This is it guys! The last chapter! Thank you everyone for reading and reviewing. I never imagined that my first fanfic would be so successful! I promise I will try and write some more after my exams are over. So in this chapter, there isn't any huge plot twist. It just rounds it all off and hopefully leaves you with a nice warm fuzzy feeling (: xxx

It had been a good meal. Simple, yet homely. Mrs Hudson had joined them, but now she had retired back to her rooms upstairs. John and Sherlock settled down to talk about the case, as was their custom.

'How's the neck?'

'Feels as though someone was trying to do a tap dance on it. Still, it shouldn't take too long to heal, there's no permanent damage.' John nodded thoughtfully. He was surprised how well Sherlock had been looking after himself that day, and commented so. He was even more surprised when he received Sherlock's answer.

'Well, I could hardly do any different with my very own doctor watching over me.' He grinned to show it was said with good intent. 'Still it was a good case.'

'Are you glad you acquitted Anderson?' asked John, who still thought it was a shame that the forensic scientist had gotten off scot-free.

'Well I had to serve justice, now, didn't I?' John just raised one eyebrow at Sherlock. He had never been concerned about justice.

'But really, are you?'

After some thought, Sherlock replied. 'Yes, actually. Anderson owes me now, and that should make everyone's life a little easier. This case also put Lestrade in my corner, so I should be able to get away with more. Besides, Anderson doesn't really deserve prison. Maybe a straightjacket, but not prison. He has been punished enough, if you think about it. He won't enjoy being in my debt.'

John silently agreed with Sherlock, and was glad that the world's only consulting detective had reached the same conclusion. He thought back over the last few days, and smiled. Revenge, he thought, is sweet.