Day 1

Dear Journal,

Today... was interesting and odd, as usual. The school bell rung, and I was already inside the school! I wasn't late for the first time in forever! Ace was so proud of me when I told him. Shishishi, and then I turned in all my homework that was due, no F's, which also made me really happy! Not that I'm not happy when I forget stuff.. just extra happy, I guess. Lunch was alright, too. I accidentally dumped my tray of food on Nami, though.. and she got soooo mad at me! Bahaha, and she was real upset 'cause that was a 'brand new shirt' that she 'just got', and she told me I'm so stupid sometimes. I took that as a compliment, as usual, ahahaha! Oh, and then I got really happy again 'cause when the witch (a.k.a. the lunch-lady) wouldn't give me more food, Usopp shared his lunch with me! Well, he kinda just gave it to me, 'cause he said he wasn't real hungry anymore, so I ate it. Can't let food go to waste, ya know!

After lunch though, I totally forgot to bring my textbook to class and ended up getting yelled at by Ms. Hina. Oh well, I really don't mind getting yelled at since it happens everyday and I'm used to it! I just stand there, acting like I'm feeling sorry, when really I just wanna laugh my lungs out! I swear I would be a great actor. Maybe..

And then, in the hallway on the way back from gym, I saw Ace walking to his classroom. So ran up to him and talked to him for a minute, but then all the people around us started all moving to their classrooms, so Ace told me that I should get to class, or else I'll be late and might get another detention. I don't mind detentions, 'cause I think their kinda fun! But anyway, I said okay, and that I'd meet him after school so that he could drive us home (since I can't drive yet, shishishi!). He said okay, and then I turned to run to my next class, but before I could even move my legs, Ace just stepped up behind me and slapped my ass. A lot of people around me kinda gave me weird looks; some even laughed, but I don't know why. Sure, it was a little random, but it's not like Ace hasn't done that before!

From a very confused kid,
Monkey D. Luffy