It was the same as any other morning. Kate awoke to the sunlight blaring in through the window. Once again, she had woken up in one Mr. Richard Castle's bed, a fact she quite enjoyed, even more so now that they were engaged. The routine played out the same. She awoke earlier than he and lied there staring at him until he stirred. She'd then pretend to be asleep as he got up to cook breakfast, hitting something more often than not - God he was so adorably clumsy! She'd always wait until he was nearly finished so as not to be asked to help - she'd become increasingly lazy since being fired from her DC job - then come sauntering in wearing nothing but one of his button downs and a pair of his boxer shorts.

These were the moments between them she cherished, when they could be themselves around each other, all alone. Yet, this morning something was different. She felt as if something was coming, she just didn't know what. Trying not to worry Castle, she brushed her feelings off as nervous first day jitters even though it was hardly her first day at the precinct. Even still, she sat lost in thought, her long tan legs dangling from the surprisingly warm granite counter top. She was quickly brought out of her reverie when her thoughts were interrupted by a yelp and the sound of a metal spatula hitting the floor.

She turned just in time to see her fiance sucking on his thumb in pain and swearing under his breath. He'd apparently burned himself on the the hot pan. She couldn't help but giggle which made him realize she'd been watching him.

"Stupid pan" he joked trying to hide the pain of his throbbing thumb.

"Awwe, poor Ricky. Would you like me to kiss it for you?

She'd meant it teasingly, but he had halfway sprinted to her and was now standing in between her legs holding out his thumb and making the best puppy dog face possible. He couldn't help but give in. He's just so adorable she thought to herself while taking his hand. She slowly and tenderly place a kiss on his now swollen digit and felt his body shiver between her thighs. She glanced at him, his eyes now a dark midnight blue, as she moved her lips from his thumb to his lips. She enjoyed the taste of him while her legs subconsciously tightened around his waist. His uninjured slowly crept up her thigh, then started undoing buttons in his (or soon to be her) shirt. They began to deepen the kiss, but were soon interrupted by an obnoxious knock on the door.

"Don't get it" she managed to mumble against his lips.

"Mmm... I have to. It may be my mother, Alexis, or... Pi." He lied to himself and her. Alexis had texted saying they were having way too much fun and arranged to stay a few extra days, but he needed a way out of Kate's seductive hold. Relentless to give up, she felt his hesitation and took her chance, "another reason not to answer." Oh, she was good, and she almost had him, but whoever was at the door was insistent and he reluctantly pulled away. Her legs tightened firmly around his waist, she pulled his head to her face, "Come on, Castle. Do you really have to get it?" her voice was so sexy, he almost caved right then and there. His hands slowly slipped up to her rib cage and she thought she's won, until his finger tips found those delicate spots that made her giggle uncontrollably and her grip loosened enough for Rick to wriggle free, barely. He silenced her protests and threats with a kiss and whispered, "30 seconds, tops, I promise" then bolted for the door before she could get him back. Even though they didn't realize it, they both had the same thought: this unlucky son of a gun had better be glad I'm not armed.

She watched expectantly as he reached out for the door handle. With a single wrist flip he found himself being flung back into the room. In that moment, he couldn't pinpoint where the sudden force had come from, but it was made obvious when he heard that voice, that voice that could make a cow's milk curdle. That voice that he'd put up with for one of the most miserable periods in his life. Most importantly, the voice that was now interrupting he and Kate's alone time with the name that if he didn't hear it again it'd be too soon,
