Luigi and Dimentio

(O'chunks talks like he does because it's the way he was in the game. Also, massive spoilers in this chapter. You have been warned.)

Chapter 1: True love at a cost

Bleck's castle was insanely dark. Mario and Tippi have made it through Bleck's castle. However, they had lost Bowser, Princess Peach, and Luigi to the Count's followers.

Tippi was a rainbow butterfly pixl that has accompanied Mario through his adventure to find the pure hearts.

"Are you ready for this Mario?" Tippi asked with her sweet voice. "Count Bleck lies just beyond those horribly cracked doors."

Mario clenched his fists and nodded.

"Very well then. Let us proceed." Tippi said.

Mario and Tippi opened the door and stepped inside the room full of floating platforms with Count Bleck being on the top right platform.

"So, you have come." The Count said with a wicked smile.

Count Bleck was a being who had a blue face, white gloves, glowing red eyes with a monocle, a big top hat, a cloak, a staff, and a glowing wicked smile.

"You're darn right we did!" A gruff voice yelled.

Mario and Tippi turned around and saw Bowser, Peach, and Luigi looking very much alive.

"So my minions have failed." Bleck said. "Very well, I'll take you all out myself."

Count Bleck pulled out his staff and began launching mini-voids toward the five of them.

"Quickly Mario!" Tippi yelled. "The pure hearts!"

Mario nodded and lifted the pure hearts into the air. The pure hearts began to shine and surrounded Count Bleck.

"What's this?" Count Bleck asked.

The barrier that surrounded Count Bleck had vanished.

"You'll pay for that!" Bleck yelled.

"Ahahahaha, I don't think so." A voice said.

A burst of purple energy came from behind Count Bleck and struck him, causing him to fall the floor.

"Blumiere!" Tippi yelled, flying toward Bleck's body.

Count Bleck was dead, no doubt about it.

"Ahahahaha!" The voice laughed. "Such a sad existence the Count lived. I am so glad to have put an end to it."

"Dimentio!" Tippi yelled with anger.

Dimentio was a person who can float around, has a purple and yellow collar, a yellow and purple crown with dark yellow tips, black gloves and boots, and a face that looked like a theatrical happy mask.

"You guessed it." Dimentio said, landing on the floor. "Now then, it's time we get this party started! Wouldn't you agree Mr. L?"

Dimentio snapped his fingers, causing a strange green plant to sprout from Luigi's head.

"What the?" Peach asked. "What is that thing?"

"It's merely something I planted inside his head and it seems to have sprouted gloriously." Dimentio said with his smile. "Go ahead and get ready Mr. L, I'll be with you shortly."

Luigi nodded and walked off to the right.

"You'll never get away with this!" Tippi yelled.

"Oh hush your nonexistent mouth you pixl." Dimentio responded. "Now that I have the man in green, the chaos heart, and the pure hearts nullified, I will be able to destroy this universe and make it in my own image."

"I'm almost afraid to ask what your ideal universe is." Bowser said, crossing his arms.

"I'm glad you asked." Dimentio said. "Nothing."

"Come again?" Bowser asked in confusion.

"Nothing." Dimentio said once more. "This universe is an insignificant speck in the field of multiverses. I was unfortunate to even be a part of this one. This universe is a plague and will expand into other universes, tainting them with imperfection unless I destroy it. I guess you can call me an ambassador for the outer universes."

"You are just so gosh-darn insane." Peach said.

"Perhaps." Dimentio said with a laugh. "But I suppose being smart is seen as being insane by lower life. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a show to put on!"

Dimentio began floating to Luigi's location, summoning the Chaos heart.

"We have to stop him!" Tippi yelled.

"I'm on it!" Bowser yelled, running toward Dimentio.

Dimentio raised his hand, causing a storm of purple energy blasts to hurl toward Bowser.

"Bowser!" Peach yelled, covering her mouth.

Bowser was lying on his shell, immobilized by Dimentio's attack.

"Is-is he dead?" Tippi asked with fear.

Dimentio focused on Luigi and the Chaos heart, combining the two together to form a gigantic abomination. It had Luigi's face, hat, shoes, and fists while it also had Dimentio's outfit.

"Green!" The monster yelled.

"Well, I'd love to stay and chat but I have a universe to destroy!" Dimentio yelled.

Dimentio entered the body of the monster through its mouth.

"Ahahahaha!" Dimentio laughed. "I've never felt so powerful before!"

"Oh my gosh what is that thing?!" A squeaky voice yelled.

Everyone turned around to the door Mario and Tippi came through and saw Mimi, the little green imp who can shape shift, and O'chunks, the masculine macho man who uses brawn instead of brain.

"Yah, what in the great bloomin heck is that monster?" O'chunks asked.

"That thing is Dimentio." Tippi said. "And he just killed Count Bleck."

"Oh no he didn't!" Mimi yelled.

Mimi attempted to run toward Dimentio but her arm was grabbed by Peach.

"Let me at him!" Mimi yelled, trying to loosen Peach's grip.

"Don't even try." Peach said. "He's invincible unless we have the pure hearts."

"Then get the pure hearts!" Mimi yelled.

"We can't." Peach said with a frown. "We already used them against Count Bleck."

"Mario, we have to do something." Tippi said. "I have an idea, but I don't think you and Peach will like it."

Mario raised an eyebrow.

"You and Peach love each other right?" Tippi asked.

Peach overheard their conversation and walked over, still holding Mimi's arm.

"Things are a bit complicated." Peach said.

"Look, I need a yes or a no." Tippi said. "The fate of the universe depends on it."

Peach looked at Mario and smiled. "Yes, yes we do."

"Aww." Dimentio said. "True love sure is adorable."

Tippi began to glow and created a broken door.

"What's this?" Dimentio asked.

"Quickly, go inside!" Tippi yelled.

Dimentio attempted to squish them but was a few seconds too late.

The five of them arrived at where Bowser and Peach were forced to marry one another.

"Why are we here Tippi?" Peach asked.

"Just follow me; I'll explain when we get there." Tippi said, floating toward the altar.

They began to walk to their right and reached the altar.

"We have to have you two marry each other to stop the Chaos heart." Tippi said. "But there's a problem. Once you two are married, there may be a chance you may cease to exist."

Peach gave Mario a worried look and Mario did the same. Mario then nodded, accepting his sacrifice.

"A princess' job is to protect her people." Peach said with a smile. "Let's do this Mario."

Everyone stepped back while Peach and Mario went to opposite sides of the altar.

"Mario, you have saved me time and time again." Peach said, a tear rolling down her left cheek. "I am glad we're finally together."

Mario smiled and nodded.

The Chaos heart rose from the altar as well as the revived pure hearts.

"Let's end this together." Peach said.

Bells began to toll and the hearts began to shine.

"What's going on?!" Mimi yelled, trying to cover the light form her eyes.

"Ah ave no idea!" O'chunks yelled, also trying to cover the light.

The light began to engulf everyone nearby as the bells continued to toll.

"My word!" Merlon yelled, surprised to see Mimi, O'chunks, and Tippi on the floor next to the world doors.

Merlon was a short man with a white beard, a star point necklace, blue coat, and a blue hat.

"Are you all alright?" Merlon asked, trying to wake the three of them up.

"Oh, me bloomin head." O'chunks said, standing up while rubbing his head.

"Oh good." Merlon said happily. "You're awake."

The rest of them woke up and looked around to find Mario and Peach.

"I guess they're gone." Tippi said with a sad tone. "All four heroes are gone."

Everyone bowed their heads.

"Their sacrifices were not in vain." Merlon said. "The void is now gone and the worlds have returned to normal. Now then, anyone want tea?"

The four of them headed to Merlon's house for a well-deserved break.

Meanwhile, back in Bleck's castle.

"Oh man, I got a splitting headache." Luigi said, getting off the floor.

Luigi was in one of the castle's hallways, looking around and wondering how he even survived.

"Oh, so you're finally awake." Dimentio said.

"Dimentio!" Luigi yelled, taking a fighting stance. "What do you want?"

"I merely want to extract what I've planted inside you." Dimentio said, approaching Luigi.

Luigi backed away from Dimentio and tripped.

"Don't fret Luigi." Dimentio said, placing his hand on Luigi's forehead. "It will all be over soon."

There was a small flash of light and Luigi passed out. When Luigi woke up, he noticed Dimentio standing next to someone who looks like Luigi but had a black mask and suit.

"Luigi, meet your alter ego Mr. L." Dimentio said.

"What?!" Luigi yelled, sweating and backing away.

Mr. walked up to Luigi, grabbed him by his throat, and lifted him into the air.

"How in the world could I have been a part of you?" Mr. L asked. "You're so weak."

"Mr. L put him down." Dimentio demanded. "We'll put him through some trials. He succeeds, he lives. He fails just one and you can have your way with him."

"Why do I need to go through trials?" Luigi asked.

"I have no use for you anymore." Dimentio said. "I may as well have a little fun."

"Of course you'd do that." Luigi said.

Dimentio and Mr. L grouped up at one end of the hallway while Luigi is at the other end. Dimentio snapped his fingers, causing the floor between them to become a tightrope and the rest of the floor just vanished.

"Good thing this is 2D." Luigi said.

Dimentio snapped his fingers, causing the entire hallway to become 3D.

Luigi frowned. "Crud."