A/N: Sorry for the long wait on this, but I have bittersweet news. This is the final chapter in this short ficlet, but it has the much awaited Stackson fluff that a lot of you guys have asked for! Also, I just wanna say that I love everyone that commented, reviewed and followed this story. You guys made this fun to write. So without further ado, I give you the final chapter!
Chapter 3: I Get Home, 7:30
"I think we should let him stay the night."
"I don't know if that's a good idea..."
"Oh come on, he'll be here with dad and his cousins. Also, you know that the underlying reason that Scott and Isaac are leaving them here is so that they can have some alone time. When's the last time that we had some 'alone' time, Jackson?" Stiles asked, batting his long lashes at his husband. "Besides, he wants to stay the night."
"I guess... if John doesn't mind," Jackson relented. He received a nod from the former sheriff, and that was that. They hugged Jerry goodnight and headed home.
It was roughly about 7:30pm when they got to the door. Stiles stood at it, fumbling with the keys, trying to find the house key, when he felt strong but gentle arms wrap around his waist. As he leaned back into the arms, he turned his head to say something, but was cut off as Jackson captured his lips in a sweet, slightly not-so-chaste kiss. They stayed like this until the need for air was too much and they had to break apart. Stiles used the moment to find the right key and unlock the front door. Before he could step over the threshold, Jackson swept Stiles up into his arms, bridal style and planted another kiss on his lips as he carefully carried Stiles through the door.
Jackson carried him to the living room and gently sat him on the couch as he went to the kitchen to get something. He was gone barely ten minutes and when he came back into the living room, it was to the sight of Stiles tidying up.
"Babe, what are you doing?"
"I'm just straightening things up a bit. I didn't have a chance to when you came home early and we took Jerry out for a day on the town."
"It's ok, it's just the two of us. That can wait til tomorrow. For now, drink some wine with me?" Jackson pleaded, with his big blue puppy dog eyes that he knew Stiles just couldn't say no to, and holding up the bottle of merlot and the two wine glasses in his hands. "It's the 1869 you love so much."
"Fine," Stiles said with a smirk. Jackson knew exactly what tricks to pull on him to get his way sometimes. Those baby blues and a bottle of merlot from 1869 being two of the most potent ways. He sat down on the couch as Jackson uncorked the wine and poured two glasses, handing one to Stiles.
"Hold on," Jackson said, stopping Stiles from taking a sip, "I propose a toast."
"To what?"
"To where we've been, where we are and where we're going."
"And where would that be?"
"Sky's the limit and we can only go up from here," Jackson replied with a smile on his face. They raised their glasses and toasted to the past, present and future. As they sat in comfortable silence sipping their wine, Stiles maneuvered himself until he was leaning against Jackson with his head on Jackson's shoulders and the former stroking his hair.
"Do you remember what brought us together six years ago?" Jackson asked, reminiscently.
"I do and I do believe that he's sleeping over at his grandpa's house."
"Truly a blessing in disguise."
"Yep, I remember it like it was yesterday... Y'know, I couldn't believe eyes when I got the case file and saw 'Whittemore, Jeremy' across the top of it. I almost didn't believe that it was your son. Then I read the file and sure enough, your name was where the father's name went. But I'm really glad that I got assigned your case."
"Why's that?"
"Cuz it let me get to know the grown up, mature Jackson and let me fall in love with a beautiful man and father. Not to mention, I gained an awesome son," Stiles replied truthfully. No matter what happened or where life took him, he would always be forever grateful that that particular case had landed on his desk.
"I'm glad you got my case as well, cuz I'll be honest, I had no clue what I was doing with a newborn child. Then you came along, swooped in and saved the day like some kind of superhero," Jackson said with a chuckle, though it was cut short as Stiles reached over and took his wine glass and set it down on the coffee table and the cupped Jackson's face as he passionately kissed him. While kissing, Stiles moved to straddle Jackson and the latter placed his hands on Stiles's hips. After a little bit, they broke apart and rested their foreheads together, their breathing rather heavy.
"You know what?"
"Hmm?" was Jackson's reply as he nuzzled and nipped at Stiles's neck and collar bone.
"Every dark creature could be trying to knock down the door, but I wouldn't get up to even yell at them."
"Same here."
"I love you, Genim Johnathon Stilinksi."
"I love you, Aaron Jackson Whittemore."