Well this is chocolate so lets start reading.

Cloney: aw but I don't wanna.

Me: but you're the main character.

Anyway this epic stuff does not belong to me it belongs to Clamp well let's get started!

"Okay kids pick whatever you want,"Fai said cheerfully. Syaoran, and Sakura looked around the bakery. The air smelled of cinnamon, and sugar.

"Ah look at this," Sakura said holding up a pink star cookie. Kurogane grunted while Fai, Syaoran, and Mokona observed it.

"Hyuu~ that looks adorable," Fai and Mokona said in unison. Syaoran smiled brightly. Sakura smiled back.

"It looks great Princess," Syaoran commented. Sakura looked at him curiously. "What?" did he say something.

"What are you getting Syaoran,"Sakura asked smiling like a child. He blushed; embarrassed that he hadn't picked something yet. Sakura got a star-shaped cookie. Fai and Mokona bought cinnamon streusels.

"Well to be honest I haven't picked anything yet," Syaoran said nervously. Sakura frowned. "But don't worry I'll find something," Syaoran said trying to reassure her. She smiled.

"Okay just don't take too long," Sakura said. Syaoran nodded, and started observing more. Suddenly something brown flash as he walked quickly. It was bread shaped into a round object, with a hole in the middle. There was chocolate coated on the top. Syaoran gazed through the window. "Chocolate doughnut" it read. Chocolate. He hadent had this in a while.

"Excuse me," Syaoran called to the man looked old, but his eyes showed happiness, and trust.

"Yes can I help you young man?" the man asked kindly.

"Yes I'd like the chocolate doughnut," Syaoran said. The man nodded. Sliding the glass door, and grabbed a hold of the doughnut with a wax paper. The man handed it to Syaoran.

"That will be 75 cents," the man said. Syaoran nodded, and handed him the money. The amber eyed boy walked back to the group.

"Ya done already," Kurogane ask annoying . Syaoran nodded. He showed his treat to Sakura.

"I know let's eat ours right here, and now,"Fai announced as they stepped outside. They agreed, and bit into their treats. Once Syaoran bit into his, and swallowed he wasn't where he was last. It was a hill with grass, and a big cherry tree at the top. At the top was a family of three having a picnic up there? The little boy looked like him only younger.

"Its so good mother," the boy smiled brightly as he ate a piece of a chocolate doughnut.

"Good I'm glad you like it," his mother said. The the boys father smiled. For some reason he couldn't see the adult's faces.

"You keep eating to many you'll get fat," his father teased. They laughed. Suddenly everything went back to normal.



"Eh," Syaoran was greeted by concerned faces. He blushed. "Sorry I must have dozed of for a bit there." They sighed in relief. Was that him as a child. Were those his parents. He cant remember those things. But that boy was happy, and so is he.

Well that was chocolate for ya. Can you guess who the little boy is? Please review your hypothesis.
