In the darkest of areas Davis and Tai were there, but were acting weird. They had fangs and were flying, they were vampires. There was one more, but didn't know who he was. He was laughing evilly and all three were fighting. Then Davis woke up in his bed.
"What a weird dream?" Davis said. It was been a few years after the defeat of Malomyotismon. Tai and his group were seniors in high school and Davis's were freshman except Cody and Yolei as a soft more. After Davis got changed he headed to school.
"No way you and Tai were like vampires." T.K. said. Davis told him about his dream when they were having lunch.
"Yeah it was so weird and we were fighting another guy." Davis said.
"Hey are you going to the Halloween dance?" T.K. said. There was a dance at their school that was going to happen on Halloween.
"As soon as I can find a date." Davis said and a guy tripped him and Davis had his food in his face with everyone laughing. "But who would want go out with me." Davis and T.K. sat with Kari and Yolei.
"Hey guys." Kari said.
"You okay Davis?" Yolei said.
"Yeah I'll be fine." Davis said as he cleaned himself up.
"That guy is just a jerk don't worry about him." Kari said.
"So Kari did you see Twilight last night?" Yolei said.
"I stayed up till midnight." Kari said.
"What's so great about Twilight?" Davis said.
"I don't know. I don't get what the big deal is." T.K. said. (Seriously what's the big deal about Twilight?)
"I just love Jacob." Yolei said.
"I'm more into Edward." Kari said.
"Edward, isn't that the guy who is a vampire?" T.K. said.
"You like vampires Kari?" Davis said.
"I wouldn't think you would after the whole thing with Myotismon." T.K. said.
"I know, but he is so deep and dreamy." Kari said.
"Can we please not talk about vampires. I had this weird dream about vampires and I can't get my mind out of it." Davis said. 'Still I feel like that wasn't a dream. It felt so real.' He thought. Then out of nowhere and earthquake began.
"Whoa what's going on?" Kari said.
"Earthquake!" Yolei said.
"Everyone hold on, cover your heads." A teacher said and then just all of a sudden it stopped.
"That was weird. It came and went." T.K. said.
Deep underground was a coffin and after the earthquake it slid open a little. It was open enough for a hand to come out and push the coffin open with someone coming out.
"After centuries I am free." The figure said. "My army maybe gone, but after all these years they will rise again with new members. Go my pets and find me new minions." Hundreds of bats went out flying. "In the meantime I need some new clothes to fit in around here."
It got later and Davis was walking home until Tai caught up to him.
"Hey Davis." Tai said.
"Hey Tai, what's up." Davis said.
"Fine, did you feel that earthquake?" Tai said.
"Yeah it was weird anyway the way it came and went, what are you doing out here this late?" Davis said.
"I was just walking by when I spotted you. Hey are you going to the Halloween Dance happening at school?" Tai said.
"I don't know." Davis said.
"Oh come on it will be fun. I know you think it will be weird with me saying this, but if you want to ask Kari go ahead." Tai said.
"Are you serious, you're okay with me asking your sister?" Davis said.
"Yeah, in fact since Mimi moved back I'm thinking of asking her." Tai said.
"You want to ask Mimi?" Davis said.
"Yeah. Since Sora is dating Matt Mimi and I actually grew closer. Except when she's talking about Twilight." Tai said.
"Yeah almost all the girls do." Davis said.
"I saw Kari watch it last night and what's the big deal. Sora kept saying Jacob is better, but Mimi keeps saying Edward is." Tai said.
"Kari's on team Edward too and before you say something that's what the girls are saying." Davis said.
"I never thought Mimi would be the type to like vampires, but I guess it would be cool." Tai said.
"So anyway are you going to ask Mimi to the dance?" Davis said.
"Oh yeah and in fact between you and me, I kind of thought about doing her." Tai said.
"What does that mean?" Davis said.
"You know." Tai said moving his eyebrows up and down.
"Oh Tai." Davis said catching on.
"Hey with a figure like her, it's the hormones." Tai said.
"Tai!" Davis said complaining and then stopped walking. "Hey have you noticed there are a lot of bats flying around."
"Yeah you're right. There are more than usual." Tai said as they noticed all the bats flying around.
"I got a bad feeling about this." Davis said. To the bat's point of view they saw Davis and Tai as only their outlines with their veins red and saw their hearts pumping.
"Come on we better keep moving." Tai said and they easily just walked away, but when they noticed more bats they picked up the pace until they actually decided to run.
"Are we really running from flying mice?" Davis said.
"Well something is just not right here plus those bats could have rabies." Tai said. Then a few bats got in front of them and the bats started flying around them. The one who owns the bats saw them through the bats.
"Oh they will do nicely. They aren't like any other human I've seen. They will do just fine. Transform only them for now." The guy said. The two bats got on Tai and Davis, one for each and bit their necks. After they got bit Tai and Davis began to feel a little dizzy until they collapsed.