Chapter 17

The dormitory, along with the rest of gryffindor tower, was unusually quiet, as Sirius and Remus were the only ones who had returned from the party. Besides the rise and fall of their careful breaths, the only sound to be heard was the pitter patter of the steadily falling rain against the windows. The night, to Sirius, was content and peaceful in an unfamiliar sort of way. Part of Remus longed to wrap himself in the quiet, to become part of the calm, to blend in with the rain. Another, significantly larger part of him wanted to stay wrapped in Sirius' arms for the rest of forever, to blend with him until they were not Remus and Sirius but one being. But the rest of him, as always, was restless. The questions forming on his tongue demanded to be expressed, and so Remus' voice, merely a whisper, interrupted the moment, knowing that it was one he could never get back.

Sirius had anticipated Remus' question before it came, by the way his even breaths slowed and then stopped.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

Sirius was, not unusually, at a loss. "What? Do what? Sleep?"
"This. I mean, I'm- I'm not the easiest person to- to date. I mean, if that's what-" Remus stuttered and then stopped, glad that it was too dark for Sirius to see his blush but figuring that he would have a clear enough picture of it in his mind anyways.

Sirius, to Remus' surprise and annoyance, laughed. He turned on his side and propped his head up on his hand, leaning on his elbow. He could just barely see Remus' outline but he looked at him as he spoke anyways. "You know, for one of the brightest wizards of our age, you really can be a dumbass."

It took a moment for Remus to croak out a "what?"

"You're not exactly the easiest person to be friends with either. But I've put up with you since first year. I put up with you because it's worth it. I love putting up with you, Moony. Plus, this way I can get a little more out of it." He laughed, and Remus half-heartedly joined in. "I know you can't see me, but I'm waggling my eyebrows in a seductive manner," Sirius said seriously, before laughing his wonderful could not help but do the same.

Merlin, Remus thought. What I wouldn't do to hear that laugh every day for the rest of my life. Perhaps the silence he had wanted to hold onto earlier was overrated. Remus could lose himself in that laugh, maybe even find himself in that laugh. Suddenly, Remus' worries seemed to fade away into the night. Sirius would never leave him. He couldn't; He didn't have a choice. This was something bigger than them.

Sirius spoke again, this time in a much more serious manner. "Listen, Moony. I know that you're not an easy person, and I know it's because things have never been easy for you. And I know you know that I'm not an easy person. And I know that we both know that we are going to get shit for being together. But I think we can do this. I think that no matter how hard it is, it's going to be better than the alternative. And I want you to know that I'll be here for you, through all of your ups and downs. I can- I can support you through therapy, even come to your group therapy if you want. even if I can't understand, I'll be here for you. Because- because I love you."

Warmth bubbled inside of Remus' chest. He was overwhelmed with the desire to be close to this boy. Remus mirrored Sirius by turning to him and resting his warm cheek against his palm. Then he leaned forward and planted a kiss on Sirius' lips. Small, sweet, and surprisingly innocent for two teenagers alone in bed together.

"Does that mean you love me too?" Sirius smirked.

Remus then pushed Sirius back down so his head was resting upon the pillow, and Remus laid his head against his chest. Sirius wrapped his arms around him once more.

They fell asleep like that, with flushed cheeks and their hearts adapting to one another until they beat in perfect synchronization.

Author's Note:Anybody catch the AVPM reference? :D

Anyways, I realize this is like the length of half of a chapter, and that it's been about half of a year since I updated this, but I wanted to give some more closure. There is a possibility that I'll write a sequel to this story, but I'm done with it for right now. So thank you all so much for reading and thank you even more for reviewing. And if you want, check out my other stories; I have some Harry Potter and Percy Jackson, and they deal with similar themes. Once again, thank you so much!