Chapter 4

IMPORTANT TO NOTE: If you are reading this and you haven't read the most updated version of Chapter 3, you will likely be confused. Chapter 3 was changed, please go and reread it. Thank you.

Harry awoke the next morning with a chill in his bones. He got up, put on his Sith Robes and entered the small ship Revan intended to use to get to Korriban. Revan had become a father figure over the past few weeks. He was strict and sometimes emotionless, yet, he at least cared for Harry. Harry had never felt like the Dursley's cared but Revan, Revan helped him.

Upon boarding the ship they would be using Harry was told they would be making a small pit stop on the way to the academy. Harry was going to make his own Lightsaber.

Revan eyed Harry, "It won't be anything fancy. You will need it to train though. Further, there is a cave in the academy. There you will find more powerful focus crystals to aid your Lightsaber's strength. All we will be doing is getting the basic supplies at one of the Sith Empire's trade stops."

Harry nodded understanding that he was not going to be treated any differently and that he had to earn his way up. He understood that the Sith were all about earning your rights. He had being listening to Halocrons about the Sith way and the teachings. All he could think of was that the Sith was an empire of Slytherin. Harry could have been a Slytherin and now he was to become a Sith... Does that make me a Slytherin? Harry asked himself frequently. He shook the thought off though, this was a different world. A different place and it would not be the same.

Upon arriving at the trade stop Harry followed his Master, Darth Revan, into the trade stop. The shop keeper shouted, "We are closed you half wits!" and then turned around to face the intruders. He immediately fell to his knees, "My Lord. I am so sorry."

Darth Revan glared at him, "I cannot even fathom that you just called me a half wit you little son of a Garagon." Harry flinched internally as he knew what was about to happen. Just as he predicted Darth Revan used the full force his force lightning on the man for a split second.

Both Harry and Revan knew that any longer would have killed the man. "I'm sorry my Lord." The man said from the ground. He was clearly scared to get up.

Darth Revan boomed, "Get up and get us the parts to a basic lightsaber." The man didn't move. He just laid their cowering until Revan shouted, "Now!"

The man nodded and ran to go get the parts. He then came back and handed them all over, "They are yours My Lord. Have a good day My Lord. I am so sorry My Lord."

Revan glared, "Harry take the parts, we are leaving." They both swooped out. Upon entering the ship Harry looked down at the parts before him.

Revan glanced at him, "Part of learning to be a Sith is to learn how to put together your very own saber. I expect it to be completed upon our arrival at the Academy. Also, I trust that you will not use any of your magic at the academy." Revan looked thoughtful for a moment, "In fact give me your wand."

Harry's eyes bugged out of his head. His wand... it was like his life line. Revan then peered into his mind and used the force to make the idea sound more pleasant, "Of course Master Revan," Harry said as he handed over the wand.

Harry then left to go to a different room whilst he put the saber together. He had learned from the holocrons he had watched a basic concept of how to put one together. As he began looking over the parts and remembering where they went, Harry realized he did not have a focusing crystal. He quickly approached Darth Revan, "Sir, I have noticed I am missing a focusing crystal."

Revan smirked, "I am proud of you for noticing so quickly. That was part of the test." He informed Harry as he handed him a several basic crystals. "You will have to pick one." He informed Harry, "You are dismissed."

Harry brought the crystals back to the room and assembled the saber as best he could. The first attempt at assembling it he tried with the blue crystal. He would decide the color after he made the saber work.

Once the saber was assembled Harry smiled proudly, turned the power nob all the way down and then turned it on. It sparked at him and did nothing. Harry drooped in disappointment. He took a deep breath and opened the saber back up. Inside he realized the problem, he had reversed the cycling field energizers on accident. After fixing that he put the saber back together securely.

This time he was sure it would work. He took a deep breath and turn it on. Out shined a beautiful blue light. He smiled brightly. Then turned it off and changed the crystal out for the red one. He had to admit, the red comforted him. It reminded him of Gryffindor. Just for the sake of trying the other 2 colors, Harry tried the green and the yellow. In the end he knew the red was for him and the green was close behind.

Satisfied with the completed red saber, Harry walked up to Revan, "Sir, I have completed it."

Revan nodded, "Show me."

Harry was bubbling with excitement as he drew his saber. A beautiful red light poured out it. It was clear Harry had decided on a slightly shorter than standard saber length. Revan smiled, "Good job young Harry. We have almost arrived at the Academy. Please go shower and prepare yourself. I have a few things to tell you about the Academy before we arrive."

Harry nodded. His shower felt fantastic and afterwards he adorned the normal Sith Training robes. He then arrived before Darth Revan, "I am ready, sir."

Revan spoke, "First of all, in the presence of the Academy you will call me Master." He waited for Harry's affirmative response before continuing, "Further, you will be required to gain prestige in this Academy. Master Uthar is a strict leader and will only train the best. You must prove to him that you are the best if you want to return to me as my Apprentice."

Harry nodded, "Yes... Master"

"Good, further you will be put into a lot of situations that you may not enjoy. You may be forced to kill a classmate. Do not be discouraged. Do not be afraid. Every student in that Academy will be looking for a reason to kill off the competition. If you must defend yourself, then do so. Do not pick fights though. Show him you are worthy and can control your baser emotions. Anger is revered but recklessness will get you no where."

"Yes my Master." Harry intoned.

"Good. Let us depart the ship." Harry nodded and followed his Master. They had landed during their conversation.

At the gates to the Academy there were several potential students being embarrassed by the staff and current students. Harry walked to the front and looked at the man guarding the gate, "I request permission to enter the Academy."

The man looked him over and laughed full heartedly, "You must be kidding. Some scrawny kid thinks he is going to get into the Prestigious Korriban Academy! Ha!"

Darth Revan walked forward from where he had been hiding, "You will let him in or I will kill you."

The man looked confused. He had never seen this man before but clearly he was powerful. That did not however mean he wouldn't argue with him, "And who are you?"

"Who am I?" Revan asked icily.

Lucky for the guard Master Uthar was on his way out of the Academy, "Oh Darth Revan." Master Uthar bowed deeply, "What reason do we have for such a visit?"

The Guard instantly paled, "D-D-Darth Revan."

Master Uthar's eyes widened, "If Hansel has offended you, feel free to kill him. We have no use for a guard who cannot even recognize the Dark Lord of the Sith."

The guard shrank and bowed on his knees, "Darth Revan, my Master, please forgive my insolence."

Revan used a small force push and moved aside the whimpering man before turning to Uthar, "You will train this child." He told Uthar, "If he fails, he fails. If he dies, so be it. Do not treat him differently. The second he graduates, assuming he does, I am to be contacted so I may come collect him."

Uthar nodded and again bowed deeply, "As you wish my Master." He eyed the young boy but knew better than to insult the child on his short stature, "Come child, it is time you join your class."

With that Harry was escorted into the Academy and assigned a room. He was told how the Academy worked and recognized in that moment that Revan was right, he would have to prove himself. The Academy only took one person from each group and let them graduate. The rest would either perish in the trials or retry the next round. Harry didn't intend to fail his father figure. Harry would win the right to graduate and return to Revan. He just had to.

Read and Review Please. I hope you enjoy the story thus far.