Hello my lovelies. I'm sure you've all read the summary, and have seen that I am no longer accepting requests. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't stay tuned, because all of the requests I still have to write have so much potential, and I'm sure you'll enjoy them. So check those stories out, okay?

But before you do, check out the next prompts I will be writing, in order of next to last.

The next prompt is Equius/Terezi (Mantihardcore)!

1. Solnep (Featherwingluv)

2. Calliope/Karkat (SylphofRage)

3. Karkat/Kankri (Number 1423)

4. Jane/Roxy (Alice chained)

5. Gamkar (Guest)

6. more tricksterstuck (Guest)

7. Lalondecest (roxylablonde413)

8. Davekat (Izzy)

9. John/Feferi (Sekrin - Lord of Monsterds)

10. Dirk/Roxy (Ship Them Ships)

11. (pitch) Dave/Damara (Jayfuror)

12. Super secret special chapter (Rubicksmaster)

Alright, I'm out.