in town," he said. "There've been so many events there over the years, it honestly didn't even occur to me. And my mother may like Natalie now, but she certainly wasn't thrilled when I married her."

"I don't care how she felt about her then," Erin said. "She made it perfectly clear today that she would much rather have you be marrying Natalie again."

"Don't be ridiculous," Cristian said.

"Ridiculous? Seriously? I have to endure a full morning of listening to your mother talk about how great your wedding to Natalie was, and how wonderful Natalie is, and how much she loves Natalie's family," Erin said. "With the clear implication being that she doesn't feel the same way about me."


"And then I come out and what do I find you doing?" Erin continued. "Flirting with your ex-wife!"

"I was not flirting with Natalie," Cristian insisted. "We were talking, that's all. Just talking."

"Looked like more than that to me," Erin said.

"You're reading way too much into the situation," Cristian said. "Natalie is a friend, that's all."

"Are you sure that's all she wants?"

"Yes, I'm sure," Cristian said. "Erin, Natalie's got a lot going on right now, a relationship is the last thing on her mind, especially with me. We're just friends."