I do not own Naruto
6 months before the genin exams Konoha
"NARUTO!" shouted Iruka chasing the blonde academy student through all of Konoha. The anbu are also hot on his trail to take revenge on him due to the latest prank that they are victims to.
"Come on it looks great. I'm telling you orange will be the new black" laughed Naruto. Taking one turn around the corner he comes to a complete stop seeing multiple squads of anbu, jonin and chunin in front of him. "Wow" startled to see the sea of orange.
The jonins and chunins are gritting their teeth because of the orange vests while the anbu are holding up their orange cloaks.
"Great looking colors guys. Again tomorrow at ten am so we can have another meeting" answered Naruto. Slowly inching away from the corner he completely turns and runs for his life which he depends on.
"Get the gaki!" shouted the jonin.
It didn't take long for everyone to soon chase Naruto down the streets. Iruka was not chasing him for the prank on the contrary he is chasing Naruto to get him back to class.
"Ahh" shouted Naruto. Looking at his shoulder seeing the kunai cut his jacket "That was too close".
"NOT CLOSE ENOUGH!" shouted Anko. Throwing a barrage of kunai at the blonde some of the jonins are wondering how many does she carry but some are wondering where is she hiding them.
"Come on legs don't fail me now" closing his eyes pushing himself to move faster but when he opened his eyes he soon saw the sea of orange catching up to him. Quickly taking another different alternate route that won't involve too much pain. He makes his route towards the gate "LATER!" shouted Naruto.
"Don't let him escape" shouted one anbu. Everyone nods and soon starts to follow Naruto towards the gate. As they all continue to chase the blonde through Konoha. Some people were giggling some were scowling at the scenes. Seeing the shinobi forces of Konoha having trouble catching an academy student. But what embarrassed them more is the orange.
His orange color that the anbu, jonin, and chunin are wearing. Many are wondering where did he get all the orange vests and cloaks. Others wonders how did he manage to switch them without any one noticing it. As Naruto gets closer to the gate tasting freedom.
The anbu commander appeared in a swirl of leaves right behind Naruto when he stepped out of the gate. "Enough" ordering everyone to stop. "Everyone go back to your post and continue your duties. The Sandaime will speak to the boy" spoke the anbu commander.
Many of the shinobi had mixed feelings but seeing they had duties themselves to continue. They soon started to go but before they left "And do not remove the orange. I'm wearing it so will the rest of you until it comes off" ordered the commander.
A collects of moans and groans could be heard at the gate.
With Naruto
As he continued to run he noticed everyone stopped chasing him. "Hmm" looking back to Konoha but looking in front of him seeing the forests. He knows he can stay within the outskirts of Konoha. "So where to go?" grabbing a stick he threw it in the air. Following it high in the air it soon started to spin, watching it go down it landed on the ground pointing left. "Left it is".
Jumping up on the trees climbing higher and higher to get a view on Konoha. He soon starts to jump from tree to tree making sure he can still see the walls of Konoha. Continuing reaching the tree by climbing it he sat on the top branch staring at Konoha from the Distance. Seeing the whole village from afar but also the Hokage monument.
"Man what a sight" sitting on the branch with his legs rocking back and fourth. He soon stood up and notices something from the corner of his eye. Looking out in the distance he notices something out in the clearing 'What is that? It looks like some building.'
Jumping to the next branch he makes his descent down to the area. With each jump and step he took he felt he it was going to take forever to reach the building he saw. "Come on where is it? I know I saw something". Jumping once more he looks around and noticed a building that is collapsing. "Found it but what did I find?"
Jumping down to the ground he slowly walks to the building seeing the front already collapsed due to years of neglect. He stood in front of the building noticing the large red spiral in the front.
"That's on the vest for the chunin and jonins. But why does this building have it?" staring at the red spiral he soon starts to walk around the building. Seeing the damage he wonders if its safe to go in. "Hmm might as well take a look around. I mean if its all the way out here. I doubt anyone owns it or would care if I take a look inside."
Slowly walking towards it he marveled the beauty of the poles. Even though the condition is terrible you can still see the beauty in them. Walking in slowly he stared in awe to see the beautiful painting scrolls hanging in the halls. The beautiful small statues made of different colors of marble.
"Wow. This place is neat" slowly walking he stepped on a rotten plank making his whole leg go right through the floor. "Got to watch out where I step" pulling his leg out. He slowly continues to walk through the hall. As he makes his slow entrance he stands in front of a podium of sorts where hangs several oni-masks hung beneath three connected symbols of the clan, under all of which are ornate, black flames.
"Whoa look at those anbu masks. Imagine if I prank someone with those masks on, they won't know what hit them" smirk Naruto. Watching where he steps he slowly makes to the podium hoping to get any mask. As he steps on another rotten wooden plank this time his whole body goes through the floor. "Argh" groaning in pain.
He slowly gets up and looks up to see he fell through the floor into some basement. "Great now I got to find a way out" trying hard to look in the dark he grabs onto something breaking it. "Great what can happen now" muttered Naruto. Hearing something from behind he turns around and soon notices torches being lit in the room.
"Whoa" looking around shocked to see how the room looks. He can see a large red spiral on the ceiling where he came from while the bottom. A large white spiral of the oppsite direction. Along inside the room is shelves of scrolls and books "Sweet I hit the pay day". Quickly running to the shelf he comes to a stop and notices a white light coming from a room.
Wondering what it can be he soon starts to slowly walk towards the door. 'When did this door open? I didn't see it when I fell down I know that for sure'.
Walking towards the lit room he slowly sticks his head around the corner. Carefully looking in the room he sees a wooden alter of some sort while a rusty looking Katana is on some type of platform with a glass casing. But it was the katana that was giving the dim white light in the room.
"Man what a day. First I prank the anbu, jonin and chunin. Now I find this neat place with all these scrolls and I find some rusty Konoha that just glows".
Standing in front of the katana Naruto can't help but stare at it. "Wonder if its still sharp but why is it in the glass casing?". Walking towards the rusty blade he placed his hands on the alter noticing the large wooden carving of the spiral in it.
"A scroll? What is it doing down here?" looking down at the scroll he picks it up but soon drops it seeing he cut his finger. "Ow dam paper cut" sucking on his finger to stop the bleeding. He watches the scroll unroll it self off the table while the other half remains open but soon started to glow. "Didn't know a scroll can do that".
Watching the scroll glow red he notices his name appear on the scroll. Wondering what is going on the katana soon started to glow white while spiral on the wood carving glows as well.
"Uh oh" taking a step back he noticed the floor with the spiral was glowing. "Oh man, the old man is going to blow his hat off once he finds out what I did. I am in so much trouble" whine Naruto. Turning to door to make his escape he soon watches it close right in front of him.
With the spirals in the room glowing Naruto watches the spiral on the floor soon started to glow white but soon started to dim. Panicing on what is happening he soon starts to run towards the exit.
"Come on let me out. Hey old man I promise I won't do any pranks for a week" shouted Naruto. Turning to the alter once more the Katana glowed so brightly blinding Naruto."?"
"What is going on and where am I?" Naruto rubbing his eyes hearing the new voice turns to see a tall, tanned, broad-chested, muscular old man who is bearded and has a scar on his left eye. Seeing his red hair with a hint of gray in it but he notices his confuse look. "Boy tell me where am I and who you are NOW".
Naruto intimdated by his size soon started to get nervous.
"I said where am I and who you are BOY?" said the tall man. Walking towards Naruto with a hardened glare "Fine if you won't tell me than I might have to knock some sense into you" cracking his knuckles making Naruto nervous. He just took a few more steps getting closer to Naruto while his shadow soon covered Naruto's body.
"Naruto Uzumaki" falling onto the ground with his arms up trying to protect himself. He doesn't feel anything. Slowly opening one eye he watches the tall man stopping a inch away from his face. "You are in the outskirts of Konoha. I found this place just today" explained Naruto. Taking a deep breath "I didn't know this place belonged to anyone" answered Naruto.
"Uzumaki? Konoha?" said the tall man confuse. Slowly stepping back he looks around and notices something he hasn't seen in many, many years. The old alter and room "Arashikage. It's still here after all this time? But the scroll?" Walking towards the alter he picks up the long scroll and starts to roll it. As he looks onto the names 'Kushina Uzumaki my little girl...impossible' looking at the other name near hers but also the blood stain.
He slowly looks at Naruto who is still on the ground "Your name" demanded the man.
"Naruto Uzumaki. Look I didn't mean to break in here. I mean this place looks like no one has taken care of it in a long time" answered Naruto. Taking a nervous gulp he watches the man roll up the scroll who is clearly thinking.
'Naruto Uzumaki and he says he didn't know this place belong to anyone. With his reaction it seems he doesn't know this is the Uzumaki Clan's Mask Storage Temple? Every Uzumaki member knows about the history of this temple. But I was told the temple was destroyed with Kushina during the last shinobi war.' thinking to himself the tall man soon started to walk towards Naruto.
"Who are your parents" asked the man. Watching Naruto stand he flinches on the question making him rasie an eye.
"I don't know. I'm an orphan" answered Naruto sadly. Taking a deep breath he notices the door open "Look I didn't mean to enter this place. I didn't know it belong to you. I just wanted to borrow one of the masks to prank some people" said Naruto. Watching the man flinch to hear what Naruto said.
"Who takes care of you?" asked the man. Wondering why he would do such a dangerous thing seeing what he wanted to do with the masks.
Naruto standing there wonders why he is asking him these questions. "No one really. I've been living by myself since I was five when the orphanage kicked me out. The old man I mean the Sandaime gave me this apartment and gives me some allowance to live off of" answered Naruto.
The tall man soon started to rub his beard. "The Sandaime Hokage? Hiruzen Sarutobi is Hokage still?" Continue rubbing his beard 'It seems we've been out of touch with Konoha after the shinobi war. Perhaps now is the time to make our presence known. But gathering more information would be good. We do have quite the numbers. But still, can't be too careful'.
"Hmm hey old man if it's not too much trouble can I go already?" asked Naruto. Snapping the tall man out of his thoughts "I have to get back to Konoha. The old man is going to look for me because of the prank I pulled on the anbu and the rest" answered Naruto. Wondering what is going to happen but also wonders what the Sandaime is going to do or say.
The tall man raised an eyebrow "You sound close to the Sandaime, why is that?"
"Hmm well he is one of the nicest people I know in Konoha. Everyone else in Konoha hates me and calls me 'demon' behind my back or even 'Kitsune' for some odd reason" said Naruto. Watching the man flinch to hear the nick names he frowns while the tall man got closer to him.
"Do you know anything about your parents?" asked the man.
Naruto shrugging his shoulders "All I know is that the old man told me they died fighting Kyuubi" answered Naruto. Watching the tall mans eyes widen he unrolls the scroll once more and look at the name. Turning to the katana he quickly turns back to Naruto.
"When?" asked the man sounding more like a demanded. "When did Kyuubi attack Konoha?"
"Well I was born on October ten. The same day that Kyuubi attacked Konoha" answered Naruto. Wondering why is that important he soon starts to walk towards the exit.
'October ten. But Kushina died fifteen years ago at the end of the last shinobi war. It would take Kyuubi nine years to return and he wouldn't be dumb enough to attack Konoha. But this boy looks to be twelve years old at best. But yet he carries the Uzumaki name' before Naruto left the room. "Naruto wait a minute".
"Huh?" turning around he watches the tall man walk towards the katana and lifting the glass casing around it. Picking it up from the handle he sheaths the blade and slowly walks towards Naruto.
"Grab the handle" ordered the man. Naruto looking at him and stares at the handle seeing it wrapped around with two types of cloth. One a red cloth and the other white. As Naruto slowly reached it he touched the handle feeling warm. 'If he is able to pull the Arashikage from his sheath than he is an Uzumaki for sure' thought the man.
'It feels warm and comforting like it's telling me to draw it out' taking a short breath. He closes his eyes while his hand has a mind of its own. Gripping the handle tighter Naruto snap his eyes open and draws the katana from the sheath shocking the tall muscular man.
'Impossible' shocked to see Naruto pull the katana from its sheath. The blade soon started glow white and started to drain Naruto's chakra repairing the blade making it look completely new. As the glowing soon started to dim the tall muscular man eyes widen to see Naruto glow as well. 'Arashikage. But no one from the past was able to repair the blade. Not even Tobirama Senju who wielded his brother's blade'.
"Whoa" said Naruto looking at the white metal blade he can see his reflection in it. Looking at the tall man "This is all neat and all but I need to head back to Konoha and at the academy" replied Naruto. Walking towards the tall man he sheaths the blade back into place.
"Academy you say?" stroking his chin he unsheaths the blade and looked at it carefully. Turning to the other side of the blade he sees the Kanji for Uzumaki on it. 'Truly he is a Uzumaki. But I fear for the worse for him. With what he had said I need to confirm my theory'. Giving Naruto a nod. He snapped his finger making them poof above the floor in front of the masks.
"That was awesome. How did you do that?" said Naruto. One minute he was in the basement than another basement and a snap of the fingers he is back on the first floor. "Huh?" Looking at the tall man he is looking around shaking his head in sadness. "Something wrong?"
"Yes but that's an explanation for another day. Tell me Naruto what has the academy taught you?" asked the man.
"The academy? Well they taught us the henge, Kawarimi no Jutsu, and the bunshin. But I have trouble with the bunshin" replied Naruto. Watching the tall man sitting on the floor "Oi Ojii getting tired?"
The tall man flinched to hear the nick name but soon sighs "Name's Garp". Staring at Naruto "Only three jutsu you know from the academy? Just three? I see the standards in Konoha have dropped. Tell me who else is in your academy class. It's been some time since I entered the village. You sort of tripped a security seal which is punishable by death" smile Garp.
Naruto let out a nervous smile but soon sat in front of Garp who pointed him to seat. Hoping he won't get into trouble but also with the prank he did and now this he knows he will be in bigger trouble. "Well there's a lot of people in the academy class I'm in. There's a few students that are from clans".
"Really? Such as?" asked Garp. Wondering what clans are still in Konoha he cant help wonder what is going on. 'All this why now. I just don't understand why would he lie about Kushina dying and the temple being destroyed. There has to be more' snapping out of his thoughts. He listens to Naruto about his class and what has been taught. But when he started to go down to the clans.
"Uchiha!" almost growling at the name. Naruto nods and tells him what about Sasuke's past. Garp listened to the story and pulls on his beard listening carefully on what has happen. "It seems to me the Uchiha clan is and will always cause nothing but trouble" shaking his head making Naruto confuse.
"Since the founding of Konoha, Tobirama Senju the Nidaime Hokage never trusted the Uchiha due to many reasons".
Once finish he can't help wonder why he doesn't know much of the Senju history but seeing he didn't know about the temple he is in. He knows for sure he probably doesn't know about the Uzumaki clan as well.
"Well Sasuke acts like he is above everyone. Every girl looks to him like some kind of celebrity and he is the rookie of the year. Well I will show them all" stated Naruto. Standing up with his fists in front of him. "Than everyone will acknowledge me when I become Hokage" smile Naruto.
Garp shook his head, not liking the decision that Naruto made which confused the boy. "Forgive me Naruto, but I think there's more you don't know that the Sandaime hasn't told you. But for now let's talk about your class. So you have a very large number of civilians and clan heirs?" seeing Naruto nod. He can't help but smirk.
"Well how about we make a deal? It seems you find this place neat" Naruto nodding his head looks up to the mask and smiles. "Seeing that the Hokage hasn't taken care of the temple here, I and along a few other people will train you in the shinobi arts here. Once you complete your training and pass the academy everything here will be yours." Holding up his hands.
Naruto eyes lit up he remembers all the scrolls he saw down in the basement but also the katana that repaired itself.
"BUT..." raising one finger Garp smiles. "You must not tell anyone about this. This is a clan affair and seeing you broke into a clan compound the punishment is death". Naruto pale and slowly nods. Today was not his day "Once we deem you worthy we will pass everything here onto you".
"Hai! I swear I won't tell anyone, it's my nindo and I never go back on my nindo" said Naruto. Seeing Garp slightly flinch like he remembers someone telling him that. "So what are you going to teach me? That cool trick with you snapping your fingers?" asked Naruto. Thinking he can appear anywhere he sure would be cooler than Sasuke.
"Something better" getting up he looks down to Naruto and smiles. Putting his hands together "Kage bunshin no jutsu" making a clone of himself. The clone nods and walks towards the podium making a hand seal. Naruto soon watches the whole temple soon glow.
"Ahh" whining seeing the jutsu. "The Bunshin is my worse jutsu". Knowing it's impossible for him to even use the bunshin he wonders how can this be any better.
"This isn't the bunshin. It's the kage bunshin. Completely different, it's a B rank kinjutsu. I will teach you this first come here" ordered Garp. Watching Naruto get up the clone nods and soon makes his way out of the temple. "Let us begin". said Garp.
Next Day
Naruto slowly tilted his head and turns to the clock seeing its half past nine. Rolling his head back onto the pillow his eyes widened "I'M LATE!" Falling off the bed he looks to the clock. "Great, now Iruka-sensei is going to kill me even more".
Quickly getting up he makes towards the bathroom putting on a clean jumpsuit. As he puts on the jacket he hears a knock on the door "Great that's probably him" muttered Naruto. "It's open".
Walking in the apartment is Hiruzen "Naruto" calling his surrogate grandson he sees him putting on his jacket.
"Oi hey old man. Sorry but I can't stay and talk I woke up late. I need to go to the academy" said Naruto. Hiruzen watching this rasied an eye wondering why is Naruto so eager to go to the academy.
"Hold on Naruto. Don't worry about the academy yet. But why did you wake up late?" asked Hiruzen. Thinking he was up all last night trying to come up with a new prank. He might have to put a stop to the pranking for a while to give the shinobi some time off.
"Ohh well I been training in the outskirts of Konoha you know the places where we are allowed. I trained super hard yesterday and I kind of fell asleep and woke up late. Than I had to get back home" said Naruto. Promising Garp if anyone asks he told him to tell the truth about training and leave himself and the temple out of the story.
"Ahh so no prank?" chuckled Hiruzen.
"Nah I think I got everyone good" laugh Naruto. Walking towards the door and closing it behind him both him and the Hokage soon started to walk towards the academy. "Hmm old man. I know I asked many times in the past and you told me you don't know who my parents are. But do you have any clues to who my parents were but also why I was left behind?" asked Naruto.
Since yesterday Garp asked Naruto some questions which the blonde himself doesn't know. But the biggest one was where was he born. Naruto didn't know in fact he assumed he was born at the hospital like most people. But Garp didn't seem to like this mystery in front of him. Telling him most hospital or medical areas keep records of births.
"I'm sorry Naruto but I don't know" frowned the Hokage, hating having to lie to Naruto.
"It's ok but do you know what hospital or medical building I was born at?" asked Naruto. Hoping to get an idea he can go to the building and get some clues to who his parents are.
Hiruzen was caught off by the question and wonders why all the sudden interest. Yes in the past he asked and he gave him the answers that he best knew. "Well Naruto in fact I found you just the outskirts of Konoha. The day you were born was the day Kyuubi attacked. I assumed your mother must have been fighting the Kyuubi trying to protect the village and you" said Hiruzen.
Naruto stood there shocked to hear this while Hiruzen nods. "I see" with them arriving at the academy he can't help but think on what Garp has taught him. "I wonder if Iruka-sensei is still mad at me" scratching his nose. Hiruzen chuckles and soon enters the academy escorting Naruto to class.
With Hiruzen opening the door stopping Iruka from his lectures. "Hai good morning lord Hokage is there something- NARUTO" shouted Iruka. Watching him walk into class late. "Why are you late to class?"
"It's alright Iruka I was dropping him off that's why he is late. I had to talk to him about his prank yesterday" chuckle Hiruzen. Snickers and giggles could be heard through out the class room. "Naruto" call Hiruzen. Wondering why he is standing in front of the class he notices Naruto staring at everyone in the classroom. Like he was staring at each student gauging them seeing their potential against his.
Flashback yesterday after the kage bunshin
Naruto was panting on the ground while laying in a pool of his own sweat. Garp was looking over him nodding his head happy to see the results. He has never seen someone so stubborn in his life. But yet he wonders if he is confusing stubbornness with determination.
"Tell me Naruto is it important for everyone to acknowledge you?" question Garp. Making a clone appear the clone soon starts to walk around Naruto waiting for him to answer.
"Yes. I want everyone to see me for who I am" slowly getting up, Naruto stares at the clone. 'Man what was I thinking to have a small taijutsu match against him? Punching him is like punching a steel wall with bricks layered behind it' thought Naruto.
"I will give you some advice" said Garp. Getting Naruto's attention "Tomorrow when you arrive at class I want you to stand in front of everyone in the class and look straight into their eyes. Look right into their eyes and you can see the potential each of them have. Stand your ground and stare at each student, the ones who look away aren't worth your time and effort to impress."
Naruto blocked the punch from the clone which made him skid back a few feet. "And the ones who don't look away?"
"They are the ones you must measure yourself to. No matter if they are a shinobi or kunoichi." answered Garp.
"What about the ones who look away? Why aren't they worth my time?" panted Naruto. Charging towards the kage bunshin he stands there and slightly moves tripping Naruto making him roll on to the ground with a heavy thump.
"The ones who look away think they are better than you, and therefore do not care for your intentions. What you want means nothing to them, and they prove it by showing you you're not worth looking at. They think you are beneath them and consider you to be no challenge or importance to them. If you were to die today they'd forget you ever lived before dinnertime. But know this if any academy students are from clans who do this, narrow your eyes and stare at them. This will get their attention and tell them regardless of what they think, they should watch out for you."
Naruto nods and sits on the ground listening to him.
"But if you find someone with the same determination as you, that person will look away but if that person looks at you. In fact once you two make eye contact you will feel you two are the only ones in the room. You two can bring out the best in each other. That's how I meet my wife" chuckle Garp. Remembering when he did that when he was Naruto's age he met the love of his life but also the person who helped push him.
"Hai. I hope I get Sakura's attention than" chuckle Naruto. Taking a deep breath exhaustion soon took over his body.
End of Flashback
"Naruto" called Hiruzen again. Watching him he can't help noticing something in the academy students eyes.
Naruto stared at each student right into their eyes. Looking towards Shikamaru he opens one eye lazily and soon sits up and stares at Naruto. Soon more and more of the students started to do it. Shino, Chouju, even Ino for some odd reason dropping the fangirl persona for a moment.
As Naruto continued to move his head most of the civilian academy students turn their hands ignoring him. Hearing some whimpering coming from Akamaru he turns to Kiba who is looking down to Akamaru than back to Naruto. Scowling at him he turns his head away from him.
Naruto seeing this ignores him and slowly moves to the middle where Sasuke and Sakura is. Sasuke for a moment stared back but rolled his eyes and turned away. Sakura never even tried to make eye contact to Naruto, only to Sasuke. Which made him frown as he moved down to the front of the row.
He comes to a complete stop staring at Hinata. For a brief moment it look like Hinata was going to turn her head and ignore him but instead she stared back at Naruto blushing a bit. As Naruto continue to stare at Hinata it felt like those two were the only ones in the room.
"Naruto!" shouted Iruka.
"WHAT?" screamed Naruto. Sending the chunin a hardened glare making him flinch. Even Hiruzen was taken back, he raised an eyebrow wondering what was that about. Doing the same thing as well to Iruka he blinks and stared at Naruto.
"Alright Naruto take a seat. Enough of the games" chuckled Hiruzen. Wondering what was that about he watched Naruto take a seat away from Sakura, a girl he has a crush on. Instead he took a seat in the front row. 'What inspired this change?' thinking to himself. He can't help but wonder what kind of trouble will Naruto cause for Konoha.
And Cut.
Now this idea has been bothering me since Jan. I was originally going to create this story with Shinobi No Yami and Naruto Darkest time. To bring them out all at once. But I decided not to. Seeing I will be losing even more sleep.
Now the idea of it lets just say. I am going to change the Naruto universe...