A few days later, back in Port Charles

Felix: "You're back!" He hugs his best friend and Patrick."What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be taking some time off to recoup with the kids? What's wrong?"

Sabrina: "Nothings wrong," she laughs, "just the opposite!"

Felix: "For real?" He says finally easing his tension.

Patrick: "Promise!"

Sabrina: "I have an appointment with," she looks around.

Dr. Chu: Me," She smiles....."Dr. Drake, Nurse Drake. Welcome back."

Sabrina: "Thank you," she smiles. "We are happy to be home for sure. We all set for my appointment?"

Dr. Chu: "Follow me,"she leads the way to the exam room across the hall.

Felix looks perplexed.

Felix: "Girl, we need a chat when you are done with that," he waves his hand to Dr. Chu.

Sabrina: "Okay," she laughs, "You got it," and heads to her appointment.

Dr. Chu: "You ready to see what we have going on in there?" She smiles.

Patrick: Unbelievably ready!" He exclaims.

Sabrina: "Dr. I thought I had a hysterectomy last year when all that stuff went down. Patrick told me."

Dr. Chu: "Didn't anyone inform you that it wasn't as severe as originally thought?"She asks confused.

Patrick: "Um, no," he says a little angered and bothered by that statement."

Dr. Chu: "Well, they certainly should have. We were able to save half of your uterus. We only did a partial hysterectomy and that is why we are here today, she smiles putting the sonogram gel on Sabrina's stomach. I am so sorry no one informed you. I will have to do an investigation into that and make sure the right person is responsible takes their punishment. That is unacceptable."

Patrick: "Thank you doctor, we are just thrilled to be able to have kids still. That was our dream from the time we got married to have a big family and when we found out that might not be a possibility we were devastated."

Sabrina: "Patrick's right," she holds his hand. We are thrilled that I can have more babies. I don't think it's necessary for an investigation. We are just glad there was a misunderstanding in our favor and not the other way around."

Dr. Chu: "That is very noble of you both. But unfortunately because of hospital policy this has to be reported to the board."

Patrick: "We understand."

Dr. Chu: "Let's check on that baby shall we?"

Sabrina: "Please," she smiles looking into her husbands eyes.

Dr. Chu: "Everything looks fantastic! You are about a month along and your babies are growing nicely." She says casually.

Sabrina: "I'm sorry our what?"

Dr. Chu: "I said your babies are coming along nicely." She laughs. "Congratulations, you are having twins!"

Patrick: "Thank you." He replies dumbfounded.

Dr. Chu: " I'll go get you your prenatal vitamins while you digest this."

Sabrina: "Did she just say twins?" She giggles.

Patrick: "She certainly did babe! Wow! Are we ready for this?"

Sabrina: "We can handle anything!" She winks.

Patrick: "You are right about that mama!" He says kissing her.

Sabrina: "Twins? We're having twins!" She says repeatedly.

Dr. Chu: "I see we're still shocked by this news?" She teases.

Sabrina: "You could say that."

Dr. Chu: "Well, here is your baby's first picture to prove it," she says handing each of them a photo of the sonogram with baby A and baby B marked on it for clarification. "Do you see them?"

Patrick: "Wow, yea, there are two! Would you look at that,"he says staring at the picture with a huge smile.

Sabrina: "So, should we schedule my next appointment?"

Dr. Chu: "Sure can," she takes out her calendar and they mark it for a month from now. "We will see you then! In the mean time, please try to avoid any stress. With only one uterus, it may be a tricky pregnancy. Especially since there are twins involved. Rest as often as possible."

Patrick: "I'll make sure of it! Thank you Dr."

Dr. Chu: "See you soon and congratulations again!"

Sabrina: "Thank you doctor!" She says getting off the exam table and getting her clothes so she can change.

Patrick: "So, are you okay?" He asks as they walk out of the exam room holding hands.

Sabrina: "Yea, I am just in shock. I can't believe no one told us that they only removed my Fallopian tube! They made us believe we couldn't have anymore children, That was the worst thing in the world for me to comprehend and now I am carrying twins!" She cries with her hand on her stomach as is Patrick's.

Patrick: "I know babe, I know. It would have been very helpful for us to plan our future, but isn't it just as incredible to be surprised like we are now?" He tries reassuring her.

Sabrina; "It is, oh absolutely it is!" She kisses him. "I couldn't be more excited! I just have so many questions!"

Patrick: "I'm right there with you," he hugs her. "So, who should we tell first?" He says with excitement!

Sabrina: "Hmmmm," she says with her finger to her lip thinking. "Felix?"

Patrick: "Sounds good to me, let's go find him."

Felix: "Did someone mention my name?" He says popping up behind them startling both of them as they hide the sonogram pictures behind their back.

Sabrina: "Felix! You scared us!" She says catching her breath.

Patrick: "Well, we were actually looking for you Fe, we have some news. Can we go into the conference room where it's more private?" He leads the way.

Felix: "Okay, if the two of you don't start talking now, I'm going to burst," he says with excitement and worry at the same time! "What gives!?"

Sabrina: "Well, we wanted you to be the first to know since you've been through everything with us from the very beginning!" She smiles.

Felix: "Tell me what? Girl, so help me! I'm going to burst!"

Sabrina: "Here," she hands him her sonogram picture to look at.

Felix: "NO!" He exclaims in excitement! Almost in tears of joy!

Sabrina: "Yes, Fe! We're having a baby!" She smiles teary eyed herself now.

Felix: "You're not pulling my leg are you!? Because so help me if you are! You know how much I want the two of you to have more babies!"

Patrick: "Felix, we would never fool you on something like this! It's real! Did you not see something else on the sonogram?" He teases.

Felix: "What do you mean?" He asks confused.

Patrick: "Look at the sonogram again!" He smiles. What do you see?"

Felix looks closely and finally sees Baby A and Baby B!

Felix: "No!? Really?"

Sabrina: "We're not just have a baby," she smiles, "We're having two babies! Felix, Patrick and I are having twins!" She says lightly jumping up and down.

Felix: "Oh my god!" He says mouth covered in shock tears flowing now. "Twins?!"

Patrick: "Twins!"

Felix: "I can't believe this!" He says hugging his best friends!

Patrick: "You're telling us! We are just as shocked as you!" He laughs.

Felix: "Didn't Sabrina have a hysterectomy last year?"

Sabrina: "That's what we were led to believe! Someone forgot to mention that they only had to remove part of my Fallopian tube! Which is why I am able to be pregnant right now. Believe me we were just as shocked and surprised as you. We found out in Puerto Rico."

Felix: "Puerto Rico? Really?"

Patrick: "Sabrina passed out and we thought it was stress from the Carlos situation and the kids, but it turns out that it wasn't."

Felix: "Does anyone else know?"

Sabrina: "No! You are the first person we've told and we would like to keep it that way, for now. We want to tell our family together before the news spreads."

Patrick: "We trust that you will keep this hush hush until our family knows?"

Felix: "Cross my heart!"

Sabrina gives a concerned look.

Felix: "What I can keep a secret when I really have to! But tell them soon because the whole hospital needs to know about this incredible news," he says kissing Sabrina on the cheek.

Sabrina: "Thanks Fe! On that note, I think we should get the family together tonight for dinner."

Felix: "I'll call Carly and reserve a table for you if you'd like Bri?"

Sabrina: "Actually, that would help tremendously!" She kisses him. "A table for 10! You're the best Fe!"

Felix: "I know, I know!" He laughs and goes to find Carly skipping down the hallway of the hospital!

Sabrina: "Dad, hey it's me!" She smiles. "Listen, do you have any plans for dinner?"

Sonny: "For you, no! What's the occasion?"

Sabrina: "Patrick and I have an announcement to make. Can you rally up the rest of the troops and meet us at the Metro Court around 8?"

Sonny: "Consider it done! Love you!"

Sabrina: "Love you too, see you there!"

Patrick: "All set?"

Sabrina: "All set! She smiles at her stomach! "Can't wait to tell our family that these two miracles are on their way!

Patrick: "Me too!" He kisses her and they leave to get ready for dinner.