Chapter 4

Okay Courtney, pretend like nothing happened yesterday and just ignore them. I thought to myself as I took my seat in the front row of English class. I spent the whole second half of the school day in detention yesterday, and now I have to sit in English class with Duncan and Gwen right behind me. The fact that both desks on either side of me were empty didn't help. I didn't even have someone to distract myself with.

Gwen's persistent finger tapping finally drilled into my mind. "Where is Miss Williams?" I could just picture her pale gothy face as she asked the question to no one in particular.

"Well if she's not her in five minutes, I say we scram." Added Duncan. They were already beginning to annoy me.

I spun around in my chair to face to the two punks. "Would It kill you to be patient for once in your miserable lives?" Suddenly the unmistakable sound of someone clearing their throat entered the room. My head turned back to the door. Miss Williams had somehow managed to open the classroom door and get half of her obese body inside without making a noise.

"Courtney, you spent most of the day in detention yesterday, do you really want to do that again?" said Miss Williams as she waved someone into her room from the hallway.

"Sorry ma'am." The rest of the class behind me silently snickered and laughed under their breath. I could do nothing but look down at my desk in shame… only because Miss Williams was present.

"Hey look! Farm boy is here to finally learn some English!" Duncan maniacal shriek nearly knocked me out of my seat. I looked up to see Scott sheepishly standing at the door next to our teacher. He had both of his hands shoved deep down into his pockets as usual.

Without skipping a beat, Miss Williams pointed to the door. "Detention." Her facial expression remained blank. He gets himself into trouble way too often.

Duncan proudly stood up from his desk and left the room with his chin up. Not a word was spoken until Gwen mumbled what sound liked the word "Idiot" under her breath.

Miss Williams let out an exhausted sigh as Duncan shut the door behind himself. "This is Scott. He's new to school this year and he'll be joining you for English. Be friendly. I don't trust Duncan to take himself to detention; which means I'll have to see to it. I'll be back in a few." And with that she left the room to chase after my ex-boyfriend.

I could see Gwen wave her hand in the air towards Scott out of the corner of my eye. "Hey Scott! Sorry about that. Duncan just doesn't think before he speaks sometimes." Scott claimed the seat to my left, which was also directly in front of Gwen.

"Well he better start thinking or I'll have to knock him around a bit." Scott tried his best to look menacing while he shook his fist in the air.

I crossed my hand in front of my chest before speaking. "Like I said Scott, you just have to ignore him."

"Yeah, because that was working out so well for you just now." Said Gwen.

I turned my whole body to the left so Scott and Gwen could both see my angry facially expression. Who does she think she is? Scott started to laugh. "What? Why are you laughing?"

After laughing for a few more seconds of laughter Scott's mouth twisted up into an awkward grin. "You're pretty when you're mad." Suddenly Scott leaned in very close to me. So close I could smell his rancid breath. Okay, has this guy ever heard of personal space? He's so lucky I was in detention only yesterday or I'd be willing to physically injure another person.

"Ew! Get out of my face slime ball!" I lifted a hand to his face and pushed him back as fast as possible. Gwen giggled from behind Scott. "Stop laughing!"

"Sorry, Court. The way you over react to everything is just funny." She hasn't called me 'Court' since beginning of junior year… back when we were sort of friendly to each other.

"My name is Courtney, thank you very much. And I do not over react to anything!" My arms naturally crossed themselves over my chest in defense. "All of my reactions are thought out and gaged correctly before I act."

"Yeah, because kicking Duncan in the balls yesterday was clearly a well thought out and orchestrated event." Gwen seemed to mirror me with her arms crossed too.

"You know he deserved it! He cheated on me!" My finger rose up to point at Gwen in an incriminating manner.

"He was NOT your boyfriend when he kissed me!"

Scott rolled his eyes. "Her we go again. Listen, Courtney. Just let it go."

"What do you mean let it go? I was seriously wronged!" At that moment it dawned on me that the rest of the class was silent.

"Yeah so? Are you going to let them ruin the rest of your life by choosing to stay angry about it? Don't give Duncan the satisfaction of winning. Like you said, just ignore them." I never would have guessed that Scott, even with his annoying nasally voice, could make any sense.

"It's none of your business, Scott." My eyes narrows in anger at the dirt farmer.

"It's just what I think." Said Scott as he turned to face the front of the room again. He also crossed his arms like I did.

"Well then stop thinking about me." I spat back at him.

"I don't know if I can. That would be pretty tough." He shot me another awkward smile. Someone from the back of the room taunted Scott by yelling "barf". "Who said that?!" The red head was once again facing the back of the room with his hand balled up in a fist.

"Okay dude seriously, do you even know how to flirt?" asked Gwen as she placed a hand on his shoulder. "You could use a little help." Her lips pulled up into what appeared to be a genuine smile.

"Oh please Gwen, do not give him any pointers." I said as I rolled my eyes away from the two.

"She secretly likes it." Whispered Gwen at a level that was obviously meant to be audible.

"I do not!"

Before I had a chance to properly interject, the classroom door pushed open. Miss Williams entered the room with her usual emotionless face. "Okay class let's get to work."

"She does." Whispered Gwen.