A/N: Moka here! Mistress and I spent the whole weekend writing all of this chapter in one go! We hope you'll enjoy!

Oh, and for those who want an update, please stop spamming us with PMs. The best way to get us to update us to leave one or several reviews, because that is what really motivates a writer to update faster. Sending tons of PMs to an account we aren't on very often won't get you a response.


When the Teen Titans woke up, they were not happy at all to find out Mistress and Moka had disposed of their dolls. The two young women would ordinarily have found it funny to see superheroes so hung up on dolls (which were, after all, for children), except they were being yelled at for destroying private property, gifts from the Titans' fans, and the Titans were very angry to find out that the two 'criminals', the ones they had given shelter to in the Titan Tower until a way was found to send them back to their dimension, had destroyed their personal stuff.

Moka and Mistress were already seen as criminals by the Titans for stealing from shops and the like using their powers, but during the past few days they'd managed to befriend some of the Titans. However, with the destruction of the dolls and how unjustified it looked to the Titans, who were unaware that the dolls had been sent by a supervillain, the relationship between the two young women and the Titans had died until even common courtesy was gone. They were punished by being forced to stay in the tower, with the video cameras of the tower surveilling them 24/7.

"This is so unfair," said Moka, lounging on her bed. She looked over at Mistress, who was sitting on top of a desk. "I never thought it would be this annoying to live in the Teen Titans cartoon. And they didn't even believe us when we said we were saving their lives by destroying those dolls!"

Mistress let out a gusty sigh and leaned back on the desk, careful to avoid knocking anything sitting on it off onto the floor. She knew the Titans getting pissy over the dolls was only half true. Neither Raven nor Robin had even cared about the dumb things until they'd destroyed them. So for them this whole 'you broke our stuff' was probably just an excuse to scream at them. But the two gloomy emos of the group getting all up in arms fed over onto the other three, more level headed and forgiving, members of the Titans.

"Don't worry Moka. They can be big babies if they want. We know we did the right thing. And isn't that was being good is all about or something? Doing what has to be done even if the morons think you didn't?"

"Well, I would have been pissed if someone broke my stuff," Moka admitted. "But still, they're heroes! I would have thought they'd listen to us and give us the benefit of the doubt. Being seen as villains by the Teen Titans does not make our life easy." She groaned, unhappy. "We can't even leave the tower! Well, we could if we used the remote, but then the Titans would be pissed and we'd be in trouble."

"What gets me is that the two fucking angsty ones of the group didn't even care about their dolls! Raven just sorta gave hers to Beast Boy and Robin tossed his back in the box. But the second WE touch them we're reincarnations of the Devil himself. I swear they act more like spoiled kids than the mature heroes they claim to be."

Mistress was trying her best not to give in to her inner rage and start screaming, or god forbid; break something. But she had a good enough hold on her fiery temper to control herself. Plus, that stuff wouldn't get her anywhere.

Moka slumped down, feeling utterly defeated. "I would have thought that being in this universe would be fun, but having the Titans see us as villains isn't great. If we run, they'll find us, wait until we're sleeping and then drug us so we can't wake up and use the remote, and then put us in a cell we're even stopping time won't help us destroy cement walls and steel bars. I'm just happy they can't take the remote from us."

Indeed, the one time the remote had been confiscated, Moka and Mistress had discovered an additional power to it - whenever the remote ended up too far away from them, it would disappear from wherever it was and reappear in the vicinity of one of the two girls. So the Titans couldn't take their time-stopping remote, but they could find ways to punish the two girls anyway.

"This sucks," said Moka.

She hit her mattress, angry at the situation, and feeling more homesick than ever.


A few days later, very early in the morning, Moka was woken up by the tower's blaring alarm. It was the alarm that meant trouble, the kind the Titans had to take care of right away. Unfortunately, the alarm was set so it woke up everyone in the tower to ensure all the Titans would be warned regardless of the time of day or where in the tower they were. That meant that in the middle of the night, it acted as an alarm clock telling the Titans they had to do their work, and at the same time it woke the two non heroes in the tower.

They'd spent several weeks in the Titans' tower already and had only been woken by that alarm four times, but it was still four times too many in their opinion.

Annoyed, Moka slipped on a bathrobe and exited her room. Mistress was already in the hallway outside, looking just as tired, and twice as pissed. She hadn't even bothered to tie her robe closed, that was how tired she was. And she was slumped against the wall, looking ready to just sleep right there.

"Should we go to the main room to see which villain caused the alarm to sound?" asked Moka. "It could be useful since it would help us see how the cartoon timeline is advancing." She was careful to not say those words loud enough for the cameras to pick up, as she didn't want to start revealing to the Titans some unpleasant truths about how 'real' they were.

The taller of the two grimaced at the thought of having to walk all the way to the living room. Honestly, she just wanted to flop back into bed and get some more sleep. But at the same time she knew her friend was right. They had to know which point of the timeline they were at now. If they lost track it could be bad. What if they missed something and an extra dangerous baddie managed to sneak up on them while they were unaware? God forbid they get attacked by Slade or Trigon or something.

"Ugggghh. Yeah okay. Let's go see what sonovabitch decided the middle of the effing night was a good time to wake everyone up with their bullshit." She grumbled some very R-rated expletives under her breath as the two made their way to the entertainment room to check things out.

What they called 'the main room' was truthfully a large room which housed the kitchen, gaming area, living room and dining room. It was the large room the Titans tended to often be seen in in the cartoon.

When they arrived, they saw that the main screen was lit up with the schematics of what Moka recognized as that submersible ship the Titans often used to go underwater or to travel outer space.

All the Titans were assembled around the screen, and Cyborg was typing something which made various indicators appear around the image of the ship.

"Get on board, now!" ordered Robin. "The toxic waste Trident managed to steal has to be found as soon as possible. If he releases it into the water, it could damage the ecosystem and completely destroy the fishing trade for Jump as well as every city and town near and around the Bay."

He turned around, looking like he was about to give some more orders, when he noticed the two young women standing there.

"You," he said flatly, eyes narrowed.

Moka smiled nervously, and gave a dorky wave. "Hi?" she said, wiggling her fingers in a greeting.

"We've been called to deal with a threat from the ocean. We're leaving now. You must stay here until we return and you cannot leave the tower."

Mistress narrowed her eyes right back at him and replied with a hint of sass, "Even if the whole tower is burning down?"

She couldn't tell where exactly he was looking 90% of the time because of his goofy mask, but she felt his gaze flick from Moka to her. He looked like he was going to argue with her about what she knew were semantics but the giant screen flashed yellow, effectively stopping him. Instead he sighed. "...Just stay in the tower."

Mistress turned to her friend and said, even though Robin was still there and could hear her perfectly, "He wants us to die."

Still half-asleep from having been woken up at such an ungodly hour, Moka merely yawned, not awake enough to care. "I'm sure…" She rubbed her eyes and looked at Mistress blearily. "I'm sure it will be fine."

"The ship is ready," said Cyborg as the screen turned green. "Everybody get on board, now. We're leaving in ten minutes."

Robin turned to Raven. "Raven, get us some food rations from the emergency kit. We might be gone the whole day and we can't afford to go hungry in the middle of the mission. Beast Boy," he said, and the green-skinned boy stood at attention, his military posture rather amusing considering his size and youth, "you will be in the B-4 seat, the one that can open up so that you can go into the water if we need you to do some reconnaissance."

"Yes, sir," said Beast Boy, his hand up in a salute.

Moka played with her hair absent-mindedly, winding the short lock around her finger as she observed the Titans prepare. Within minutes, they'd left the tower, though Robin had warned them one last time to stay put before he'd gone to join the others in the ship.

And just like that, Mistress and Moka were alone in the tower.

"Um… Wanna eat breakfast, or would you rather go back to bed?" It was around six in the morning. Moka felt too awake to go back to bed, and she hoped her friend would join her for breakfast, but she didn't want Mistress to force herself to stay awake that early in the morning.

Mistress was hungry now that she'd been awake so long, but she was also really tired still too. Though she figured she could stay awake long enough to eat with her friend. Better than leaving her all alone in an empty tower. And maybe the food will wake her up, but she kinda doubted it. Because they say that a full belly is the best sleeping medicine.

So she shrugged and answered through a particularly wide yawn, "Sure, I could go for something warm to eat. But I can't promise I won't crash right after. I need my beauty sleep after all~"

The taller brunette shuffled over to the couch and practically fell onto it in her drowsy state. Then she called out, "So what are you gonna make? I hope it's eggs and sausage or something similar." Her voice sort of faded the more she spoke until she was snoozing on the comfortable cushions.

Moka clapped her hands in excitement when she saw the contents of the fridge. There wasn't much, but she did notice some eggs, butter and milk. She looked around and noticed some bananas that were turning brown. "I'm gonna make a banana cake," she said. "I haven't made one since I came to this world, and I really miss eating some delicious homemade cake." Her hunger grew stronger with the memory of the warm, slightly moist banana cake she would often make at home. "I just hope we have some flour, or else I won't be able to make one."

She looked through the cupboards, and found something she thought was flour. Except when she looked at it more closely, she realized the powder was coconut, which wasn't at all what she'd been looking for. It took her a while, but she did manage to find some flour behind the sugar, in one of the lower cupboards. There wasn't much flour, but she knew there was more than enough to make a cake.

"Wanna help me make the cake?" she asked, turning towards Mistress. "Oh."

Mistress was sleeping.

Moka scratched the back of her head, embarrassed that she'd been talking to thin air. She decided to go ahead and start preparing the cake mixture, trying to be as silent as possible to avoid waking her friend. The smell of the baking cake would probably wake Mistress later.

Humming, she started bringing out the necessarily ingredients. During the next minutes, Moka busied herself with the preparation of the cake, following the recipe she knew from memory. She felt peaceful with the activity, having always loved cooking and baking.

That peace was interrupted as a dart was sent into her neck with painful force.

Staggering, she held up a hand to her neck, and pulled it out, staring at the dart in stupefaction. Then, she looked up, and noticed an old, grey-haired man with a cane and a gun.

Before she fell unconscious, she noticed him aim at Mistress and shoot her with the very same kind of dart.

They were kidnapped without managing to put up any kind of fight.


Mistress groaned as she started to come to. Her neck and back hurt, but she assumed it was from sleeping on a couch of all things. She'd never fallen asleep on the Titan's couch and if she hurt this bad afterwards then she wasn't going to do it ever again. The fact that she was sitting up didn't hit her right away, what with the lingering drugs swimming in her system. But a stinging in her neck is what made her realize she was sitting up and not laying down. When she tried to reach up and touch the spot her hands weren't able to move.

Her eyes snapped open but she couldn't focus on anything right away. Colorful blobs were what her vision consisted of. But things started to clear up after she blinked a few times. But when she could see again she was only able to stare at what was on the wall directly in front of her.

A massive Andy Warhol-style painting of Mad Mod.

Suddenly she knew just what happened to her, and presumably Moka. She easily deduced that they'd probably been kidnapped by the crazy old British man. A quick glance around the room supported her theory. For every inch of the room she was in was classic Mad Mod.

The ceiling and floors were black and white checkered tile, while the walls were a dull gray. But on the walls were all kinds of trippy paintings that looked like they were snatched right out of the 60's. Psychedelic flowers, suns, and swirls of every color were hanging in picture frames. Then she noticed the gargantuan tubes of paint that were sitting in each corner of the room. They looked like they were three times as big as she was and twice as tall.

But as crazy as all this was, Mistress could only think of one thing:

'Why is Mad Mod attacking now? The Titans aren't here to be captured.'

Suddenly the Warhol painting of Mad Mod started talking.

Mistress gulped and whispered to herself, "This isn't canon anymore."

"'Ello, 'Ello, 'Ello?! You there, birdie?"

Her attention was torn from her own panicked musings and pulled back to the colorful renditions of the British villain before her. Each of the faces looked agast that she'd basically tuned him out. But when she finally refocused on his painting they all straightened up and continued:

"Now that I have your undivided attention, I'd like to introduce m'self!"

Suddenly the floor opened up and there came the man himself. His crooked grin and cheesy British flag suit were the same as they had been the first time she had seen him in the episode. He held out his arms and twirled his gem-topped cane.

"Mad Mod, at your service luvvie."


When Moka woke, it took her a few seconds to realize what had happened. She was strapped to an uncomfortable wooden chair. Ropes held her arms and upper body in place, as well as her legs. Some sort of generator was next to her, with wires coming out of it and attached to several parts of Moka's body.

Her heart began beating faster as she realized what kind of situation she was in.

The room looked like some sort of classroom, with several other chairs like hers, but no desks. There was a grand piano in front of her, and several instruments on the side. She was in a music room, it seemed, the kind used in schools.

She could see trumpets, violins, guitars and all sorts of instruments.

"What the…" she whispered, as the instruments began to move in ways that weren't possible. All instruments with an opening on the end such as flutes, saxophones, clarinets and so on were the ones that moved, their opening behaving as if it were a mouth, with a tongue appearing out of nowhere. It was truly in these kinds of situations that Moka was reminded of the fact that she lived in a cartoon world where the laws of physics didn't mean the same thing as back home.

"Why, 'ello there, poppet!" said the instruments in perfect synchronisation. "Welcome to Mad Mod's School for Bratty Do-Gooders."

Bratty Do-Gooders? But Moka was considered a criminal in this world for the thefts she'd committed using the remote! Was it a joke, or was this person just not that well-informed?

The voice had a British accent. On the blackboard, in the back of the room, there was a large chalk drawing of the British flag. It didn't take Moka long to put two and two together.

"You're… that Mod guy, aren't you?" she asked hesitantly, remembering him vaguely from the cartoon.

"Right you are!" answered the instruments. "And you and your friend are suspiciously well-connected to the Titans. After observing that tower for some time, I couldn't help nabbing you two. I can't say I'm very chuffed with surprises, so when I noticed the Titans were hiding you little duckies, I had to take a closer look. Can't be taken by surprise, now can I? That would be the sign of a bad supervillain."

"Let us go!" shouted Moka. "You're an idiot if you think you can get away with this. As soon as the Titans come back to Jump City, they'll kick your butt for kidnapping us!"

That was the wrong thing to say, she realized, as all the mouths on the instruments perked up in malicious smiles. "The Titans are gone, are they?" said Mod. "Well that's just perfect. I'll have more time to take care of you snots, and then the whole city!"

Moka slumped down, feeling beyond idiotic. She shouldn't have said anything.