The night sky colors the gray clouds darker over the group's heads, it was nearly midnight. For hours they have trailed the route, and the bottom of the wagon started to blister the hands of the guard and the prince. The snow beneath their feet made them slip a time or two but they quickly recovers their footing. Soon the group had reached the bottom of the cliff and turns left. The village the queen and her friend use to live in could be seen just in the distance.

Even though snow covers the road, it wasn't impossible to reach the village. The wagon driver looks to Thomas. "When we reach that village don't make a sound. Don't even think about breathing."

The boy looks at him with a confuse expression on his face. "Don't think of breathing? What for? What's wrong with the village?" He takes his ragged shirt in his fist, the driver's warning scaring him.

The older man looks forward. His hands clutch the reigns of the horse in front of him as it sways back and forth. "The people of this village despise us. Something happened a few years ago that left them bitter and unforgiving. This is the only way to the castle so we all must be cautious."

Grant over heard the wagon driver and decides to speak up. "Don't scare him!" He turns his attention to the boy. "Thomas, just don't talk and keep your eyes forward. It's best you don't see their glares." Thomas looks back to Grant then draws his attention back to the village. As they got closer to it, he swallows nervously.

Entering the village he could hear the call and talk of its people who are still out this late at night. Thomas can hear some voices from inside the houses, some of them warning others of the groups arrival. He makes the horse's head his primary attention. He watches as it's ears slowly fall back. The tension has become so thick, the boy feels like he could suffocate in it.

Grant glances over and saw some of Gaston's old gang looking outside of the pub. If looks could kill, the whole group would be nothing but dust now. Grant noticed that they held various weapons in their hands. This is only telling him that he mustn't stop for anything. He holds his breath as he saw the exit of the village.

Once far enough he looks back to see that no one was following them, guessing that they return to their business. Grant lets go of his breath and lays his forehead on the wagon. "I swear one of these days they're going to snap."

The guard beside him glances over. "But can you blame them? They did lose their hero years ago."

Grant glares to the guard, wanting to slug him as the memories of that certain night fills his head. "Gaston was no hero! He was anything but!" He lifts his head. "Keep moving. We'll be home soon!"

Sure enough, the castle came into view. Grant smiles as his brother's estate grew as they got closer and closer. A servant had opened the gate and they walked into the castle ground. They found a good place to stop. Grant and the guard slowly lowers the broken end of the wagon on the ground carefully, not to trap their hands underneath. Grant brushes his hands off and looks to the group. Just as he was going to give them the orders of what to do next, the castle doors opens and Cogsworth runs outside. "Grant you're finally home!"

Grant looks to him in slight confusion yet happy to see some one else other than the men he was traveling with. "Yes. Nice to see you too Cogsworth."

Cogsworth looks to him. "Grant, Elise has been in labor since midday! She was wondering when you'd return!"

That smacked Grant right in the face. He looks at Cogsworth with wide eyes. "Are you serious!? Please don't tell me I missed my child being born!"

The head of the castle staff shakes his head. "You didn't, but you should tell Elise of your return."

The prince lets out a sigh of relief and heads to the wagon. "Cogsworth, you tell the servants what to do with the cargo. Also," He points to Thomas. "Make sure that boy is as comfortable as possible." He grabs the items he bought at the harbor and rushes inside even though he's leaving a very confuse Cogsworth behind who has a poor teen boy staring at him, bare foot in the snow.

It feels like forever since Elise went into labor. Since then, she had contraction after contraction and it doesn't seem like it'll end soon. She tries to make sure the pain doesn't get the best of her, but it's difficult as another contraction comes along. She grits her teeth to prevent herself from screaming. A knock on the door is heard over the commotion. Belle looks to the door. "Yes?"

A maid from the other side answers. "I just wanted to tell you that Grant has returned."

Elise's grip tightens around the hands that holds hers. "Well that's just fan flipping tastic! Does he want a cookie or something!?"

Grant enters the Library where he found Maurice reading with Lori sitting on his knee. The little girl looks up and smiles. "Oncle Grant, you're back!" She hops off her grandfather's lap and rushes over to hug her uncle.

Grant kneels down and hugs his niece. "Bonjour ma nièce douce. What are you doing up so late?"

Lori smiles at him. "Grand-père was reading me a story since Maman and Papa couldn't." She frowns and looks up to the ceiling while poking her cheek. She looks back to him. "Oh, and Papa wanted me to pass a message on to you."

Grant smirks and tilts his head. "Oh? And what exactly is this message?"

Lori gives him a big toothy grin as her blue eye shine bright, mischievously. "Told you so!"

Grant sighs knowing his brother. "Yeah, he would say that."

Both Lori and Maurice chuckles. The old man gets up from his chair and walks over to the two. "Come on, Lori. It's way passed your bed time, little one."

The little princess pouts. "But Grand-père, I wanted to stay up until the baby comes."

Grants stands up and smiles. "Lori, do what he tells you. Besides the baby wont be here for a little while longer, you'll be asleep before that."

She sighs in defeat, even though she would like to continue to argue with her family. "Okay." She takes Maurice's hand and they walk out of the Library.

Once the princess fell asleep. Maurice returns to the library to keep Grant company. They talked for hours about the time while the Prince was out. In the middle of the conversation, Cogsworth walks in and to Grant. "Sire, the supplies are in the castle and put away."

The prince looks up to him and adds. "Okay. And the boy?"

Cogsworth nods to him. "He's been fed and put to bed in a guest room."

Grant sits back in his chair. "Good. We'll discuss what to do with him when Adam is well. Until then, he's the castle's guest."

Cogsworth looks at him. "Guest? He doesn't have a family to return to?"

The prince shakes his head sadly. "Orphan. He was following us just to get something to eat. He told us that he is a run away from England. He informed us that he's from a work-house." He looks to Cogsworth. "Make sure my brother knows of Thomas' presents."

The older man nods. "Of course! The master must know of the boy!" He turn and hurries out of the library to the west wing. Once he was out of sight, Belle and the other women walk inside with smiles.

Grant stands up, anxious to know about his family. "Well?"

Belle smiles and looks at him. "You can go see them now, Grant." Her brother-in-law smiles and rushes out of the Library. He opens the door to the Infirmary and saw his beautiful wife holding a pink squirming bundle in her arms.

Elise looks up to him with joyful tears in her eyes. She gives out a small giggle. "Grant, She's so beautiful! Come here and look at her!"

He smiles and walks over to his family. He looks at his new daughter's face and smiles at her. He takes her from her mother when offered and held her close to him. Tears form into his eyes at the sight. "You're right. She is beautiful!" He takes in her appearance and saw she has a patch of his hair color sitting on top of her scalp. Blue eyes shines through squinty eyelids. He kisses the baby's forehead and smiles to his wife. "I think I have the perfect name. Why not call her Faye, after your mother."

Elise smiles up to him. "I love it. And it's perfect since we did meet while you were under the spell. If it wasn't for that this wouldn't be possible. "

Grant smiles. "Faye does mean fairy, after all." He kisses Faye's forehead again. "My little fairy."

Days pass and the new father finds it difficult to leave his family's side, but he has his brother's duties to complete. At least Adam was well enough for Belle to go back to her duties as the queen. Thomas was given a bath, new clothes, shoes, and his hair clean and neat.

Eventually, Adam's cold disappears. When he was ready, he decides to meet Thomas. He ordered Lumiere to bring him to the Dining room while he and Grant heads to the table. Adam sits in his usual chair and Grant sits to his left. Thomas walks into the dining room minutes later and glances to Grant and the King.

Adam looks to the boy. "You must be Thomas." He motions to the seat to his right. "Come and sit." Thomas nods and walks to the other side of the table slightly nervous. He looks to Grant who sits across from him. For a solid hour they talk about the workhouse where he and other kids was treated horribly. Thomas tells them how and why he escaped and how he traveled to the harbor by seeking on the bag of carriages and wagons.

After hearing the boy's story, the brothers looks to each other, thought together and came up with an idea what should happen to the boy. Adam looks to Thomas. "Here's what's going to happen. Since your still young, we're taking you into our care. It's for the best that you'll work as a servant. You will be payed for your work and when you become of age to have a life on your own, you will decision to leave or stay."

Thomas looks at them, surprise expression quickly turns into smiles. "Really? I get to stay?"

Adam nods and smiles back. "You'll start tomorrow. Some one will help you get started." He grabs the boy's hand and gives him a firm shake. He stands up with a smile and walks out of the room.

Grant stands up and grins at Thomas. "You'll like it here. We treat the servants with respect."

Thomas smiles up to him and shakes his hand as well. "Thank you Grant!"

The prince walks out of the room. He smiles when he hears a baby's babble. His eyes meet his wife's with Faye in her arms. He walks over, takes his baby and kisses Elise on the lips.