So what I'm going to try and do is put a SwanQueen twist on the current episodes of OUAT season 3. I will try and do a chapter a week (one for every new episode). I hope you enjoy!
Work Together
"Miss. Swan get a grip on that rope and help steady us!" The rain was coming down harder as the wind got worse.
"I'm trying!" Hook was steering as the rest of us were trying to keep up the sails. All of us but Mary Margaret; she was clinging to David. Everyone was worried about getting the boat through the portal and then to Neverland. As I pulled the rope, I remembered the day I gave birth to Henry. It was painful giving him up but I had to do it. I was no mother. When I heard Regina struggle I looked over at her. For some reason my heart swelled with…some emotion that I couldn't place. I was happy that she gave Henry such a good life but then was sad that all of this has happened.
We finally made it through the portal to steady water and we all had some relief. "Welcome mates, to Neverland." We could see a small jungle looking island in the distance. David made sure Mary Margaret was okay as I glanced over to Regina. She was rubbing her right arm as I walked over. I guess when she wrapped the rope around it to get a better grip it clenched down more than she thought. "Your arm okay?" Her dark eyes flashed up at me and she shot me a smirk.
"Yes it's okay. What do you want Miss. Swan?" Her voice was a hiss. I couldn't blame her though. Everyone was under a great deal of stress.
"Look, I don't like this anymore then you do but we need to work together if we're going to save Henry. Now let me see your arm." Regina watched me skeptically as she pushed up the sleeve of her coat. There were red marks where the rope was wrapped around her arm.
"What are…"
"Back up." I drew my sword and held it towards Mr. Gold. His eyes grew a moment but then he chuckled.
"Oh come on dearie, you really think that silly sword can do anything to me?" I never withdrew my sword.
"Emma…" David and Mary Margaret looked shocked. I'm not sure if it was because I was protecting Regina or if it was because I drew my sword on someone. No one said a word and I didn't back down until I heard Hook chuckling in the background.
"Well it seems the Knight has found her Queen." The blood drained from my face a moment. I was not saving her. I was saving the adoptive mother of my son. Okay, maybe I was saving Regina too. I couldn't help but be protective over her. Even from the start I felt like I had a connection with her because of Henry.
"Shut up Hook!" He chuckled more as I re-sheathed my sword. "What do you want Gold?"
"Just to tell you that you'll never make it when you get to land. It's a place where your imagination runs wild and you don't have one." He dropped his cane and vanished.
"He's right Emma. This land will be hard for you since you don't believe. Though, knowing what you've gone through I don't blame you for not having an imagination." I didn't say a word. I know I didn't believe with hope; I needed facts to believe. Before I could say anything the ship started to sway back and forth viciously. We were under attack.
"Everyone to their stations! If you have a weapon, grab it!" I did as Hook instructed and tried to steady the boat but to no avail. Regina was trying to kill whatever was attacking us with her famous fire balls, David was trying to shoot them, and catch one. They snagged one and brought started to pull it aboard. Thankfully, Regina just used her magic to bring whatever it was to deck. I was shocked when I saw a mermaid. But then again, this is Neverland. The storm was drowning out all the sound so I couldn't hear what everyone was saying. The mermaid used a horn and suddenly it started to thunder. As everyone fought the storm got worse.
"It's not the mermaid, it's us." I tried to yell to everyone and tell them we needed to stop fighting but no one heard me. I needed to do something but what? I acted without putting much thought into it. I stumbled over to the side of the boat and luckily David looked over.
"Emma! What are you doing?" I didn't answer him; I just jumped. A moment after I hit the water something hit me hard in the head and everything went black.
Next thing I knew, I felt warmth covering me. I coughed and water came out of my mouth. My lungs hurt as I tried to get oxygen back in them. "What happened?"
"You're an idiot." I chuckled at Regina's tone. When I looked over there she stood with her arms crossed glairing down at me.
"You saved me didn't you?" Her eyes grew wide a moment. "You used magic on me. Thank you."
"If I have to suffer being around your parents, you do too." Regina turned and walked off. Hook steered us towards land and we hit shallow water. We had to scale down the side of the boat on ropes and Regina had a bit of a hard time. I wanted to help her but my body hurt enough already. I'm sure if I tried to help she'd kill me. "I can fix the boat with magic and we can continue with Hook's plan."
"No. You need to save your magic and we need to work together. We're on Pan's land now and he knows we're here."
"So, you want us to be friends? After everything that's happened between us all?" Regina smirked as she stood by Hook.
"No. I know that will never happen. There's too much history between us all. We just need to work together. Be who we are, a villain, a pirate, a hero. We all have our special talents and can use those to find Henry and get home."
"And what's your talent Savior?" Regina's voice had a sting to it. There was fire in her eyes.
"I'm a mother. Now you can help me find my son or leave." I walked up to Regina and got within a foot of her. "You're not strong enough to save our son, but we are." I looked away and turned before I could see her expression. "I'm your leader now so let's go." I turned and started to walk into the bushes. Mary Margaret and David started to follow in tow and Hook and Regina came last.