"Here", Actor coaxed. "Drink this."
"This shtuff shtinks."
"I know. I'm sorry that it isn't up to your usual standards." The cup was offered again.
The patient took a sip and turned a jaundiced eye on his ministering angel. "You gonna reshpect me ina mornin'?"
"Of course." The Italian smiled and raised the man on one arm and tipped his head into the waiting cup again. "Finish this for me now."
The body went limp in his arms and he laid the prostrate form out on the pallet they'd made of the blankets they found at the safe house. He rolled back his sleeves. "Very well; let us begin."
"You sure?"
The con man pressed the tip of the sharp blade into the man's thigh and checked for a response. Other than a discordant snore the patient lay still. "Yes, I am quite sure."
"He's going to have one Hell of a headache in the morning." Garrison observed.
The group's medic looked up with a quick confident smile and shrugged. "It will take his mind off his leg."