I forgot to add this to the Warnings and my friend said I should so : WARNING! Rated M for - language, yaoi (malexmale), sexual situations, violence, and character death.

Review replies for Chapter 7

clio1111 - Oh no, I'm sorry, did I make Ichigo to OOC? D: I don't want him to be a whiny bitch, but then again I can't make him go around trying to beat the shit out of his family and boss who won't spill. He will get better hopefully. I apologize for the cliffhanger I felt it would help people wait for the next chapter T^T. I guess it doesn't help when we're 7 and 8 chapters in, huh? Also the reason they leave him will be explained but yes it was very dumb on their part.

fallowell - I'm glad you enjoyed! Thank you for reviewing.

ladybugj593 - Here's another one and thank you! (;

Christie Le Fey - Nooo! Don't die! D': Take it! *throws you chapter 8*

GrimmIchisgrl - Thank you! (:

Kichou - Poor Ichigo can't catch a break can he? Maybe later on? Yeah, I'll give him one later. XD

A Holy crap that was something last chapter! Oh and Happy belated Thanksgiving! (: Sadly there won't be a Thanksgiving short for The Adventures of GrimmIchi. D':

Ichigo: Why do you do this to me? *moping and pouting*

Me: I'm sorry. It helps the plot?

Ichigo: Ugh. That's everyones excuse on this website.

Aizen: Don't worry, Ichigo, I will rescue you.

Ichigo: *sigh* How typical.

Me: Well...

Chapter Eight

...previous chapter...

..."We're collectin' yer brother's shit so we can take it back to him. He's livin' in the Espada mansion from now on," the Fifth informed. Shiro was seething...but he wouldn't pick a fight by assaulting them. No, that would start a war and that was the last thing anyone involved needed. Besides, two against one wasn't a fight he wanted to jump into. He watched as the two collected the rest of his twin's belongings and zipped them up in the duffel bags before leaving...

..."I'm justified to ask! First, all my stuff from my apartment shows up in a duffel bag that Nnoitra and Grimmjow had been carrying just a few hours before. Then, there's a mysterious door in the basement with multiple locks and finger scanners. Also, there's the mystery of what happened to the rest of the Espada! How did so many disappear when the only thing they did was fight for your-" Ichigo's rant was abruptly cut off by a loud bang. They jolted and then another rang out as Nel pulled out a gun from its hidden holster in her pants. Ichigo heard Nel yell in panic as pain blossomed in his left shoulder. He looked down to see his white shirt turning red before he fell. He was quickly caught and laid down gently on the grass. He stared up at the sky, which was starting to blur together as blue with white smudges. He heard Sosuke yell something before he looked back down to Ichigo and cussed under his breath. The brunette got up and ran off to get Szayel. Nel ran off after someone who bolted behind the mansion.

Ichigo laid there for what seemed forever, with his vision fading, before his head was cradled gently. There was a gentle voice that spoke to him that once he matched a face to said voice his blood ran cold.

"Oh Ichigo, what has that power-hungry monster done to you?" the voiced cooed to him, trying to comfort his tense form but only serving to make it worse. Ichigo looked up at the raven haired male as he was lifted from the ground. He only got to gasp out one thing before black ate the world.



A fist connected harshly with a blonde-haired man's face, making him fall to the ground with a cry. Three people stood over the downed man as he writhed in pain. The man on the floor was assigned to a mission to eliminate as many of the Espada as possible...but he had fucked up. The people standing over him were Yoruichi Shihoin, Shirosaki Kurosaki, and his own partner Hiyori Sarugaki. The one on the floor was Shinji Hirako. He rubbed his jaw as he wisely stayed down.

"You idiot! I leave you to a mission by yourself and you fail! Not only did you fail, but you shot one of our own!" Hiyori screamed as she smacked him in the face with her red flip-flop.

"My brother!" Shiro added with a solid kick to the side of the blonde. Shinji rolled to his other side and into Yoruichi's leg. She gripped his shirt collar and yanked him up to be face to face with her furious golden eyes. The lithe blonde gulped with a nervous smile.

"My baby, Shinji!" The purple haired woman hissed before forcefully dropping him to the wooden floor. Shinji groaned and sat up enough to crawl backwards away from them. All three approached as he moved away.

"J-Just let me explain! It was an accident! I didn't notice until it was too late!" Shinji hurriedly explained in hopes of escaping the rest of his ass whooping.

"How do you not notice his orange hair!? How did you mistake him for one of the Espada!? How did you not recognize your own best friend!?" Yoruichi shouted as Shinji backed himself into the wall. They ganged up on him and he only managed to scream for help before they jumped him.



Ichigo was drifting from reality and unconsciousness. He felt warm and when he woke a little more he noticed that he was completely surrounded by water. He could feel that he was nude and this was coming to him slowly thanks to his head being out of sorts. There was something soft running over his shoulder. He opened his eyes to see a black tiled bathroom. It had all the necessities a bathroom should have including the tub Ichigo was in at the moment.

"Ichigo? Are you awake, precious? I gave you something for the pain. I missed you working at my store. It's been lonely since those bastard cops took you away from me. Don't worry though; they will never come between us again. Not even that monster."

Ginjo conversed as he washed Ichigo's uninjured shoulder and chest. Ichigo wanted to shove him away but his head was so fuzzy he couldn't find the strength to do so. Did Ginjo drug him?

"W-Where... am I-I?" Ichigo croaked. The older man chuckled and his hand dipped lower, running the cloth over Ichigo's stomach. The lithe male suppressed the urge to become violent, because in this situation he could get seriously injured.

"You're where you belong of course: with me," the raven haired man said and planted a kiss on top of orange locks. "I love you, baby. Now let's get you out the tub and dressed." He stood up and picked up a towel that was neatly folded on the sink.

"N-No I can... I can dry m-myself," Ichigo rasped out and tried to get out the tub himself. The larger man smiled and knelt to be face to face with the struggling berry.

"Aw, don't be embarrassed, Ichigo. I already saw everything, since I had to undress you to get you in the tub. Now, come on." He stood and helped the dizzy orange head stand in the tub. When the other was out of the tub, he snatched the towel from Ginjo and would've fallen...if the raven haired man hadn't hugged his naked waist. "Let me help you dry off, love."

The older man gently took the towel back before drying the lithe body in front of him. Just as he got to Ichigo's lower back the vibrant Espada snatched the towel back and covered himself from the waist down.

"I think that's e-enough," Ichigo answered Ginjo's confused expression. The other man then realized and smiled.

"Okay, let's get you to bed. You should try to sleep off those drugs." He placed a hand on Ichigo's lower back and led him through a hallway and into a room that was strangely decorated in orange. Creepy. Orange sheets, orange curtains, orange and brown pillows, orange blankets, orange carpet, orange lampshades, orange wallpaper, orange bordered mirror. Everything was traffic cone orange...just like Ichigo's hair. What freaked Ichigo out the most though was the multiple pictures of him around the room, some in frames and some just thumbtacked to the wall.

Ichigo was helped on the bed and thanks to the drugs was close to falling asleep. His eyes slid closed as he felt Ginjo lift his legs and slip pants on and the same with a shirt. Oh, how he wished to get up and beat the shit out this creeper. He groaned and opened his eyes a little just in time to see a syringe approaching his arm. In a burst of adrenalin he jolted away from it, his injured shoulder protesting, and stared wide-eyed at his ex-boss. The man just stood there was a gentle smile on his face, like he wasn't holding an intimidating syringe of clear, liquid drugs.

"What are you doing!?" Ichigo snapped. He knew his face was betraying him by showing the panic he was feeling. He was already drowsy on drugs, which he guessed Ginjo injected him with, and in pain from his past and present injuries. He didn't need to injected with drugs again. He could barely fight back as it is, another injection would leave him completely vulnerable.

"Ichigo, I'm just trying to help with the pain." He approached Ichigo and the orangette couldn't take it anymore. When Ginjo got close enough, Ichigo kicked out and managed to hit him in the jewels. He fell to the ground groaning as Ichigo woozily climbed off the bed and rushed to the door on unsteady feet. His surroundings were blurring and he felt like he was going cross-eyed with everything having a twin of itself. His breath coming in short pants and gasps while cold and hot flashes raked his body. Just as he got to the front door, he suddenly lost sight and fell unconscious from the drug spreading through his system.

"Oh Ichigo, you naughty, naughty boy."


Aizen was absolutely livid. He was about to bite someones head off and forcefully ram it up their ass if they even stepped a centimeter out of line. Gin and Tousen followed behind the man, who was gracefully storming to the meeting room. Ichigo was shot and then kidnapped on Espada territory. This was unacceptable and those responsible would pay dearly for what they'd done. The brunette and his colleagues entered the room of uneasy Espada members. He seated himself at the end of the table with Gin and Tousen standing to his left and right. Everyone was silent; no one dared to speak. Heads hung in loss for two of their comrades, all except Ulquiorra. He was glad to be rid of Ichigo and that large oaf. Aizen inhaled deeply before talking with a calmness that no one in this situation would have.

"We are here today to discuss the turn of events that had happened on our territory. Two of our own were assaulted; one dead, the other kidnapped. Yammy Llargo is dead with a bullet in his head. Ichigo was shot in the shoulder and kidnapped after I went to get Szayel," Sosuke informed them. He was about to continue when Nel stood up abruptly and stormed out, Hallibel directly on her heels. Everyone was silent as Aizen sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. He only had to update them on the events so no one else got hurt.

"We are all upset, but no one is to make any rash decisions. Stay inside. No one leaves unless there is an emergency. Come to me if you get any information on the shooter or Ichigo Kurosaki's whereabouts." With nods of agreement, Aizen then got up and left with a serious Tousen and a frowning Gin. On the way back to his office the brunette was stopped by a shivering Nelliel. Her shoulders shook from a barely concealed sob. Her makeup ran with tear streaks on her cheeks.

"I'm so sorry, Aizen-sama," she strained to say. "If I hadn't chased that man down, Ichigo wouldn't have been kidnapped. This is all my fault."

Before she could break down, Sosuke placed a hand on her shoulder. She looked up with her big, sad wheat-gray eyes. Aizen knew, for the short time Ichigo had been here, that Nel had become extremely attached to his strawberry. If Hallibel wasn't dating her he might have been jealous of how quickly they became close friends.

"It's not your fault, Nelliel. I shouldn't have left him alone, even if it was the fastest way to get Szayel's help. My actions got him kidnapped, not yours," he said before walking past her and to his office door. He paused in the doorway when she spoke up.

"I know who killed Yammy and shot Ichigo," she stated quickly, making Aizen and Gin look at her expectantly. Tousen listened, unable to see. "Shinji Hirako, member of the Visoreds."

"Urahara sent him? Thank you, Nelliel. Your information will be put to good use." Sosuke then walked into his office with Tousen and Gin. Tousen shut the door and both him and Gin stood on either side of it. Sosuke paced back and forth.

"Ya know, Aizen-sama, I think that, maybe, we should have told Ichi-chan what he was gettin' inta," Gin broke the silence hesitantly. The blind man across from him nodded.

"It would have been wise," Tousen added.

"Yes, I know, but you seen the way he acts. How could I break that kind of news to him without scaring him off or having him act rashly? It's impossible with him," Aizen stressed as he ran a hand through his hair restlessly. Gin withheld comments on the boy changing the usually calm man. The situation was serious.

"We do have the security cameras outside of the mansion," Tousen reminded the pacing man. The words stilled said man and then made him smile with hope.

"Tousen, please go look over the surveillance feed," He requested distractedly, making Tousen frown at the comment. Gin patted his shoulder and left to go check what was found. When the smirking fox left, Tousen decided to ask his boss a question.

"You are truly bewitched by him, aren't you, Aizen-sama?" he asked. He heard his boss chuckle and then sit down.

"Yes, I am." Aizen smiled. Tousen smiled as well. His boss could finally be happy with someone, but first they need to find that someone. Gin strolled into the room with a disk and a furrowed brow. Sosuke watched him as he popped the disk into a DVD player in his office and played the footage. The silver-haired man took the remote and fast forwarded slowly. The video started at night with the time stamped at the bottom of the screen. Around three in the morning, before the sun even showed its rays, Grimmjow and Nnoitra were caught on tape leaving the mansion. Gin skipped past the small brawl they had on the lawn...that would be brought up later. Next, the feed showed Nel around seven in the morning leaving with a skip in her step. The next thing to pop up on screen around eight in the morning was Aizen and Ichigo leaving the mansion. Time skipped by, showing Yammy taking a break from his job. Gin would beat him to a pulp if he wasn't dead already.

The time stamp was ten forty-five when Aizen and Ichigo came back and Gin played the video, ready to pause. The vibrant head of hair was walking behind Aizen and stopped with his arms crossed on the video. The brunette turned around and asked a question, which led to an argument. Nel arrived and Ichigo continued to yell and glare at Aizen. Then the three people on the video flinched. That was the first shot. Nelliel pulled her gun and went to investigate when Ichigo jolted. Blood quickly spread through his white shirt as Nel and Sosuke panicked. The video proceeded and Ichigo was soon alone. The brunette sat forward in his seat. Not even a minute later a man walked on the grass where Ichigo laid. He knelt and cradled the orangette's head. Ichigo's chest rose and fell faster than it was before. Brown eyes watched as the man lifted Ichigo into his arms and stood. As soon as he stood, he turned around to go back and Gin paused the video. Aizen's eyes widened.

"Ginjo Kugo..? He took Ichigo? Why?" he breathed, completely shocked. Ginjo and his team lived nowhere near the mansion. How did he know they were going to be attacked that day, at that hour, and to swipe Ichigo at that moment? "At least I know who has him," he muttered. Gin's face was pulled into a frown.

"Yer jus' goin' ta leave him?"

"No, Gin. You misunderstood. I'm glad I know who has Ichigo," The brunette stood, walking over to the bookshelf in his office. He ran his hand along the spines before pulling out a large dictionary. He opened the cover to show a gaping hole in the pages. He reached in and took a small key from the book. Placing the large book back on the shelf, he walked back to his desk and unlocked a drawer. He then pulled out a pistol with a silencer from the desk drawer. "Because now I can kill him."


Ginjo stood outside with a cigarette hanging from his lips. His eye was throbbing, along with his chin, torso, and balls. That strawberry minx was very feisty. He woke up not too long ago and, while under the drugs, fought Ginjo tooth and nail to escape again. He didn't understand why the young man didn't want to be with him. Was it because of that power-hungry monstrosity Sosuke? He was way better than him; he was loving, caring, protective, and strong. He washed Ichigo when he was too tired and injured to do it himself. He dressed the orangette and gave him medicine for his shoulder and earlier wounds. Every time Ichigo would get into fights, he would go beat the shit out of who did it. Ginjo was a great boyfriend! So why did he avoid him?

"Ginjo, what happened!?" Riruka gasped as she exited the building. She looked at his nasty black eye and the bruises on his face. She scowled at him after a moment. "Did you go on a mission without your partner again!? Are you trying to get yourself killed!?" she scolded while yelling. Ginjo inhaled more of his cancer stick before sighing out the smoke from his nose.

"No, I didn't leave without Tsukishima. Ichigo is in my room and he got agitated when he woke up."

"...Ginjo, why is Ichigo even in your room. He's an Espada. He basically belongs to Aizen-"

"No he doesn't! That bastard will never have Ichigo! Not as long as I'm alive to say something about it!" he shouted, making her startle. The maroon haired woman stared at Ginjo for a moment before walking back inside. She leaned against the door with a conflicted expression. She was a part of Ginjo's team and was perfectly fine with being a part of it. She knew the others probably have no idea Ichigo was here, if they did things wouldn't be so calm. She loved everyone but she didn't want to end up dead when someone from the Espada came to take Ichigo back. She took out her cellphone and stared at its blank screen before turning it on and calling someone she hadn't thought she would call. She found this number on a mission and kept it, thinking it would come in handy. She walked to her room as normal as possible. When they answered her heart stilled at the betrayal she was about to commit. She shut the door to her room as a voice from over the line.

"Hello? Who is this?" the man asked. She breathed in deeply before answering them.

"Hello, this is Riruka Dokugamine, I called you to tell you my boss has one of your own." She heard him laugh and her dainty eyebrows furrowed in confusion. She was giving him Ichigo and he was laughing.

"We already know who has him and where, but thank ya. If yer plannin' on livin', it would be best ya collect yer things. Someone is on tha way and they won't hesitate ta kill ya. Oh yeah, leave a note about ya disappearin' and never comin' back so he won't hunt ya down. Good luck, Ms. Dokugamine," he warned before hanging up. She immediately stuffed her phone into her purse before running around her room and packing. She wasn't sticking around. She had missions and she knew for a fact that personal missions were far worse than business related missions. She packed all her favorite and personal belongs and then smiled as she wrote a note about her leaving and never returning. She decided to let the others make their own decision. Most of them were loyal to Ginjo, so if she told them she was planning on leaving because they were going to die, they would tell him and she would be killed before she stepped out the door. She knew Jackie would come with her though and she would damn sure bring her friend.

"Thank you, Ichimaru. Thank you so much."

She had a second chance thanks to him.


Ginjo's smoke break turned into a day out before he came back home. He decided he should apologize to Riruka for snapping at her when she was only concerned. They all knew how powerful Sosuke was, so of course she was going to worry about her boss. He entered the building and walked to her room. He knocked on her pink painted door and waited. He frowned when she didn't answer. He knocked again.

"Riruka, it's me, Ginjo. Please open the door," He said and then waited again. She still didn't answer, so this time he opened the door. He stepped inside to see her room as normal but there wasn't as many clothes and stuffed animals as before. He walked over to the desk and looked at a sheet of paper with her neat cursive handwriting.

"Dear Reader,

Me and my friend will bring you no harm. We left and will never return. I didn't know our boss took Ichigo, but when I found out, I called to tell you. Gin told me you already knew and someone was on their way to kill us. He told me to write you this note to tell you that we ran away. Ginjo has always been obsessed with Ichigo for years. I didn't think he would go as far as kidnapping him, though. Ginjo's room is down the hall; the very last door. Everyone who is still there is hostile so kill on sight. If they say anything along the lines of never coming back like me and Jackie, they're lying. They are loyal to Ginjo and always will be. Tell Gin, Thank you for giving me a second chance at life.

Sincerely, Riruka Dokugamine and Jackie Tristan"

Ginjo stared in disbelief at the paper. Those two just up and left them to get murdered. The raven-haired man growled furiously before storming from the room he walked to the next door and opened it. All the words in his throat died as he looked at his friend. Yukio was sprawled on the bed, his green eyes staring wide and unseeing at the ceiling. Blood splattered the wall behind him from the bullet that went directly through his forehead. He backed up and ran to the next room and swung it open. It was the same injury; a bullet to the head. Giriko was sitting at his desk and now was slouched in the chair, head laid on the desk, blood dripping from the edge of the desk to the floor. Ginjo backed out the room and then ran to another door. He opened the door to Tsukishima's room and sighed in relief that there wasn't any bloody scene for him to enter. He was confused though, since Tsukishima usually never left the house. He left the room and looked at the last door, his room. He walked up to the door and opened it slowly. He pushed it fully open when he only saw Ichigo in the room. He walked up to the bed and looked down at his sleeping face with a smile. His hand reached to caress the orangette's tan-skinned cheek...when the click of a gun's safety being switched off reached his ears and a metal barrel touched the back of his head.

"Don't touch him," a calm voice spoke. Ginjo shivered in fear slightly before cursing himself for not checking the room. The strawberry really was going to be the death of him. "Move," Aizen commanded. The ex-boss listened and moved away from Ichigo and stood next to the wall. He watched as the brunette sat on the bed of orange. Ginjo subtly looked to his dresser that was next to him. He kept his gun in the drawer. "If you move to get your weapon, I will shoot your legs. I wouldn't recommend it," Sosuke stated without looking away from Ichigo. Ginjo watched as the other placed his hand on the orangette's soft locks and combed his fingers through them, while his other pointed the gun at him. Ichigo's showed signs of waking up and slowly opened his brown orbs. He was shifting in and out of consciousness and only saw blurs, but he saw brown and knew it wasn't Ginjo. He relaxed and tried to focus on what was happening. Ginjo watched as Ichigo looked around and wanted so bad to go and coddle him. First he had to get rid of that monster. He quickly grabbed the drawer and opened it, grabbing the gun and pointing it at Sosuke. They stared at each other, him glaring at the Espada leader and Aizen smiling at him. Sosuke started to chuckle which made him frown.

"What the hell are you laughing at!? I got a gun on you!" he shouted in frustration. Aizen shook his head.

"A gun with no bullets. Very useful."

Ginjo's eyes widened and he took out the magazine, then checked it. Just as the other said, it was empty.

"How..?" he gasped.

"It doesn't take long to unload your gun, Mr. Kugo. Now, usually when people do something I dislike, I warn them and if they do it again, it gets worse with acts like torture. I can't forgive this act with a simple torture session. You stole someone from me. Someone who is slowly becoming more and more precious to me. So, as punishment, this orange room will be your tomb, Ginjo Kugo." Ginjo could only glance at Ichigo's wide brown eyes as Aizen pointed the gun at him. He smiled one last time at Ichigo before the world went black with a loud bang.


"What the fuck was that!? Tell me what's happening! Please! Am I going to be shot again?"

It has been five weeks since the incident at Ginjo's base of operations. Ichigo was healing nicely. The drugs were out of his system even if they were only to put him to sleep, his ankle was better, the stitches had been removed from his arm, his ribs were fine as well, just a bit sore. His worst injury was the bullet wound that was healing. He's just now been allowed to walk around and he immediately decided to confront Aizen. He was currently standing in front of the man's desk and glaring down at him with his arms crossed. Sosuke sighed.

"I should have told you when you joined, but I didn't want you to overreact and make a rash decision."

"Well, tell me now."

"...Okay. Please sit," Aizen requested. Ichigo complied before giving him a pointed look. The brunette cleared his throat before he started. "The Espada fighters are a cover up, just like your uncle's fighters, the Visoreds. The Espada is a group of assassins," He informed and then watched Ichigo. The other's jaw was hanging open and his eyes wide as dinner plates.


Well everyone that is chapter eight I hope you enjoyed it. (: The secret is OUT! Reviews are appreciated! Thank you for reading!