Liara awoke to the feeling of a warm body shifting next to her in bed. As tender fingers ran down her crest, her bright blue eyes fluttered open. "Good morning, sleepy. You dropped off pretty quickly last night."

"You wore me out," the scientist murmured contentedly

Melanie smiled at that. "How're you feeling?"

"Wonderful. A little sore perhaps. But a good kind of sore. And you?"

Shepard leaned over and gave her a long, slow kiss. "Great. Definitely a good idea you had."

"Thank you for saying that." Liara felt her face flush with pride. As sexually inexperienced as she had been, it was nice to have been the one to come up with something that her partner had enjoyed so much.

"Well, thank you for having the idea." Shepard kissed her cheek before picking up a room service menu. "I was going to get us some breakfast before you woke up, but these prices are insane. 10 credits for juice? 40 credits for waffles? I think my weekly meal allowance when I first joined the Alliance was less than that."

"And yet you have no problem spending 10,000 credits on weapon upgrades," Liara teased.

"Hey, those are for Specter business." Shepard tried to keep a straight face, but gradually her mouth turned upwards into a smirk. "No matter how much I might enjoy using them."

Liara kissed her bondmate on the cheek and took the menu from her. "I'm sure you will enjoy breakfast too. My financial holdings can manage some waffles, even overpriced ones." She knew that it would take Shepard some time to adjust to having money. Her lover had grown up grindingly poor on Earth, whereas Liara's family had always been quite wealthy. Even if she had never fully embraced the trappings of that wealth, she was familiar with them.

"Those were good," Shepard conceded, licking the syrup off of her lips. "Maybe not 40 credits good, but still damn good."

Liara grinned, kissing away a drop that had fallen on Melanie's collarbone, "We do need to get our strength back."

"An excellent point," Melanie agreed, polishing off her juice. "Did you have any more surprises up your sleeve? Because so far, you've been batting 1.000."

"Batting a thousand?" Liara didn't recognize the idiom.

"Human sports thing, sorry. Just means that you've been perfect."

"You are too kind, but no, I do not. I thought that perhaps there was something you would like to try however."

Her bondmate got a mischievous smile that sent a shiver of desire running down Liara's spine. "Well, I had a chance to think about it a bit after you fell asleep last night and I had one idea. Do you remember the shower we took right after I got back to the Normandy after the war?"

"Of course." Warmth filled Liara as she recalled that incident. When they made love just after they were reunited, it had been needful, almost desperate, a reminder that both of them were alive and together at last. Going down on Shepard in the shower later though had been a small way for her to thank her lover, to show her just how much Liara appreciated all that Melanie had done.

In truth, as far as Liara was concerned, the Council could build Shepard a palace made of solid eezo and fill it with the most beautiful maidens on Thessia and they would still be in her debt. Fortunately, what Melanie wanted instead was her, and even if no reward could repay all that her bondmate had accomplished, Liara very much liked trying. "Did you want us to use the shower here? I know that we have enjoyed the one in your cabin, but this unit is considerably larger…"

"No, that's not it." Liara looked quizzically at Melanie and the Specter continued. "Remember how you used your biotics to hold me up because my leg was still bothering me? It felt really interesting, and I thought we might experiment with that a bit more."

Liara's tongue peeked out, and ran tentatively over her lips. She had heard of biotics being used in that way, but she had no experience with doing so. "I would be happy to, love, but I do not quite know how."

Shepard ran a finger lightly up her chest. "That's okay. Figuring it out together should be fun."

Reaching down, Liara brought the tan digit up to her mouth and sucked on it seductively. A low moan escaped Shepard's throat and Liara let it slip from her lips before joking, "Very well then. But do not blame me if this ends up with you floating across the room."

"Fair enough," Shepard agreed cheerfully, rolling over on top of her. Liara collapsed into the pillows and as Shepard started to kiss down her neck, the asari let out a happy sigh.

Beneath her, Liara sighed happily as Shepard nibbled along her collarbone, lavishing kisses on all the smooth blue skin she could find, while her hands roamed downwards. Nipples hardened with appealing swiftness under her palms, and Shepard was glad that Liara wasn't too sated from the night before. Given Melanie's lack of biotic talent beyond the ability to form defensive barriers, her lover would have take the lead soon and she wanted to bring Liara pleasure first.

Her mouth closed around a dark blue tip, and Liara's neck arched, her head tilting back with delight. As Shepard swiftly flicked her tongue back and forth, the asari's hand caressed her black hair. "Goddess, I love you," Liara breathed appreciatively. "You are so very good to me."

Shepard looked up, her thumb playing with the slick nipple. "Mm, I love you too and I spent too long wanting to do this before I could. Makes me appreciate the opportunity."

"I could say the same thing." Liara's hands slid, down, caressing Melanie's torso, and brushing tantalizingly over the sides of her breasts.

Shepard stretched upwards, catching Liara's lips with her own, loving the heat of her bondmate's mouth. "Well, that seems to work out well for both of us."

"Indeed it does," Liara laughed, and she kissed Melanie again, her body squirming underneath her. Liara's so soft, so alive with joy, and right then, all of the pain and longing Shepard endured felt totally worthwhile if they brought her to that moment. She moved her leg in-between Liara's thighs and when they pushed up around her, she could feel the first evidence of her lover's arousal slick against on her skin.

The asari rocked against her enthusiastically, pressing her clit against Melanie's strong thigh, and when Shepard's fingers gripped the sensitive folds of her crests, Liara movements started to become more energetic.

"Oh, Liara," Melanie teased, her voice thick with passion. "Five minutes ago, you seemed content, and now…." She reached her other hand down between their entwined legs, her fingers caressing the slick, dark blue scales between the asari's legs.

Liara gasped. "The things you do to me…"

"Go on," Melanie coaxed. She loved hearing Liara's soft voice describe her arousal, and by way of encouragement, she shifted her fingers to the asari's engorged clit. Liara leaned into them, her arms wrapping around Shepard's shoulders, holding her lover tightly as she thrust against her hand.

Half lost in her pleasure, Liara tried to find the words to reply. "You, you're so good…"

Melanie buried her face in Liara's shoulder, caressing her lover even as she enjoyed hearing the edge in her voice.

"I love that you feel that way," she replied tenderly. Shepard drew her tongue up the smooth scales along Liara's neck, and the asari's words collapsed into a series of sharp cries, blue hips pressing needfully against strong tan fingers. The Specter slipped two of her digits past Liara's now-soaked entrance, and that added sensation was enough. Liara came suddenly, taking Shepard's fingers as deeply as she could into her, the feel of her inner walls pulsing around Melanie inflaming her own desire.

As her lover's cries of pleasure slowly faded from her ears, Melanie slid her soaked fingers out, enjoying the way that Liara's body clung to them as she did. The asari seemed momentarily disappointed at the loss of her touch, but when Shepard brought them to her mouth and sensuously licked them clean, she was rewarded with the sound of Liara swallowing hard.

A sultry smile appeared on her bondmate's lovely face, and with a sudden flare of light, a corona of biotic energy sprung into being around Liara. "My turn," she declared, the heat in her voice causing Shepard to flush.

Liara pressed a hand to Melanie's chest and the human took the hint, falling back onto the soft mound of pillows. Starring up at her bondmate, naked, sweaty, and wreathed in power, took Melanie's breath away, but after a moment, she managed to whisper, "You look incredible."

Liara blushed adorably, and the contrast between her expression and how formidable she looked otherwise was definitely appealing. Melanie could feel her clit pulse in anticipation, and she was glad that Liara could sense her desire; pleasing the asari always turned her on, and right now, she was looking forward to trying out this particular fantasy.

Looking at the beautiful woman beneath her, Liara felt a twinge of uncertainty. She could see the arousal in her bondmate's blue eyes, but she wasn't sure how to do what Shepard wanted. Still, she trusted that Melanie would be patient and let her know if she wasn't getting it right.

With a thought, she gradually extended her biotic field, bringing a tendril of energy to brush lightly alongside Shepard's cheek. The Specter turned her head into the contact, and Liara asked, "How does it feel, love?"

"Soft. Kind of tingly. Do you think you can make it firmer?"

Liara nodded, and she strengthened the field, allowing it to stroke her lover. It was a somewhat detached sensation caressing Melanie this way; when she moved objects with her biotics, she was aware of their location, but didn't experience them in the same way as with a physical touch. Feeling the need for more contact, she brought her palm to rest on the Specter's stomach, pleased when Melanie's own hand moved to cover hers. Her lover's grip was reassuring, and as she continued to play with the biotic fields, Shepard's fingers rubbed the top of her hand.

Gradually, Liara let the biotic field drift down until it rested above Shepard's breasts. Focusing her thoughts, she started to massage her lover, but though Melanie at first gasped with pleasure, when she unexpectedly let out a pained yelp, Liara startled, the biotic field vanishing in her surprise.

"Oh Goddess, Melanie!" Shepard rubbed one of her dark brown nipples. "I'm so sorry. It is hard to be precise when I'm doing that."

The Specter looked up reassuringly. "Hey, it's okay. I was the one who wanted to try this. You just pinched it a little too much. But I do think we should move things along."

Liara wasn't sure what she meant. "To what?"

Melanie grinned, her good humor happily undiminished. "To melding. I think it'll make it easier to get this right and later on, it should have other uses."

"An excellent idea." Liara bent down, kissing the sore nipple gently, and when she looked up again, her eyes were dark. Melanie's thoughts opened to her, loving and strong, and immediately Liara felt more confidant, now sure that she hadn't really hurt Shepard. Her biotics reignited and as she enjoyed Melanie's appreciation of the way she looked wreathed in light, she reached out with the field, stroking her lover's body with it.

Able now to feel what the Specter felt, she could tell why Melanie had been interested in exploring this. Through her lover, she could sense the energy against soft skin, strong and yet slightly yielding, producing an intriguing vibratory sensation. It was odd, she thought; her biotics didn't feel that way when she shielded herself with them.

"Maybe it's like ticking yourself," Melanie suggested.

"Oh, like this?", Liara replied, and she weakened her touch, brushing under the human's arms with a feather-light caress of the field. Melanie twitched and laughed, and Liara giggled as well, the warmth of Shepard's love felt across the bond filling her with happiness and a renewed desire to give the woman she adored what she wanted.

Breathing in deeply, she strengthened her touch again, engulfing Melanie's torso in light. The Specter arched her back into the field, and this time, Liara could feel the precise contours of her pleasure, could tell where to increase the force of her touch and where to keep it light. With growing confidence, Liara massaged Shepard's breasts while teasing the sensitive nipples atop them, and both the reactions she sensed as well as the rippling of taut stomach muscles as Shepard strained for more told her she was doing well.

Shepard groaned, and Liara could feel need growing in her partner, the discomfort and laughter replaced by rising desire. Holding her field steady, she dismounted Melanie's legs, and in response to Liara's unspoken request, the commander spread them, allowing her to slide a hand in between. Melanie's folds were slick under her touch, and Liara let her hand run up and down them, building the Specter's arousal as she resumed caressing the human's chest and torso with her biotics.

Her lover's hips began to move against her, craving more, and Liara complied, her digits parting the folds and pressing against Melanie's clitoris. It was harder to locate than that of an asari, and at first, she had needed the help of the meld to reliably do it. That was no longer true, but Liara still loved sharing the fulfilled longing that resulted when she ran her now-wet fingers over the hard point.

"Could you…" Melanie sent in-between hungry moans. "Could you try adding a field down there?"

Liara withdrew her hand for a moment and let the field on the Specter's chest vanish, focusing instead on creating a smaller, weaker one around her fingers. She could see Shepard starring intently at her hand, craving the return of her touch.

Tentatively, wanting to be sure it was not too strong, she moved her glowing fingers back over Melanie's clit, and the reaction was immediate. The vibration combined with the warm press of her hand caused an instant shiver of pleasure to run through Melanie, so strong that Liara's own clit pulsed in sympathy.

Melanie felt incredible, the biotic vibrations combining with the loving press of flesh against her clit into a sensation unlike any she'd ever felt before. Shepard cried out, and she felt Liara's body reacting with need to the pleasure they were sharing. She knew the asari craved physical contact to accompany the mental stimulation, and even as light strokes coaxed further moans from the commander, she reached out to her lover. Liara spread herself, and Shepard rested her hand against the asari, letting her press her wet need against Melanie's palm.

Liara was experimenting, withdrawing the field slightly, and Shepard practically jumped into her hand at the loss of sensation, before she brought the energy back. Melanie's breathing was ragged now, her hips twitching with every electric press of Liara's fingers. She was getting close, and feeling her urgent need, Liara steadied her strokes, Shepard's swollen clit throbbing intensely under her bondmate's touch.

"So good," she whispered, her brown skin flushed with desire, unable to find any words but those. "Fuck, Liara, so good."

Her lover was close to peaking as well, her arousal wet against Melanie's hand, her hips bucking in time with Specter's, as she pushed towards another climax. "Goddess, Shepard," Liara sent, "Feeling you like this…. I'm going to come so hard…"

As she sent the words, Liara added a vibratory pulse through the field, and the combined mental and physical stimulation did it. The massive orgasm that had been building within Melanie overtook her, her body writhing as her hips pushed frantically against the hand between them. She felt Liara being pulled along with her, the asari shuddering with pleasure as her clit throbbed against Melanie's fingers.

Even as she came, Liara's biotics flared, and when another pulse passed through her hand and into Melanie, the Specter felt a second orgasm crash on the heels of the first. Her thighs clenched around Liara's hand, trying to keep the source of her pleasure as close to her as she could, and with her free arm, she pulled her lover to her. Her hot kiss was fierce against the asari's mouth, and the sheer passion in Shepard overwhelmed Liara, her own pleasure peaking again. The asari pressed her warm, soft skin against Melanie, and together, they lost themselves in ecstasy, minds and bodies merging together for an extended, perfect moment.

Even as their pleasure ebbed, Liara found herself reluctant to let the bond end, the contentment she shared with Melanie too good to relinquish. Gradually though, coherent thought returned, and as Liara ran her hands languidly over Shepard's muscled back, she whispered playfully, "Well, that seemed like an experiment worth repeating."

Melanie chuckled tiredly, kissing the convenient skin of Liara's neck. "I'm sure a good scientist like you will want to conduct some… exhaustive studies, but I'm definitely up for it."

"Wonderful," she sighed, letting herself rest underneath the comforting weight of her lover. To think that this really was just a beginning, that they had a lifetime to explore, to experiment, to be together: Liara found herself as happy as she could remember being. There had been so much doubt, so much fear in their pasts, but now, she knew what her future held, and it was better than she had ever hoped it could be.

Well, that certainly was a lot of smut. I'm a little uncertain about the last chapter, because as you might imagine, biotic sex isn't something I'm personally experienced with. Please let me know how you thought it worked, and if you're curious about how Melanie and Liara got to this point or where they're headed, try Long Way Home or Home Life respectively. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it.