Anna POV

I am sitting cross-legged in the middle of my bed looking through the Seattle times job section. This has been a very stressful couple of months for me. I had no choice but to walk away from my very good job as head chef at the Fairmont Olympic. That was my dream job down the drain due to the creepy manager. I don't even want to think about that now. I know I am very talented and fucking good at what I do but that does not mean shit without a job. If I don't find something soon I am going to end up living on the streets. At the moment I am in a very dodgy run down room. I am sharing with 6 other drug addicts and prostitutes. I didn't have a choice in the matter this was all I could afford. My room has been ransacked 3 times since I have moved in so I am very cautious and aware of what is going on.

8 years ago when I was 12 my mom kicked me out the house because apparently I was not good enough for her 3rd husband. So I stole 100 dollars from the creep and bought a bus ticket to my step dad Raymond Steele. He welcomed me with open arms and I have lived with him ever since. He loves me so much I even have his last name Steele. He put me through school and I got a full scholarship at the age of 17 for the Bachelor degree in culinary arts and managements at The Culinary Institute of America. I graduated 1 year early at 19 and went into my first job at the Fairmont. Dad is ex military and has trained me to defend myself in any situation. I have my concealed weapons permit but had to sell my gun for rent money.

I live such an isolated life here in Seattle that I only have one friend. Actually he is my best friend in the whole world Jose. We met a year ago in chef school and have been inseparable ever since. He has been begging me for the past 3 months to go and live with him at his apartment but I refuse to take any hand outs. I will get a job and move out of here very soon. I have to or else I will have no choice but to move back home to Ray in Portland. Jose works as a pastry chef at the exclusive mile high club here in the city. It would be a dream come true to be able to even stand in that kitchen let alone cook in it. A girl can dream can't she.

Elliot POV

What the fuck was I thinking when I agreed to baby sit Gia's manager job at my baby brothers club/restaurant. This is a nightmare come true. I am the CEO of a fucking construction company what do i know about food orders and chefs. I only agreed because she promised me when she left that this place would run its self and I just had to hang around and control the staff and orders. Bull shit I am sitting with a club that can't open tomorrow due to the fucking head chef quitting because of marital problems. He reckons he works to hard. It is now 12 in the evening and the place is shut down for the day. Tomorrow is going to be the fist day since this place opened that we will not be serving any meals. My brother is going to have my balls.

"Fuck what am I going to do?" I get a fright when I see an image in the doorway. I thought everyone was gone home already.

"Hey Elliot bad first day?"

"Hi Jose. You have no idea. That's the understatement of the year."

"Anything I can do to help out?"

"Jose unless you have a very talented chef sitting at home doing nothing and is willing to work for us immediately, no there is nothing you can do to help. We are just going to have to close this place down till we can replace Ralf. Thanks anyway for the offer."

"Actually Elliot I do have a very talented young head chef who is sitting at home and needs a job." I can't believe what I have just heard. Maybe my day is getting better. But I can't just hire anyone Christian will die.

"Jose as much as that sounds like just what I need I cannot just hire anyone off the street. You have to understand this is a 5 star club and the ratings are very important for business."

"My friend trained with me and was top of our class and was the head chef at the Fairmont Olympic for 6 months." Ok this sounds good. The Fairmont is a 5 star hotel and if they kept this chef there for that long then they have to be good. Maybe I should just give it a test run.

"Jose how soon can your friend be here. I want all the dishes of the main course and starters cooked and ready for tasting in 2 hours then I will decide what to do."

"Done Elliot. You will not regret this." Fuck I hope not. If this is a disaster I will have to call my brother ad let him know what is going on.