Last Time On Lady Of The Shield

Seth grinned back returning the high five as Becky picked Sasha up and proceeded to start an offensive attack on her.

Charlotte turned back to the ring, her arm around Seth.

While Charlotte and Seth left the stage, backs turned to Becky who just hit her leg-hook suplex slam finisher and finish with a pin, three count, and a win over The BFFs. But Charlotte wouldn't be there to experience it.

Charlotte smiled shyly, clearly crushing on Seth now.

Seth smiled back at her as Becky's music played and her and Alexa's names were announced in victory but neither one of them cared about that right now. Seth was walking backstage with a beautiful woman and Charlotte was going to be a member of The Shield.

"Believe In The Shield, sweetheart." Seth smiled.

"Believe in The Shield." Charlotte smiled back. She had feelings of love and victory in her heart. She was with the man that she liked, she was going to be a member of The Shield, she was going to be a WWE Diva, and she was going to be a real star and that's something everybody will believe in.

End Flashback

Charlotte walked backstage with Seth backstage in route to The Shield's private locker room with a happy smile on her face. She betrayed her BFF Sasha so she could move up properly to The Shield so she could be with the man she liked and kick butt in the process.

Seth calmly led her inside. "Hey boys, ladies, we're back."

"Welcome back." Roman smiled. "I see you got a lady friend too." Dean grinned, his arm around AJ's shoulders

"Couldn't let you guys have ladies and not me." Seth laughed.

"No problem with that." Roman laughed with his grin as Charlotte blushed. "Welcome to the team, Charlotte." The Anoa'i said as AJ furrowed her brow at the second generation wrestler.

"Glad to be here, Roman." Charlotte answered humbly.

"Even if you did just betray your BFF." AJ pointed out. She wasn't shy about saying what she felt and she didn't like Charlotte.

"I did what I had to AJ. Sometimes you have to betray people." Charlotte answered calmly.

And that's what AJ didn't like. Charlotte manipulated her way to get in the team. "Yeah who cares about earning your spot when you can manipulate your way into it." AJ sneered.

Dean arched an eyebrow at his girlfriend, surprised.

"Am I missing something?" Seth asked, wondering just what was with AJ.

"I'm as confused as you dude." Roman laughed.

"So...Bayley's going to face you this coming Smackdown in an NXT exhibition match." Seth said, trying to ease the tension.

"Wait, Seth. Go on AJ, explain it to me baby." Dean urged calmly.

"I'm sorry it's just that I honestly, Charlotte...I don't trust you," AJ admitted.

Dean sensed that AJ needed to be alone. "Hey babe, me and the boys'll step out for ya. That okay?" He asked.

"Good. I'll see you guys in a bit." AJ said. She needed that

As the boys walked out, Seth was visibly nervous. "What did I do.." He moaned as he left, shutting the door.

"It'll be alright man. AJ and Charlotte will talk it out and everything will be okay." Roman said calmly to the daredevil of The Shield.

"You sure man? Whattya you think Dean?" Seth asked.

"Same here." Dean nodded. "They'll talk it out and it'll be alright man. They'll be cool." He reassured.

Seth sighed and smiled. "Thanks guys."

"Anytime man." Dean smiled back as Roman nodded.

Charlotte crossed her arms, wondering what had gotten into AJ.

AJ sighed. "Look. I know you want to be in The Shield but you have to earn your acceptance around here, Charlotte."

"Seth came to me!" Charlotte protested.

"I know but that's just Seth." AJ replied as she continued. "Seth may like you and I'm fine with that but after you betrayed your BFF what's stopping you from doing the same to us when the time is right?" She asked.

"I betrayed her to get where I really wanted." Charlotte answered.

"I understand, trust me I used a few people too but I make sure I did more than just that. There's not a single Diva in the WWE that works harder then me and now that your in The Shield, you're going to have to work hard too." AJ said with calm passion in her voice.

"I'm the daughter of Ric Flair, honey. I know how to work hard." Charlotte replied proudly.

"Good. Otherwise you won't be in The Shield for very long." AJ warned. She was the leading lady of The Shield and would be keeping close watch on Charlotte.

"Don't worry, I'm a prodigy." Charlotte smirked.

"I hope you talk as good as you wrestle because if you don't you'll be the first Hound of Justice I'll personally put down." AJ calmly declared, looking into Charlotte's eyes.

Charlotte inwardly gulped at AJ's threat. She could tell that she meant business.

Seth knocked on the door. "Everything alright in there?" He asked from outside the door. He wanted to know if he and the guys could get back inside.

AJ sighed and smiled. "Yes Seth, I put Char in her place."

"Excuse me?" Charlotte raised her eyebrow in disbelief at the petite powerhouse.

AJ smirked, sticking her tongue out. "You heard me...Ashley."

"Don't call me Ashley...April." Charlotte smirked back while the guys stepped back into the room.

"Make me..Ashley." AJ grinned.

"Looks like we just stepped into a catfight boys." Dean grinned. "Sure wish Layla was here and not in England right now." He added with a slightly perverted gleam in his eyes.

"Dean! You perv!" AJ exclaimed, giggling.

"Hey I'm a guy who loves hot girls." Dean grinned at AJ. "That's why I'm dating one." He said happily.

AJ giggled, jumping into Dean's arms.

Dean smiled, holding her in his lean arms.

"I love you baby." AJ cooed.

"I love you too." Dean smiled back.

"Where's my Shield sister, I miss her." AJ pouted.

"She's doing a PR event in England right now. We have a UK tour coming up next week." Roman said with a bit of dislike in his voice. He missed Layla too.

"I want our jackets!" AJ whined adorably.

"They're not ready yet baby." Dean said with a little smile.

"Aww..when will they be?" AJ asked innocently.

"Tomorrow I bet." Dean answered. "Layla will have one ready for her." He grinned.

"Good. I can't wait to see her again." AJ giggled.

"Neither can we girl." Roman smiled.

AJ smirked, sticking her tongue out at Charlotte.

"Oh yeah Charlotte won't get one in time." Dean admitted innocently.

AJ giggled, blowing her a raspberry in response to that.

"Whatever." Charlotte scoffed, turning her head to try and hide her jealousy.

AJ playfully undid Dean's flak jacket, exposing his well-developed chest. "Mmm...delicious.."

"Now baby we're in the locker room." Dean smirked.

"Does it look like I give a fuck Mr. Ambrose?" AJ cooed.

"Speaking of fucks y'all look like you're about to have one yourself. We'll be in the media room if you need us." Roman smirked.

"Oh hush ya big lug. You'd screw Lay's brains out if she were here." AJ laughed.

"Yeah and I will once she gets back." Roman smiled.

"Come on Char.." Seth called charmingly.

Charlotte stood up and smiled while she walked to Seth, ready to leave the room and get away from the lovebirds.

The rest of the Shield left them be, smiling.

Dean smirked, his eyes hungrily roaming AJ's body now.

AJ smiled innocently.

Dean then pinned AJ against the wall, passionately kissing her.

AJ moaned softly. "Tongue baby.." She cooed in request.

Dean purred in reply before slipping his tongue into his lover's wanting mouth, rubbing it against hers.

AJ moaned more passionately. "Mmmm...Dean..."

Dean broke the kiss, just so he could take off AJ's shirt and throw it to the floor. He wanted to see more of his girlfriend's beautiful body.

"Oh baby..your so good to me.." AJ purred.

Dean's hands slowly moved up her back, his masculine hands feeling his girlfriend's body.

AJ's body shuddered in pleasure.

Dean moved his hands just high enough so they could rest on the strap of her bra with the intent on taking it off.

AJ shook her head, signaling no.

"Why not?" Dean lustfully growled.

"I want you baby, but not yet. Let's save it for our room. I have surprises planned.." AJ purred.

"I like surprises." Dean purred back, slowly removing his hands from his girlfriend's back.

"That's my boy.." AJ cooed in approval, throwing her Love Bites tee back on.

Dean put on his flak jacket as well with a little smile on his face. He couldn't wait until they got to the hotel.

"My Lunatic Fringe.." AJ breathed, lovestruck.

"My sweet Black Widow.." Dean cooed lovingly.

"All mine, Dean Ambrose, all mine." AJ purred with a bit of possessiveness in her voice.

"Damn right baby," Dean smiled, patting AJ on her firm backside once he was dressed up once again.

"Let's go see the boys hot stuff." AJ smirked.

"Right behind ya baby." Dean nodded.

AJ gleefully skipped out.

Dean smiled, walking behind AJ out of their locker room.

AJ then skipped into the media room.

"Back so soon?" Roman asked with a little smile upon seeing Dean and AJ enter the room.

"Deanie and I wanna wait." AJ smiled.

"Coulda fooled me." Seth chuckled. "We thought y'all were gonna go at it in the locker room." The Shield's daredevil teased.

"Oh hush Rollins." AJ laughed.

"We've been watching some sports this whole time." Roman said.

"Anything good Romey?" AJ giggled.

"Just some football news, nothing too important." Roman replied with a smile.

AJ smiled, skipping to the big man's side.

Roman smiled while AJ sat beside him meanwhile Charlotte sat comfortably on Seth's lap. "Do you have a favorite football team, Sethy?" The second generation diva sweetly asked.

"Yeah I'm a Bears fan hun. Their close to my home in Davenport." Seth answered with a smile.

"Not bad. I'm a Panthers fan myself," Charlotte smiled back.

"I think Dean's a Bengals fan, right dude?" Seth asked the Lunatic Fringe.

"Yeah. I like the Bengals. I'm from Cincinnati after all." Dean smiled.

"Paige has a fondness for my Bears and the Ravens not to mention the Saints, go figure." Seth laughed.

"I don't blame her there. Brees and Ray Lewis are both great players." Roman agreed.

"Of course." Seth nodded. "What about you AJ, what teams do you like?" He asked with interest.

"Giants and Jets, Sethy. Closest to Jersey." AJ giggled happily.

"Nice." Roman nodded with a smile.

Soon enough The Shield members left the NXT arena and made their way to the hotel. Roman had his room, Dean and AJ had their own room, and Seth and Charlotte had their own to rest and relax in.

AJ skipped happily into the room she shared with Dean.

"And here we are, our home for the night." Dean smiled as he followed her into their hotel room.

AJ grinned at him, her big brown eyes dancing with glee.

"I like it when you smile at me like that baby." Dean smiled back.

"Clothes off, now." AJ cooed.

Dean smiled while he did just that, removing his shirt to show off his muscular upper body.

AJ moaned. "Mmmm...delicious..I could just eat you up.."

"And I'm just halfway done," Dean purred, teasingly playing with the button of his black jeans.

AJ whined, giving her best impression of an innocent little kitten wanting to play as she let out an adorable mew.

Dean smirked as he unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down, leaving him in just his boxer underwear now.

"Jon...stop teasing!" AJ whined, using Dean's real first name.

"Awww but its so cute when you whine, April." Dean cooed as he slowly pulled down his underwear from the sides.

"Deaaaan, not funnnny!" AJ whined, sounding even cuter now.

"You're even cuter now." Dean grinned, revealing the first glimpses of his private area nice and slowly, inch by inch until a part of his manhood was shown.

Finally, AJ had had enough with waiting and skipped over, ripping Dean's underwear off him herself.

"I knew you wouldn't wait much longer, because well somebody's excited." Dean said with a light chuckle as his bare manhood was revealed.

AJ huffed, crossing her arms in mock indignation.

"Now. It's your turn," Dean said as he smiled at his beautiful girlfriend.

"Maybe I don't wanna now." AJ replied, completely teasing.

"Don't tease me baby..." Dean said with a lustful gaze, looking at AJ's beautiful body.

"Oh, so you can tease me, but I can't tease you? How in the beautiful insanity that is Harley is that fair?" AJ replied, play-pouting.

"Oh come on. Joker needs to see his Harley naked." Dean said, whining a bit himself.

"Ooooh is that so?" AJ teased, giggling.

"Yes, that is." Dean said with an aroused growl in his voice.

AJ tantizingly pulled her booty shorts down.

"Just like that baby." Dean said as he watched AJ seductively undress.

AJ smiled, shaking her ass a little as she showed off her black silk panties.

"Beautiful...fucking beautiful," Dean purred, his manhood hardening at the sight.

"I know I am." AJ purred.

"Now take off that top." Dean ordered with a seductive growl.

AJ giggled, happily removing her top.

"Bra too baby," Dean said with a little smile on his face.

AJ smiled naughtily, doing so.

"Yeah...damn you look good." Dean smiled.

"You think so?" AJ cooed.

"I know it baby." Dean purred, pulling AJ close to him into a hug.

AJ moaned happily.

Dean then gave AJ a deep kiss, slipping his tongue into her mouth within the kiss.

AJ moaned in pure bliss.

"" Dean growled with desire as his hands rested on AJ's bare backside.

AJ was only too happy to oblige as she skipped over.

Dean happily followed her to the bed, pinning her down with a lustful kiss in the process.

"Mmmm...Deany..." AJ moaned softly.

Dean positioned himself between April's legs, caressing her face with his manhoood pressed against her. "I love you April."

"I love you too Jon.." AJ murmured.

The Lunatic Fringe gave his first thrusts into AJ's sweetest area.

AJ screamed in raw bliss.

Dean thrust his hips hard into his petite lover, wanting to give her more pleasure.

AJ screamed louder. "Ahhhhh! Deeeeean!"

Dean growled in lust against AJ's neck between his passionate thrusts inside of her center. Her screams fueled him on

"Mmmm...ooooh...God..." AJ moaned, writhing in bliss.

"You feel so good baby...fuck...yes..." Dean praised her softly.

"This is paradise babe.." AJ breathed, her chest gently heaving to catch lost breaths of air.

Dean kissed AJ's neck lovingly while he slammed his hips inside of her.

AJ squealed in glee, arching her back.

Dean groaned lustfully at her between his thrusts into her tight pussy, enjoying her warm center around his manhood.

"I'm gonna come babe!" AJ yelled in bliss.

"Me too!" Dean yelled out.

AJ screamed in bliss as her juices gushed out of her.

Dean yelled out AJ's name while his seed erupted inside of her as well.

AJ helped him gently pull out before the petite bombshell fell into his arms. "Jesus...that was insane..but the good insane.." She said, sighing happily.

"Yeah that was crazy...I loved it." Dean smiled with an arm wrapped around AJ.

"My Lunatic Fringe.." AJ cooed lovingly.

"My Black Widow." Dean said with an adoring smile.

AJ giggled, cutely flipping her hair back in the vain of former Diva Maryse.

Dean chuckled at AJ's innocent gesture. "I love you baby." He cooed.

AJ sighed dreamily. It was clear she was madly in love with Dean Ambrose.

" prince of chaos.." She murmured.

"My princess of mischief." Dean purred, throwing the covers over them.

AJ giggled. "I like that, sweetheart."

"I knew you would." Dean smiled. "Now lets get some sleep." He said softly.

"Night my sweet." AJ cooed.

"G'night baby." Dean said warmly as he turned off the light so he and AJ could get some rest and get ready for tomorrow.

To be continued...