Kuroko no Basuke is copyrighted by Fujimaki Tadatoshi-sensei. Give him the best regards for creating this great manga!

The OCs are mine.

Warning: Akashi x OC. Later on it will be Midorima x OC, but the main story is focused on Akashi.

Alluring Gaze

Chapter 19

Declaration of War

Winter holidays are up. Every students are really waiting for these days to relax or having fun. Even so, the air is colder than before although it hasn't been snowing for now.

Using this moment, some relatives from Sakuya's mother's side decided to spend their winter break together in Japan. Rather than booking in a hotel, they chose to stay at Sakuya's parent's house. Her aunt and uncle from England, who were the ones who took care of her when she attended middle school, cannot spend their holidays with her this year. Instead, their son is the one who represents their absence. As for her American relatives, all of them are coming over to spend their days with the big family. They will stay over until the New Year's celebration and will go back to their country the day after.

"So it means they will go back on Saturday night?" Midorima asked Sakuya who sat next to him. The two of them are taking a stroll with Sakuya's cousins around Tokyo's street and now taking a break at a nearby park. They decided to watch over them while sitting on the bench.

Sakuya nodded. She then offered her drink to Midorima, which the latter accepted nonchalantly. "Four days more to spend the holidays with my relatives," she said and looked over to her three little American cousins. Those three are still in elementary school. A tall man who joined the three is Sakuya's cousin from England and he's five years older than her.

Midorima followed Sakuya's suit and watched the four also in silence. "At least you have spent a week with them," he then retorted.

"I think it's not enough," Sakuya replied monotonously, making Midorima twitched in annoyance.

"Are you kidding me?"

"I'm just kidding. They still have to go back to finish their studies." Sakuya giggled. "After all, I can still spend the rest of my winter break with the others and you."

"I know," Midorima huffed. He gave back the water bottle to its owner and relaxed himself. He tightened his dark green scarf around his neck. The end of December is really colder than before. This coldness will last to mid-January. At least wearing gloves all the time is handy whenever you are outside. However, his eyes caught Sakuya's bare hands putting back her water bottle inside her bag. He didn't know why the girl didn't wear one in this cold season. He couldn't tell if she's cold or not because her skin is pale, making it harder to distinguish the difference.

"By the way, Shintarou-kun," Sakuya called, putting away Midorima's thought. "What will you do on New Year's Eve?"

"Staying at home," is the short reply given by Midorima. The greenhead always prefers staying at home rather than going out.

"Always the same like old times." Sakuya giggled. "Actually, I want to ask you out to visit Meiji Shrine."

Midorima blinked when he heard that. "*Hatsumode?"

Sakuya nodded. "Hotaru-san said I should invite you out."

"Why me? You can do it with your family."

"I'm afraid I can't. The others are going to stay at home because they all think the shrine will be crowded. It will be bad if my little cousins are lost. They decided to have a dinner instead and rest up until *hatsuhinode," Sakuya explained, referring to her foreign relatives. "Also, Momoi-san was the one who asked me about it first."

"I see." Midorima nodded in understanding. "Maybe I can come with you. I am quite bored staying at home anyway," he said while pushing up his glasses.

"Really?" Sakuya's eyes beamed with glee. "Thank you, Shintarou-kun."

Midorima looked away to hide his embarrassment from seeing the happy look on Sakuya's face. "I-I said maybe, so it means I don't know if I can come…"

"I'm sure you will come, Shintarou-kun. You don't want to see me wearing kimono?"

When he heard the word 'kimono', Midorima turned back and looked at Sakuya with disbelief. "Wait. What did you say?"

Sakuya blinked innocently. "I'm going to wear a kimono for hatsumode. Momoi-san and Aida-san will wear one, too."

Hearing the Seirin's coach name, more curiosity rose up in Midorima. Just who did Momoi invite out besides Sakuya?

Knowing the question inside Midorima's mind, Sakuya answered his inquiry. "Kuroko-san, Kise-san, Aomine-san, and Hyuuga-san are coming along, too. She also asked Atsushi-san, but she hasn't known if he could come."

"…What about Akashi?" Midorima asked, although somehow he felt bitter when he spoke the redhead's name. He doesn't know why, though. It never occurs to him to feel that way until he knows Akashi is friends with Sakuya. And somehow, he is irritated when Akashi is very close with her, especially when he is not around because he lives in different prefecture from Sakuya. He can't watch over her like he always did back in the past.

"Momoi-san invited Sei-san, too. But I don't know if he will-" Sakuya's words were halted when Midorima cut in.

"You call him what?"

Sakuya blinked in confusion. Midorima was glaring at her. He was in rage. She doesn't know why her childhood friend was angry, but still answered his question earlier. "I call him 'Sei-san'."

Midorima widened his eyes in disbelief. "Since when?" he asked her darkly, making Sakuya a little bit tensed by the change of atmosphere. It's the first time for the girl to see the greenhead this enraged.

"Since his birthday, after the surprise party."

His blood boiled. Hearing the news, Midorima can't help but snapped. How could he not know this? How could Sakuya call Akashi like that when the girl always addresses him politely? How could that happen? How?

And how could he feel like he is being pressured by knowing that Akashi and Sakuya are – in fact, being closer from before?

It's like a sign; a warning for Midorima Shintarou. Something is definitely not right, and he knows he is not going to like it. He needs to take care of it before the things he predicts will be true.

"Shintarou-kun, what's wrong?" Sakuya tapped Midorima's shoulder and shook him lightly. Midorima stared into Sakuya's worried look, but sighed in the end.

"…When will you all go to the shrine?" Midorima asked, not answering Sakuya's worry. He didn't want to talk about it to her, so he decided to change the topic. Fortunately to him, Sakuya noticed his thoughts and got along the way.

"Momoi-san said we should gather with everyone first in front of the temple gate at 8 p.m."

"Then we go there together from your house," Midorima said without much thought. "You're going to wear a kimono, and it will be crowded there, so I will be with you from the start."

Sakuya nodded. She doesn't mind if Midorima will fetch her up. She needs someone to accompany her, after all. "You're not going to wear one, Shintarou-kun?"

"No. It's annoying."

"Ah, that's too bad. I want to see you wear one, Shintarou-kun." Sakuya smiled to Midorima with her softened gaze, making Midorima stunned. "I'm sure you will look good in kimono. Also, it's a rare chance to see you wearing one across a year."

The greenhead averted his face to hide his embarrassment. "I said it's annoying," he stated curtly.

Shortly, Sakuya's cousin from England approached the two while carrying his little cousin. The other two followed him from behind. "Sakuya, these cuties are tired. They want to go back," Charlotte; the name of the man, informed Sakuya while eying the little one he is carrying – sleeping in his arms.

"Then we should go back," Sakuya responded with fluent English.

"But you should stay here." Suddenly Charlotte retorted again, making Sakuya confused. "With Shintarou," he continue again as he glanced to Midorima. "I will bring them home. You just continue your stroll with him. Both of you are not finished yet, right?"

"We were just talking, Charlotte. And I think Shintarou-kun wants to go back," Sakuya said and she glanced to Midorima. She switched to her Japanese. "Shintarou-kun, my cousins are going to go back. What about you?"

Midorima thought for a moment. He doesn't have anything to do and he is tired, too. He wants to go back home to rest. However, he is not in the mood to go back now. "I still want to stay here for a little while longer," he replied, but then continued again. "With you, if you don't mind."

His statement made Sakuya gaped, but she reverted back to her calm demeanor. She had the feeling Midorima now needs her, for whatever reason it is. She then looked up to Charlotte. "I guess I will continue my time with Shintarou-kun, then. Please take care on the way back," she said in her second language.

Charlotte nodded. "Alright. You two, say your greetings with Sakuya and this big brother here before going back, okay?" the blonde-haired man demanded the little twins; Vincent and Spence, to bid goodbyes.

"Sis is not coming back with us?" Vincent turned to Sakuya, who gave the auburn-haired boy a nod.

"I still have something to do with big brother Shintarou. I will be back later, so don't worry," Sakuya explained to Vincent. She then turned to Spence; the older twin. "Spence, take care of your brother while I'm not around, okay?"

Spence nodded vigorously. "I will! Bye-bye, Sis Sakuya!" Both twins launched themselves at Sakuya which the girl received by giving them a hug. The boys gave a kiss on Sakuya's cheeks before leaning away. They turned around and waved to Midorima. "Big Bro Shintarou! Bye-bye!" they said in unison. Midorima gave the two a nod.

"We're leaving. Take care, Sakuya." Charlotte and the three children left afterwards after saying their goodbyes.

Not long after, Sakuya giggled. "Aren't both of them cute?" she retorted amusingly as she saw both Vincent and Spence are holding hands with Charlotte behind them. "Their cuteness somehow reminds me of Meiko-chan."

Midorima scoffed. "I doubt that." He really can't agree if his loud and annoying sister is being called 'cute'; that sister of his who likes to ridicule him, shout loudly near him, hit him hard like she please, and tell others his misfortune.

"Oh, Shintarou-kun. Please do not say that. Maybe she's a little bit over for you, but actually she's kind," Sakuya said; somehow trying to defend Meiko. The girl knows Midorima is very serious, and his sister's bubbly personality annoys him. It explains why Midorima is also very annoyed every time Kise is around. Kise and Meiko's personality are actually quite the same. "I'm sure you will notice her femininity when she reaches her maturity, especially when she finds someone she likes."

Midorima then remembered the closeness between Meiko and Takao. The hawk-eye sometimes hangs out with his sister from time to time, and that's where Takao knows his relationship with Sakuya; which annoys him greatly because the guy will tease him whenever someone mentions about the brown-haired girl. Speaking about Takao, he realized Meiko likes to spend time with his partner more often now. He doesn't know when it quickly escalated. Did Takao make his move first, or is it the other way round? But he remembered it; the times whenever he saw Meiko's expression with Takao. She's very different every time she is with the guy; being very sweet and smiles a lot with him. "I guess I can agree with the last part, though," Midorima stated calmly. "However, I cannot say she has matured yet."

"She will. Time will tell." Sakuya absent-mindedly rubbed her bare hands to keep them warm. She forgot to bring her gloves earlier because she thought today wouldn't be so cold. "It has been very cold these days. I wonder if it will be colder in hatsumode later."

Midorima didn't reply her remarks, but he silently took off his left glove and grabbed Sakuya's left hand without warning. He put it on to her and ignored her stare. "Next time, bring one with you every time you are going outside," he preached her after he has done putting on the glove.

Sakuya averted her gaze to look at the greenhead's left hand; his fingers are still tapped neatly even though he had wear glove to conceal them. But now that Midorima has given her his left glove, then why he still kept the right one?

"Don't complain," he said next. He stood up from the bench and extended his left hand to her, waiting for her to accept it. "I want to take a walk for a bit."

"With me?"

"And why do you think I extend my hand to you?"

Smiling sheepishly, Sakuya accepted Midorima's hand and stood up. She could feel the warmth whenever Midorima holds her small hand. The greenhead then put both of their hand inside his coat pocket while still entwining their fingers. "Ah, so that's why," Sakuya said and giggled afterwards. "You are really kind and caring, Shintarou-kun."

"I don't know what you are talking about." Midorima turned his heels and started walking to other direction while matching his pace with Sakuya. All that he wanted to do that time was to spend their remaining time together a little while longer and he would send her back home. He didn't want to think about Sakuya's closeness with his ex-captain nor everyone else. He just wanted to ease his worries by knowing he is walking with her right now. He just wanted to know that they are together, side by side. No one is disturbing nor separating them.

As time passes slowly, Midorima decided to treasure every moment within each second with his childhood friend. He wanted to fill the three years of Sakuya's absence with this, although he knew it's not enough. But wanting it more will lead him to greediness, and he doesn't want that.

He intermittently looked at Sakuya and she would smile at him if she caught him doing that. He would be embarrassed and glanced away, but he would do it again. The greenhead wanted to see her present being and craved it into his memory. He admitted, she hadn't changed so much. She is still polite, expressionless, caring, and kind. Her eyes of hers still manage to attract him.

The reason he thought that way, maybe because it is not Sakuya that changed. He's the one who has changed. Not physically. He sees her in a different way than before. He hated to admit it, but now he has grown to be very protective of her.

And he hated another fact of him which he doesn't want anyone to know about it.

When Momoi told him about their plan for hatsumode, Akashi said he would let her know after he made the decision. That time, he didn't know if he had the urge to hang out to the shrine on that day, since he knew every year all the shrines will be crowded with people. He also didn't feel excited for that. Due to the winter holidays, he doesn't have the chances to meet Sakuya in person. After that 'Christmas date' with her, the redhead often texts or calls her to talk. Only hearing her voice is not enough for him. He wants to meet up with her. Unfortunately the girl always had plans when he asked. Of course, it made him down.

He put down the book he was reading from this afternoon and checked his phone for any emails. The only new email he got was from Momoi; asking about his decision for joining their hatsumode together. Before he wanted to reply, he looked at the time on his phone; 18:32. The redhead didn't realize it has already nighttime. Engrossing himself reading a book is really time-consuming and brought him to another world.

Suddenly, he remembered something and chuckled lightly. "Is this what Sakuya has experienced when she read a book at her place?" He then looked over to the thick book he had read until its last page. "Engrossing herself in the book's world until she didn't realize if she was thirsty nor hungry."

Now that he said it, he actually felt thirsty. Akashi put his phone inside his pocket and went downstairs to the kitchen for a glass of water. On his way, he found his father in the living room is busy with his laptop. Not wanting to distract his work, Akashi silently made his way to the fridge and got himself a cold drink to appease his thirst. Unfortunately, his effort was meaningless when suddenly his phone rang. His father; startled of the sound, turned around to see his son answered the call.

"You're finally out from your room from this afternoon," Renshin commented, focusing himself to his work after that.

Glad that his father didn't mind with the sudden distraction, Akashi pulled his phone to his ear without seeing the caller's name first. "Hello," he greeted first while making his way back to his room.

But he stopped his track when the voice he knows so well greeted him back. "Good evening, Sei-san."

Her low yet soft voice and that politeness made Akashi chuckled. "My." He covered his lower face to hide his merriness, but he managed to reply back. "Good evening, Sakuya."

"Am I disturbing you right now?" Sakuya asked politely like always.

"No, not at all." Akashi leaned his back to the wall and found the comfort position possible. "What is it, Sakuya?"

"I want to ask you about hatsumode. Will you join us tomorrow?"

"Us?" Akashi pondered for a bit. "Oh. Did Momoi invite you, too?"

Sakuya hummed in reply. "Yes. Momoi-san invited me, too. She was texting me that you weren't replying her email yet, Sei-san. I thought maybe I should call you to know your answer."

"Ah. Momoi's email…" Akashi forgot he wanted to reply the pink-haired girl's email, but he went to the kitchen first until Sakuya called. "I will reply back to her soon. And about tomorrow's plan, I will join with you all."

"I see. I will also tell Momoi-san after this. She sounded worried you haven't replied her email from the afternoon, Sei-san."

The redhead chuckled. He didn't check the time he received the email. Of course Momoi will be worried. "I was too engrossed in my reading to the point I didn't realize it. Well, I will also apologize to her. Thank you for telling me this, Sakuya."

"You're welcome, Sei-san. And, if I may ask, will you wear a kimono there?"

Akashi blinked. Actually, he once wore a kimono for hatsumode with his ex-teammates in his second year of middle school. "For tomorrow… I don't know, though. I haven't given a thought about it."

"I see. I hope you will wear it, Sei-san. I want to see you wearing one," Sakuya stated honestly, making Akashi chuckled again at her honest remark.

"Maybe I will wear one if you wear one, too."

"Actually, I am going to wear a kimono there."

Her statement rose up a curiosity in Akashi's head. "Is that so?" He imagined how Sakuya will turn out when she wears one. "I can't wait to see you with it. I'm sure you will be captivating as always."

"Thank you for your compliment, Sei-san," Sakuya replied without being embarrassed. His compliments didn't falter her since she already gotten used to it.

"And since you're going to wear kimono there," Akashi smirked, knowing what he will say to her. "How about I'm picking you up at your house and we will go to the Meiji Shrine together onwards?"

Sakuya was quite surprised at Akashi's offer, but nevertheless she answered. "Thank you, Sei-san. But-"

When he heard the contradiction, Akashi predicted Sakuya will reject his offer because she doesn't want to trouble him. The redhead will tell her to not worry about that, of course. However, what he predicted didn't match what he thought.

"-I am sorry, Sei-san. Shintarou-kun will pick me up tomorrow and we will go there together."

Someone else already snatched his chance first.

Hearing another man's name; his former vice captain nonetheless, all Akashi could do was cursing the greenhead's name.

How could you, Shintarou?

"Then I will excuse myself-" Sakuya paused when her twin cousin lashed themselves to hug her, almost making herself stumble. She put her phone low to tell them to quiet down a bit since she's still on the phone. "Um, Sei-san. I'll be going now. We'll see each other tomorrow at the shrine."

"Ah, alright." Akashi took a breath to calm himself down. "Good evening, Sakuya."

"Good evening, Sei-san." The call ended after Sakuya turn off her line. However, Akashi still put his phone on his ear; still replaying what Sakuya had said to him.

"Shintarou is going to pick Sakuya at her house tomorrow…" He sighed. He felt disappointed. He blamed himself for not asking her out first so Midorima couldn't take the lead. Yet, it already happened. He couldn't do anything about it.

He just… he just felt jealous.

Not knowing he made a face which strikes fears to those he preys upon.

News about the New Year's preparation already aired on television since morning. Like Midorima had thought yesterday, all the shrines will be crowded with people visiting them. Watching that sea of people from the news made him wonder if he will survive there. He wanted to ask Momoi to change their schedule to another day, but he thought it would be useless as well. The shrines will be crowded with people in three days.

"Look at those people…" Charlotte commented while watching the news. The blonde-haired man gaped at that, even until this time, the shrine already busted with so many people. He and the other family members of Urenomiya are gathering in the living room along with Midorima, who had arrived to pick up Sakuya, with his green kimono. He sat awkwardly between them while waiting for Sakuya to finish wearing her kimono with the help from her aunt. "Hey, Shintarou. Are you two going to be okay later? With that many people at the shrine…" Charlotte voiced out his worry to Midorima with his mother's language.

"We'll be fine. It already becomes common to be in that crowd every year, Charlotte-san," Midorima answered smoothly, not forgetting the honorific since Charlotte is older than him.

"Every year?" Charlotte looked shocked. "Man, Japanese sure are interesting. Especially seeing you wearing that outfit, Shintarou." He remarked, pointing to Midorima's kimono.

"It's called kimono, Charlotte. We often wear it for some events, just like today," Tosen; Sakuya's uncle and husband of Hotaru, explained to the curious-looking Charlotte. "Sakuya is going to wear it, too. You'll see it soon."

Just as Tosen said that, Hotaru came down with a happy look on her face. Sakuya then appeared with her light green kimono with lily pattern and her hair tied into a bun with lily ornaments, stepping down carefully since her movements are limited. "Sakuya-chan is very beautiful, don't you think so?" Hotaru remarked happily as she observed her efforts to help her niece wearing kimono.

"Whoa, Sakuya. You look very different," Charlotte also impressed. The other relatives were also in awe with Sakuya.

"It is hard to walk, though…" Sakuya commented with her expressionless face. She then spotted Midorima who still sat on the sofa looking at her. "Ah, Shintarou-kun. I thought you didn't want to wear kimono."

"I changed my mind." Midorima stood up and approached Sakuya. "We should go now."

Sakuya looked at the clock hanging on the wall, 19:12. They should hurry to the appointed place so they don't make the others waiting. "Then, we'll be going now," Sakuya bid her farewell to her relatives.

"Have fun, dear. Shintarou-kun, please take care of Sakuya-chan, okay?" Hotaru asked Midorima, which replied with a thoughtful nod from the greenhead. The two exited the house and walked together to their destination, Meiji Shrine. The shrine is quite far away, but they decided not to take a bus. Travelling by foot there has been a habit for them.

As they walked side by side, Midorima observed his childhood friend's appearance. Just like Charlotte said, Sakuya looked very different like usual. Tonight, she looks very mature and elegant. It's like she is someone else, but for Midorima he knows it's her just by one look.

"It's that your new kimono?" Sakuya asked. She never sees Midorima wearing that green kimono back in their childhood times.

"I wore this once when we're still in middle school," Midorima replied, referring to his time back in Teiko.

"I see." Sakuya smiled when she noticed Midorima also wore her handmade scarf around his neck.

"A-and…" Midorima pushed up his glasses while maintaining his composure. "Y-you l-l-look… I mean, y-y-you're beautiful," he finally confessed after trying to gain his courage to say that.

"Thank you, Shintarou-kun. You, too, are handsome," Sakuya also praised him, making him even more awkward as they walked together.

When they arrived at the front of Meiji shrine, they saw almost everyone has gathered. Much to their surprise, they are also wearing kimono. Momoi spotted the two first and waved at them. They greeted each other and decided to wait for the others, Murasakibara and Akashi.

"Hey, speak of the devil." Kise said as he spotted Murasakibara in the crowd. "Murasakicchi is coming here."

"Akashi-kun?" Momoi asked for Akashi's whereabouts. Kise nodded at that.

"Akashicchi is coming with Murasakicchi." Kise waved to both of them, calling their name. The two spotted a group of colorful head they know and approached them. Now the group is completed.

"And such a surprise, we all are wearing the same kimono we had back at Teiko…" Kise commented while looking at his ex-teammates. The Generation of Miracles is wearing their kimono with their respective color. "So, where are we going first, Momoicchi?"

"I'm with you guys, so it's up to you all where you want to go," Momoi remarked, and the group was discussing where they should spend their time until midnight at the shrine.

While the others were discussing their plan for tonight, Sakuya saw Akashi walked towards her and halted in front of her. His mismatched eyes observed Sakuya's being thoughtfully, and he smiled in satisfaction. "You are very enchanting, Sakuya," he declared proudly.

Although she's not affected with his praise, Sakuya thanked him in gratitude. "Thank you, Sei-san. You decided to wear kimono, too, didn't you?"

Akashi chuckled. "I said I would wear one if you wore one, too, didn't I?"

Sakuya nodded. "You look charming in kimono, Sei-san."

"My, thank you, Sakuya." Akashi raised his hand to caress Sakuya's cheek like he always does to her, until Midorima suddenly barged in and grabbed the redhead's hand; not letting his former captain touch her casually.

"What do you think you're doing, Akashi?" Midorima hissed. He glared at Akashi, warning him not to do anything funny to his childhood friend.

Surprised by what Midorima did to him, Akashi still kept his demeanor and glared back at the greenhead. "What am I doing, you ask? You know exactly that I am not doing any harm to Sakuya, Shintarou," he stated solemnly.

"You think I didn't know?" Midorima's face darkened. He remembered the time when Akashi casually caressed Sakuya's cheek in their Winter Cup's semi-finals. It's like a common thing for them, and Midorima can't tolerate that. "Don't act selfish, Akashi-"

"Shintarou-kun, please let go of Sei-san's hand." Sakuya intervened in their slash. She grabbed Midorima's hand and tried to release its grip. Due to the girl's distraction, Midorima finally let go. "That's better. Please calm yourself, Shintarou-kun," she preached him after she pulled him away from Akashi. She then turned to Akashi and bowed to him. "I am sorry about earlier, Sei-san. Shintarou-kun is in bad mood right now."

Akashi only shook his head and smirked. "It didn't matter much to me, Sakuya. Shintarou is always like that," he said jokingly, yet he still noticed Midorima's glared behind Sakuya. The greenhead is even more glaring piercingly at him.

"Guys! We're going to the food stalls first! Let's go!" Momoi shouted to the three of them, indirectly saving them from the tense atmosphere.

"I guess we should go," Akashi remarked calmly, noted by Sakuya. He offered his hand to her. "Shall we?" he asked, waiting for her to accept his hand.

Before Sakuya could accept his hand, Midorima already grabbed her hand and pulled her away from Akashi; leaving him behind. The redhead was dismayed, of course. He turned around to see the girl already preached the greenhead for being impolite earlier, yet the latter was unfazed by it. But seeing Midorima was the one who took her hand instead, his blood boiled. Jealousy strokes him.

It is the second time another man other than him takes the lead.

For Akashi, second time is humiliating.

Yet he kept that to himself. He didn't want to ruin everybody's plan. He came here to celebrate the new beginning of the year, not to raise a ruckus. So he followed his group from behind silently and like usual with everyone else.

"Shintarou-kun, what's wrong with you today?" While the group was walking, Sakuya raised her inquiry to Midorima. She didn't understand why Midorima would act that way towards Akashi. It never occurred to her after all the time she knows him.

Midorima didn't answer her question, however. He only tightened his grip on Sakuya's hand while they were walking. There is no sign of him letting go, she knows that. And she was even more worried when she saw that expression from yesterday.

"…Shintarou-kun?" Sakuya called out to him softly, trying to ease that pained expression from the greenhead.

"…Sorry." Midorima sighed heavily. He glanced behind him to see Akashi already joined the group. However, he noticed something different from his ex-captain. Then he realized one thing for sure,

Akashi is dangerous.

"Since Hotaru-san told me to take care of you," Midorima glanced away and pushed his glasses. "I should be with you every time."

Sakuya only sighed when Midorima changed the topic. "…Alright. But please don't act rude like that to Sei-san."

"If it is necessary."

The group entered the shrine and like everyone has predicted, the place is crowded with people. Ignoring the crowd, they made their way to the food stalls like they have planned earlier. Other than food stalls, the shrine also sells charms and written oracles. There are no game stalls like they had in summer, since New Year is all about writing a new beginning by starting everything in new starts. The group took their time queuing to pray in the temple and wishing their wish for the next year. As the time passed almost midnight, the group waited for the temple to ring its bell a total of 108 times as symbolization that every citizen in Japan has been rid from their sin from their previous year. They decided to wait at the hill near the temple as the place is away from the crowd.

"What time is it now?" Aomine asked Momoi who checked her phone.

"Five minutes before midnight," Momoi answered, only to earn a scowl from Aomine. The tanned man yawned and sat on the grass.

"Oh." From the other spot, Murasakibara just read his oracle he bought from the temple. "It says I will get a worse luck next year~"

"For real?!" Kise was shocked hearing that. The others also read their oracle and some got good lucks. "Me, too…"

"Then shouldn't you tie it onto the tree on the shrine ground?" Riko remarked.

"Oh yeah. We should do it." Kise stood up with his oracle in hand. "Come on, Murasakicchi! Let's tie this before they ring the bell!"

"What a core…" Without much hope, Murasakibara followed Kise to the shrine ground not far from their place. Hyuuga and Riko also went there since Hyuuga got a bad luck.

"What did you get, Shintarou-kun?" Sakuya asked the greenhead who's beside her. He told her he got good luck, and she nodded in understanding. "How about you, Sei-san?"

"Good luck, they said." Akashi chuckled when he red his oracle once again for the next year. He just doesn't believe that kind of thing, so he didn't really expect it to happen.

"I got little luck. Should I tie it onto a tree, too?" Sakuya asked both of them.

"I also got little luck," Kuroko voiced out.

"You too, Kuroko-san?" Kuroko nodded at Sakuya. "…Maybe we should tie it like the others, too, just in case?"

"I guess so…" Both Kuroko and Sakuya got up and wanted to follow the others. Midorima also wanted to get up, but Sakuya halted him.

"I'll be fine, Shintarou-kun. I'm going together with Kuroko-san," she said, assuring him to not follow her anywhere. "I'll be back shortly."

"But Hotaru-san said-" Midorima wanted to retorted, but Sakuya still kept him down.

"You can see me from here, right?" Sakuya said as she pointed at Kise, Murasakibara, Riko, and Hyuuga, who have gathered to tie their oracle to a tree on the shrine ground, can be seen from her spot. "Don't worry, Shintarou-kun. I'm with Kuroko-san and the others there. I could ask their help when I need one. Okay?"

"…Fine then." Midorima gave up and let Sakuya went to the ground together with Kuroko beside her. When she was out of his sight, Midorima still kept his eyes upon her; watching her from afar. He wanted to make sure she is okay while walking with her kimono.

"You are too worried, Shintarou," Akashi commented, only earn a glare from the greenhead. "I am not mocking you, Shintarou. Do not give me that glare."

"And how do you know I'm glaring at you?"

Akashi, still kept his sight on Sakuya, smirked at Midorima. "Who do you think I am, Shintarou? I know it because I feel it striking onto me."

"…And why do you still looking at her?"

When Midorima asked that, Akashi turned around to face Midorima. "Is there a problem with that? I am only looking at Sakuya, nothing else."

Hearing that, Midorima gritted his teeth. "Akashi," he called. "You're dangerous."

Akashi blinked at that statement. "Dangerous? Why would you think like that, Shintarou?" he asked in amusement.

"You think I didn't notice?" Midorima asked back. "The way you look at her… that's what makes you dangerous."

Akashi raised his brow at Midorima. "The way I look at her? What do you mean?"

Midorima was surprised Akashi didn't understand his words. "What the- You asked me what I meant? Isn't that obvious?"

Still didn't understand what Midorima had told him, Akashi sighed at the greenhead. "You're not making any sense, Shintarou."

"YOU'RE the one not making any sense, Akashi."

Akashi glared at Midorima. "Excuse me? How dare you talk like that to me, Shintarou. Do you realize what have you done to me when we've met at the shrine?"

"I do realize," Midorima stated without faltering. He didn't feel threatened at Akashi's aura. "Who wouldn't do that when other man tried to do something funny to the woman he loves?"

"What?" Akashi widened his heterochromatic eyes when he heard that phrase earlier. He knows he didn't hear it wrong.

Midorima stood up and looked down to Akashi. With his stern gaze, he declared the phrase that makes The Emperor froze.

"I love Sakuya."

Akashi only looked in disbelief. He just heard it.

The bell was ringing from the temple. It was rung many times until 108 times. People in the shrine stood in silence, listening to the bell's sounds. But that was not what Akashi worried about.

It was the phrase; the declaration of war.

Midorima walked away to go after Sakuya who is still on the ground with the others. Before that, he turned around to glance at Akashi who tried to contemplating what he had heard earlier.

"If you know what I meant earlier, then I don't need to explain it to you." Midorima remarked through the sounds of the ringing bell. "But let me tell you one thing, Akashi. This time, I am going to win from you."

As Midorima left the redhead alone, Akashi realized that it was not just a declaration of war. The way Midorima said it with pride and confidence, the greenhead also spoke indirect message to him.

You are going to lose, Akashi.

He wanted to deny it, however he couldn't. This time around, he felt Midorima was right. He's the one who didn't make any sense. He should have known it is obvious. He realized it when Midorima pulled the trigger on him.

Akashi Seijurou also loves Urenomiya Sakuya.

*hatsumode: the first visit to the shrine for celebrating New Year.

*hatsuhinode: the first sunrise for celebrating New Year. Usually family will go to the shore or beach to watch the first sunrise of the new year.

Chapter 19 is out!

Okay, I know I'm very very VERY late for updating this. Fanfiction suddenly got blocked in my country and I was panicking, but fortunately my friend helped me fixed the problem. I don't know again when I'll be able to update the next chapter, so I can't promise you all.

I don't want to chat here too long. Anyway, enjoy the story! I will reply your past reviews the next day after I got home from AFAID 2014. Those who come, try to find me?