Hey folks!

So it's been a while. *waves* It's come to my attention that people still read this story! I'm not quite sure how, but you're all incredible and I want to keep going with this.

Life got busy, very busy. But that isn't the main reason I stopped. I'm going to be honest. When Ward came out as Hydra, it totally threw my story off the rails. It completely threw everything I was working towards, effectively out the window. I've been trying to come up with smart ways to write him out that would make sense, but everything I've come up with is trash.

SO. What I'm going to do...is just have him disappear. It won't be like Hey! Ward is gone! But he's not going to be included in this story anymore.

And with the whole Skye/Daisy thing, she is going to remain as Skye...since just changing her name doesn't fit within the story. Also, she isn't Inhuman in this. Remember, this is WAAAAAY back to season 1. Also, Fitzsimmons are the Season 1 Fitzsimmons. So there's a lot that's going to be different from the evolution we've seen on TV.

So if you're still interested in this story and how it ends, I recommend a quick re-read of this entire story (I know I had to), to get back into the mindset and flow of the characters. Because...IT'S COMING BACK. I know it's been a LONG time, but having this story unfinished has always bothered me and I want to get it done.

See ya'll soon *kisses*