Ron The Girl

***Chapter 1***

Ronald Weasley walked into the Gryffindor common room and saw his sister Ginny pass a plate of cookies to everybody in the common room. Harry and Hermione were sitting on a couch and staring at their cookies in the most peculiar way. Ron decided to join them on the couch.

"What is going on?"

"I've baked cookies for everybody today." Ginny replied. "Mum makes them all the time and she gave me the recipe. I'm giving them to everybody to test them out.

Harry was busy staring at the cookie Ginny gave him. "Ginny, why are these cookies so greasy looking?"

"Oh, I added some of Mum's special marmalade. Try it." She said as she handed Ron a cookie, which he took reluctantly.

Ron gingerly took a small bite of the cookie. It was the slimiest, greasiest, most disgusting thing he had ever tasted. Ron coughed it into his mouth.

Ginny turned around and glared at him. "Ron, do you hate the cookies I made?" She asked, putting her hands on her hips.

"What? Oh no, that's not what it is at all, I just-"

"Then why did you cough it up?" She questioned.

"Oh, I was- er- I sneezed, but I really thought it was delicious." He said quickly. "I loved it."

"Then have another one."

Harry started to laugh, but immediately stopped when Ron shooted him a glare.

"Ron, eat it." Ginny demanded.


"You said it was delicious, why are you looking at it as if it were the most disgusting pile of rubbish?"



Ron quickly took a bite of the soggy plain cookie, turned green, and let out his morning breakfast on the floor as Harry and Hermione jumped up from the couch and quickly backed away. Everybody else in the common room was laughing histerically.

Ginny looked extremely hurt. "Were my cookies that bad?" she asked.

"No, they were delicious, I just-"

"Oh Ron, give it up." Hermione interrupted. "Don't end up killing yourself just to please your sister."

Ginny took a deep sigh and sat down on a stool. "I don't get it, I followed all of Mum's ingredients, why can't I seem to be a good cook?" She asked depressed, cupping her head between her hands.

"Ginny, its alright – oh here, I'll try to help you." Hermione said, getting up. "Ron, do you want to help?"

"Its okay," Ron said from the couch. "You two run along and work on things girls do the best. Harry and I'll just go –"

"Things that girls do best?" Hermione asked, glaring at him.

Ron laughed, "Well, you can't expect boys to start cooking and cleaning. It's not the ways things work."

At that moment, Ginny, Harry, and everybody else in the common room backed out of the Common Room, not wanting to see what was going to happen next.

"And what," Hermione whispered threateningly, "is the way that things are SUPPOSED to work?"

Ron already backed into a wall. If Hermione had gotten so far as to slap Malfoy in her third year, he would hate to think of what she was going to do now.

"Well," he gulped. "Look at my family, for instance. Dad does all the working, while Mum just stays at home. She cooks, cleans, and takes care of us- her six sons and her daughter. Many families are like ours. It's the way that things should be."

"Women have rights too." She said.

"Now I didn't say anything about women not having rights, I'm just saying they should leave the important stuff for- er- men to deal with. It was like that centuries ago, and it should be the way things are now."

Hermione glared at him and whipped out her wand. "First of all, everybody, no matter what gender, is equal in every way. And times like that have now changed. We have changed our ways because we are smarter!"

"Or our human race has been corrupted." Ron pointed out. He then turned over to Harry for help, only to find out that Harry had quietly left, not wanting to participate in the argument.

"Where did-"Ron began, turning towards Hermione in order to ask her, only to find her furious flushed face glaring at him with a wand pointed directly at his forehead. Surprised, he took a step back.

"Hermione, come on, don't take it so seriously." Ron said, suddenly becoming worried.

Hermione didn't say anything, but continued glaring, and moved her wand in a circular motion before pointing it back at him.

"Rescindo genitalis!" She shouted. Then a flash of pink light hit Ron and he fell backwards. Horrified, Ron backed away from her slowly, then turn and ran off into the Great Hall.

Hermione blinked as she saw him disappear down the corridor. Then she put her hands to her face, instantly regretting what she had done. "Great." She thought to herself. "I just used a gender-switching spell on my best friend."

Meanwhile, Ron stood panting with his back to the wall. He looked at his hands. Well, he didn't turn into a monster. She didn't make him turn purple. Maybe the spell Hermione used didn't work?" He thought. He crossed his arms over his chest, and suddenly felt what seemed to be two soft lumps.

"What in the world-"he began, before he remembered the incantation of the spell Hermione had cast. Rescindo genitalis? All the spells were derived from Latin, and there must have been a meaning behind it.

Whatever could "rescindo genitalis" mean? He thought. This required some thinking. He didn't know any Latin. He remembered what Ginny once said about most English words being derived from Latin, which meant that some words sounded alike.

"Genitalis." Ron thought allowed. "Genitalis, genitive, genital-"he paused. GENITAL???

That couldn't possibly be it. Unable to think of other words, he decided to translate rescindo.

Ron rubbed his temples. "Rescindo." He said slowly to himself. "What does rescindo sound like? Oh! Rescind!"

Well that didn't help him, he had no clue what "rescind" was. He pulled a wizarding dictionary which Hermione had given him last Christmas out of his robes.

It was about 3 by 2 inches and only contained a front and back cover. Ron cleared his throat. "Rescind." He said clearly to the blank inside of the dictionary.

"Rescind, to annul or make untrue." Ron's eyes widened as he quickly closed the dictionary and stuffed it into his book bag. The spell couldn't possibly be translated as "I annul the genital?" That was ridiculous. Or was it?

15 minutes later, Hermione looked up from her breakfast as she heard Ron's footsteps as he ran towards her like a raging bull.

Ron slammed both of his hands on the table in front of her. His eyes looked extremely round and his face was pale.

"What in the world did you do?" He whispered in an extremely hoarse voice.

Hermione bit her lip. "I –er- I sort of cast a," she tried to force a small smile. "a gender-switching spell?"

Ron did not smile with her. "Change me back!" He hissed. "It isn't funny."

Hermione winced. "Now that might be a bit of a problem." She said, scratching the back of her head, as if trying to escape the situation. "The spell –er- isn't reversible for three months." She looked Ron straight in the eyes. "Sorry Ron, but you really made me lose my temper." She slung her book bag onto her shoulder and headed out of the class towards the Herbology greenhouses. Ron stared after her with his mouth hanging open.

***End of chapter 1***