Visions Part 6 of 6

Wanted to finish this by the 4X11 premiere

Annie froze at the sound of his voice, part of her planning to flee, but most of her really wanting to stay.

"I know you're there," he said his voice weak but clear.

"Oh Auggie," she let out the breath she was holding and rushed back to him.

"You shouldn't be here, but I am glad you are," he smiled.

"Are you OK? Should I get a doctor?" she ran her hands over his arms and chest just feeling his muscles react to her touch.

"I'm OK for a minute. I've been awake for a while listening to Stu read me what must be the most boring book on the planet. I was this close to letting you leave, hoping you would really go, but knowing in that stubborn head of yours you would stick around until you knew I was OK, this was dangerous Walker…."

"Yes it was…." A third voice joined the conversation.

Annie whipped her head around to find Calder standing in the doorway with his arms crossed.

"I just relieved Stu of his duties and you are lucky it was me and not Joan or this would be a much less touching reunion," he said with a frown.

"Thank you, again," Annie sounded pained as she thanked her nemesis.

"You OK?" Calder asked.

"Me or him?" Annie asked confused.

"Either, both," Calder shrugged.

"I'm fine, he got shot in the head," Annie snarled.

"And I am still blind, didn't even rattle my eye sight back," Auggie smirked.

"Who shot him and why?" Annie asked Calder pointedly.

"I am pretty sure you know who and as for why I am a little curious about that myself," Calder approached the bed.

"Oh god, the files," Auggie brought his free hand up to his face, Annie had taken hold of the other one and he was not breaking contact.

"What files?" Annie and Calder asked simultaneously.

"I hacked Lexington," Auggie grinned and was rewarded by Annie squeezing his hand and smiling back.

"When?" Calder asked.

"A few days ago I guess, how long have I been here?"

"Three days," Calder answered.

"So almost a week ago. I was waiting for a week's worth of data before I brought it to you Calder, but Henry must have figured out the breach."

"So he really was after you, I was worried he was using you to flush me out," Annie sighed.

"Which as we can now see would have worked, you two make each other vulnerable," Calder groaned.

"We are well aware of your feelings on the subject," Auggie staunched any more discussion on the topic.

"Where is the data from Lexington stored?' Calder queried.

"An old tower in the basement office I am now calling home. It looks like it is just a junk PC, but I rigged it wirelessly, it is humming away. I am sure Henry plugged my leak by now, but I should have a cache of data from the first few days at least."

"I won't know what to do with it," Calder admitted.

"Ask Barber to help, tell him it is a 64 bit zephyr, he'll know what to do," Auggie looked exhausted suddenly.

"Speaking of Eric Barber, he swept your place and sent some long dark hair off for a DNA analysis," Calder looked pointedly at Annie who had gone pale.

"What?" Auggie was confused.

"It's mine, I've been at your place."

"You dyed your hair?"

"Standard evasion protocol," she shrugged.

"I intercepted it, I'll write up an inconclusive findings report and hopefully your recovery will be enough to keep Barber and Joan off Annie's trail. Are you planning to stay in town?" Calder asked.

"Not much longer no, as soon as I know Auggie is safe I will head back to Europe. How do we keep Henry from trying again?"

"It would be foolish to try again, too many CIA eyes on Auggie, it would be way too obvious. A random hit on the streets of DC is one thing, killing a guy in a hospital bed raises too many red flags. He was probably only trying to scare him off anyway," Calder reasoned.

"A bullet in the skull generally scares people off," Auggie shrugged.

"We'll get you moved to a Company-approved medical facility first thing in the morning. I trust you'll stay with him until then?" Calder asked Annie.

"Of course," Annie nodded her eyes on Auggie the whole time.

"It is a shame you can't see the way she looks at you, man. Have a good night and say your good-byes. Hopefully the data on that computer will be what we need to end this," Calder tapped his fist against the wall and left.

"What do you need?" Annie asked as she puttered around the room suddenly nervous.

"I really need to brush my teeth, so I can kiss you senseless," he grinned.


The doctor came in and examined Auggie after Calder left, giving Annie time to get some dinner and release the tension she had been carrying for days. Auggie was ok, he would be safe and he had begun to break down the walls of Henry Wilcox.

For the first time in months Annie could see a light at the end of the tunnel. She finished her coffee, bought Auggie some chocolate pudding and returned to the room. He was asleep, so she sat and ate the pudding (she'd get him more if he wanted it later) and watched him sleep, remembering that first night in her bed again.


Annie woke to shafts of sunlight pouring through the windows, the rain of the night before vanished, like a metaphor Auggie had brought the sunshine with him. Speaking of Auggie, he was asleep on his stomach, a pillow curled under him, his other arm hanging off the bed, but his face was turned to her. His eyelashes were so long against his cheeks, his bangs askew and adorable, his lips slightly pursed.

She blushed as she remembered all the places those lips had travelled earlier.

"You're awake," it wasn't a question and he didn't even open his eyes, but reached for her.

"Sun's up," she mentioned but went willingly back into his arms.

"Mmmm," he agreed, Annie was sure he could feel it as it bathed his bare skin like spilled honey.

"We should…." she hesitated to suggest getting up, wanting nothing more than to stay in this bed forever.

"No," he frowned and found her chin with his hand, angling her mouth towards his and silencing her.

Clearly he thought that if he didn't let her speak she couldn't break the spell they had cast. He pulled her on top of him and laced his fingers with hers, their legs trapped in the crisp sheets. She pulled the other way, encouraging the full weight of him on top of her, but keeping their lips and their hands joined.


When Auggie surfaced from sleep a little while later in the hospital, Annie smiled broadly.

"Did someone find you a toothbrush?" she asked with a laugh as she leaned down to kiss him.

The End