At my friend Calcifer's wedding, Serah sad something along the line of: Wouldn't it be funny if Sam just picked Dean up and moved him out of his way? You know, because he is short. And bossy.
This is for you, Serahsurii. I hope you like it.


Arms crossed, foot tapping, Sam waited for Dean to get out of the bathroom.

And waited.

And waited.

Finally, he had enough. He was done waiting for his brother to finish fixing his hair like the princess he apparently was. Really, why did he have to get his hair just right for a long day of driving anyway? Who was he going to impress?

"Come on, Dean! I've got to use the bathroom!" Sam pounded on the side of the door with the side of his fist.

"Get your panties out of a twist, Samantha!" Came the hunter's reply through the barrier.

Sam ground his teeth together. "If you don't come out of there, I'm going to make you." He warned.

"Bring it!"

Alright, he asked for it.

Opening the door, Sam reached out across the small room to grab ahold of Dean's bicep to make sure he didn't jerk out of the way, before grabbing the other bicep and picking up the shorter man easily. He carried his shocked brother the few feet out of the bathroom before setting him back down.

Dean's mind had just went blank, unable to process what had just happened.

With a smirk, Sam closed the bathroom door with an audible click, fallowed by the lock.

Dean blinked.

What had just happened?

Dean turned around and pounded on the door. "Your a bitch!"

Sam's laughter was the only response.