Hey guys! I wanted to practice my romance so I was like, 'hmm, now what would I write a romance about?' Well, I thought I'd write one for MW2 since I love that game so much and I can do a lot with a fiction of it, like plot twists *hint, hint, wink, wink**evil grin* oh yeah, I'm goin' there. Anyway, on to this story's proper synopsis and then you can read the story itself. Ready? This is sure to be an entertaining read and you'll get a few laughs from my fail attempts at 'romance'. Here goes nothing!
Thanks for Reading, Fly High Aim Higher,
~Spitfire out
There's been a girl on base for a few months; her name is Amber Collins, call-sign Dash. When a new FNG comes on base things start heating up and two war-hardened soldiers of the one-four-one find themselves in the midst of the most difficult battle they've ever fought. A battle simply known as Love.
Okay, honestly, I thought that'd turn out pretty pathetic but that… was… AWESOME! I am not a fan of romance and this is sounding really good just from that! Okay, onto the story… Oh and don't forget to let me know what you think, I NEED feedback! (Yes, apparently I am begging…)
Thanks for Reading, Fly High Aim Higher,
~Spitfire out
*Ghost's POV*
Everyone relaxed after missions. Just about everyone was asleep except for me, Archer, and Toad. The two snipers were usually in the mess talking about ways they could possibly be more accurate shooters. I never slept after missions, I was always too restless. But there was one person on the team that was more so than I was. I could hear the grunts of effort coming from the rec room. She was always there, always working, never resting. There was more than one reason we called her 'Dash'. She never relaxed; she was always working out, running, or beating the shit out of the punching bag in the rec room. Every now and then we'd find her out cold on the floor in the rec room but it was rare.
I sighed to myself, pinching the bridge of my nose; she was going to burn out if she didn't rest soon so I stood straight from leaning on the wall and went next door to the rec room.
I stood there for a minute, leaning on the door frame, taking my time putting my balaclava and sunglasses back on. MacTavish was the only one that had ever seen my face and that was an accident; I didn't plan on anyone else seeing me. My skull balaclava was the main reason they called me 'Ghost', but there were other reasons as well. After I had my face hidden I stood for a little longer, admiring her soft looking auburn hair and small build. She was small but she was one of the most skilled soldiers there was, her small size made her fast and agile, she was an excellent marksman, quieter than I was, which was saying something, and she was strong, she could knock anyone out with a single punch if she wanted to. She was a genius with tactics and strategy, those grey-blue eyes catching every detail.
Her soft yet firm voice snapped me out of my thoughts, "You need something or you just gonna stand there all day, LT?" she asked, referring to me by my rank.
She never even looked behind her; there was never a chance for her to see me. It was strange how she just knew someone was there and that it was me.
"You're gonna burn out if you don't take a rest," I said coming up behind her but keeping my distance, remembering what happened last time Archer tried to get between her and the punching bag.
He had been trying to get her to rest but she wasn't listening so he got in front of her, which is where he went wrong and got punched in the face.
"I'm not gonna burn out," she said stubbornly, obviously short of breath and exhausted.
"If you say so. Think you can take me down?" I asked.
"You seriously want to spar?" She asked with a half chuckle, pausing before she hit the bag again.
"Alright," she said, stopping and facing me, "Let's go."
I could see the exhaustion in her grey eyes as sweat dripped from her brow. She came at me for the first attack and I grabbed her arm and pushed her down to her stomach with one knee on her back, one of her arms trapped under her and her other arm held above her.
She struggled and struggled but she couldn't get away from me.
I leaned down to her ear, "Not so easy when the target can hit back, you lost," I said, letting her go.
She got up with an aggravated groan and turned back toward the punching bag, but I stopped her with a hand on her shoulder.
"You need to rest," I said simply, turning her around to face me.
She sighed in defeat and softened her usually stubborn and determined expression to one that showed how she was really feeling, tired beyond all hell. Her shoulders slumped and she fell, passing out from exhaustion. I caught her before she hit the ground and lied her down on the couch.
Archer came in as I was leaving, "Is Dash actually resting?" he asked in surprise when he saw her.
"She passed out," I said simply.
"Figures," Archer said with a shrug, "Someone ought to stay here with her to make sure she doesn't try to work out again."
"I'll stay," I suggested, "Not like I got anything better to do."
She slept until the FNG got there afternoon the next day.
He came in with MacTavish. Most of the team was already here. Meat and Royce were playing video games, Archer was reading a newspaper, Toad was doing some research on the computer, and Rook was laughing as Royce beat the shit out of Meat on the game, but he was shut up by a controller to the face. Dash rolled her eyes at them as they started wrestling and she sat up.
"Sergeant Sanderson," MacTavish said, addressing the FNG, "Meet the team."
I heard Dash give a half chuckle, "Guess I'm not the noob anymore," she said, her voice made me melt.
'Whoa, Riley, do not fall for her,' I told myself.
"I'll leave you to get settled in," MacTavish said, leaving.
"You got a call-sign, Sanderson?" Rook asked.
"Roach," Sanderson answered with a shrug.
Dash laughed a little, "How'd you get stuck with that?" she asked.
"Because I'm hard to kill," he answered readily.
"Well, no one gets into the one-four-one for nothing. What'd you do that caught Sheppard's eye?" I asked.
"My last mission was supposed to be short and simple, no resistance sentry duty," he started, "Doc said it's a wonder I remember anything, was out for a few weeks after gettin' the shit beat outta me. Still managed to get most of my team out… Lost the newest guy though…" he said, trailing off.
"Yeah, that'll get his attention," Toad said pointedly, "especially if you only lost one guy."
"I'd never leave my guys hangin'," Roach resolved, leaning against the wall.
"Firm loyalty? I like it," Dash said, reclining back on the couch, "Name's Amber Collins, but everyone calls me Dash. Call me Collins and I'll kill you," she joked.
"Archer," Toad called from across the room, "come take a look at this."
Archer put his paper down and walked over to him, "What is it, Toad?"
Roach looked at the tow in curiosity, "Sniper team one," I said, already knowing what he'd ask.
Archer and Toad looked up briefly, having heard the mention of their two-man team.
"What'd you find, Toad?" I asked, seeing the growing look of concern on both of their faces as their eyes skimmed over whatever was on the computer screen.
"Makarov's op hit Zakhaev Airport," Archer answered quickly, typing something in, then waiting before cursing, "Damn it!"
"What?" Meat asked, turning away from his game, letting Royce get the upper hand.
"Allen's dead," Toad answered, "They're saying' he's the culprit along with three or four other Americans."
A silence hung in the air and all eyes were on Dash. She wasn't American but she had a lot of American friends. Her grandfather had even moved to the States and joined the US Navy; it was all in her files. Pure anger and hatred were plastered on her face. She had known Allen and his younger sister, Sara Allen. Sara had also joined the Army and been recruited into the Rangers not long after Joseph Allen had. As far as I knew she was doing well with the Rangers.
Dash stood and stormed out, slamming the door behind her.
"What's with her?" Roach asked.
"She knew Allen, they were close," Royce answered.
MacTavish stepped in a little while later, "Ghost, Sheppard wants to see us in the briefing room."
"I'll be there in a minute, we just found out Allen was killed, Dash isn't taking it well," I answered, standing.
"That's what this is about, Sheppard won't wait, Ghost," MacTavish said, as he turned to leave.
*Roach's POV*
The first thing I saw when I walked in was a single woman laying down on the couch, shaking her head and sitting up as she saw two guys wrestling on the floor. I caught her grey-blue eyes and was mesmerized. She was wearing a black exercise top and black yoga pants, making the blue in her eyes stand out, her auburn colored hair even more so. I was speechless when I saw her. I was anxious to know her name. When she spoke her voice was joking, firm, and soft all at the same time. Amber Collins, that's what she said her name was. She was joking when she said she'd kill me if I called her Collins, but I'd still not call her that, Dash seemed much more fitting somehow.
The guy with the balaclava, he was shady and seemed like he was the second-command, with MacTavish being the CO. Ghost, I think he was called, he was pretty intimidating but I couldn't help the feeling that he wore the mask for a reason. MacTavish had called him out when Dash stormed out and I was left with what seemed to be the goofballs that were still wrestling on the ground, the mature acting sniper and the following sniper, the chill guy, and the one that likes to laugh. Great.
"Anyway," the mature sniper, Archer I think, said standing from where the other had called him over, "time for introductions, name's Archer, I'm the head sniper and stand-in field medic since we don't have an official one."
"Toad," said the other guy that was still sitting at the computer, "secondary sniper, Archer and I make up Sniper Team One, as Ghost said."
By now the two that had been fighting stopped and were sitting on the ground laughing, "Meat," one of them said, "CQB and demolitions expert."
The guy sitting next to him laughed harder, "Yeah, Meat, 'demolitions' is the right word for it. I'm Rook by the way, team driver and standard assault."
The guy that was still playing video games put the controller down and stood, "Royce, Meat-head's partner," he teased with a punch to Meat's shoulder and laugh from both of them, "CQB and SMG expert."
"Ghost's the Lieutenant, well-rounded, scary-good at stealth," Archer said.
"So, what's your strong point, Roach?" Toad asked, looking up from the computer.
"Assault and SMGs," I answered with a shrug, "My skills in sniping vary; it depends on the situation."
"For example?" Archer asked.
"I can't stay in the same place and use a sniper, I'm more of an on-the-move sniper," I answered.
"Oh yeah?" Royce asked from where he was still sitting in front of the TV, "think you can beat my CQB with a sniper?"
I shrugged, "I guess."
"Well, we'll have to find out sometime," Rook said, sitting down on the couch.
"Hey, where are Scarecrow and Ozone?" Toad asked, looking around the room.
"I think they're on the range," Archer said.
One of the others, I didn't see who it was, gave a low whistle, "Hate to be them right now, that's probably where Dash went to blow off some steam."
The others chuckled at this and there were a few 'yeah's.
We chatted for a while; they told me that Ozone and Scarecrow were the infiltration experts. Ghost and MacTavish came in after a while, with Dash, and two others that I assumed were Ozone and Scarecrow behind them.
"Hope you're ready for some action, Roach," MacTavish said, "we've got a mission."