Lucy was bored; there was no doubt about it. All of her closest friends were out on missions. Even Mira was out! This was odd, because she didn't go on missions much, but Master had asked her to go on one specifically. Kinana walked over to where Lucy sat and handed her a caramel milkshake.

"Thanks Kinana," Lucy smiled at her gratefully and handed her some Jewels to pay for her drink. Kinana smiled and headed over to serve another member across the hall. Lucy looked around again, her gaze lighting on the Raijinshuu, who were huddled around their usual table whispering to each other. Something about that seemed odd, so picking up her milkshake, Lucy walked to an empty table in the corner of the guild. It was as far away as possible to get from them without encroaching on other people or leaving the guild entirely.

Lucy pulled out a book and immersed herself within the world it portrayed to her. Occasionally she would look up from her book, to insert the straw into her mouth and take a sip of her milkshake, before delving back into the book once more. She was glad that she had decided to read in the guild. Although it was noisy, it wasn't as lonely as it was at home when her team were all out on missions. After reading for about an hour, Lucy was distracted from her book. The Seith mage, Bickslow, had just walked up to her, closely followed by Evergreen and Freed. Lucy blinked at them as they sat down opposite her.

"Um, hi?" Lucy said, in an awkward questioning way her eyebrows scrunching lightly in confusion. She had never really talked to them much other than the two times she had fought them. Once at fantasia festival, and then again at Tenroujima for the S-class exams.

"Hey there Cosplayer queen." 'queen, queen.' The little dolls echoed after their master. Evergreen and Freed also muttered a hello, but looked a bit embarrassed about something, Bickslow seemed to be the only relaxed one.

"What did you guys need?" Lucy asked she felt there was no point beating about the bush. They had come over to her, therefore the needed her for something.

"Well, we were wondering if maybe, you might want to go on a mission with us?" Freed asked as he finally looked up at Lucy. She blinked at them. They wanted her to go on a mission with them? Weren't there plenty of other people to ask? Stronger people, who wouldn't hold them back?

"Eh? A mission? Which one?" Lucy asked she couldn't fathom why they would want her on a mission with them. Evergreen handed Lucy a piece of paper, which turned out to be an S-class request.

"This mission requires an S-class mage and a celestial mage, so will you come with Laxus and us?" Evergreen asked. Lucy read over the request.

Celestial mage required

A rogue celestial spirit is terrorizing Gelrion town. It started five days ago.

Which spirit is unknown.

Please help

Reward: 5,000,000 Jewels

Lucy frowned as she stared at the request.

"I'll ask grandpa Crux for some more information about it. So, how are we splitting the reward?" Lucy asked, of course it was always the jewels that got Lucy interested.

"We each get 1,000,000." Laxus' gruff voice stated. Lucy looked around slightly startled, to see Laxus standing slightly to the side of the Raijinshuu.

"When are we heading out?" Lucy asked.

"Be at the train station in an hour." Laxus replied.

"Okay then, see you guys there." Lucy said as she left the guild. She was excited about getting to spend some more time with the Raijinshuu and Laxus.

~time skip to the station!~ (AN: you don't really want to know every little detail about Lucy walking home and packing do you? Of course you don't, how boring!)

Lucy was the second person to arrive at the station. Surprisingly Bickslow was the first. He handed her a train ticket as she sat down next to him.

"Thanks Bickslow." Lucy said with a small smile. "How long is the ride?"

"Three hours." Bickslow replied, as Evergreen walked up to the pair.

"Bickslow bought you a ticket?" Evergreen asked, one eyebrow slightly raised.

"What of it, Ever?" Bickslow asked as his dolls flew lazily around him.

"Nothing," Evergreen said as she walked over to the ticket booth to get her own ticket, her fairy wings swishing slightly in the breeze. Lucy looked questioningly at Bickslow.

"You didn't buy anyone else a ticket?"

"No, we all get our own." Bickslow replied looking away from Lucy. Lucy blinked at him, but decided not to say anything about it, because Freed and Laxus arrived. They both wordlessly walked over to buy their own tickets, and then the two of them plus Evergreen came back to sit down next to Bickslow and Lucy.

A few silent minutes later the train arrived, and they all boarded after having their tickets checked. They found an empty booth, and Laxus and Freed sat on one side, with Laxus next to the window. Bickslow sat in the window seat opposite Laxus, with Lucy in between him and Evergreen. As soon as Laxus had sat down, he had turned up the volume on his sound pod and leant against the window, seemingly sleeping. That left the Raijinshuu plus Lucy to try and have some form of conversation. Lucy wasn't particularly paying attention, and soon found herself drifting to sleep on Bickslows' shoulder. Bickslow froze, his muscles tensing as he felt Lucy lean into him. Freed and Evergreen laughed softly as Bickslow cast them a 'what the hell do I do' look. Realising he would get no help from them; he hesitantly relaxed a little, allowing Lucy to sleep peacefully against his shoulder.

Three hours later, the train pulled into Gelrion station, and Lucy awoke with a jolt as the train's whistle sounded, and a voice informed them that they had now arrived. The five of them then exited the train, making sure to take their luggage.

The five of them soon reached the Mayor's office building. They were led into the office, by a reserved looking young woman and then introduced to the mayor. The Raijinshuu and Laxus let Lucy handle the talking, because she was the one who would know what to ask.

"When was the last attack? And how often are they occurring." Lucy started off with a question that needed answering first.

"Yesterday, at 3pm. The attacks have been happening for the past five days and always at 3pm. And they don't last for long, maybe ten minutes at maximum." The mayor replied.

"Right, that gives us three hours to set up a plan. Now, what does it look like?" The mayor frowned a little.

"Well, witnesses report seeing a large figure, but they don't remember anything else."

"Oh… what injuries and destruction were caused?"

"Half of the town has been demolished, but mostly the surrounding country side. And the people seem to have been burned."

"hmmm, alright then, We're going now, we will start the evacuation of the town."

"Eh? Evacuation? Will it be that dangerous?" The mayor asked. Lucy nodded her head.

"Better safe than sorry. Now, Let's get everyone out of here, they need to be gone within two hours." The mayor nodded and went to broadcast the evacuation announcement.

The five Mages left the mayors office to assist the evacuation and two hours later the town was empty, save for the five of them.

"What now Lucy?" Laxus asked.

"Well, we need to try and find where the so called spirit is arriving. That way we can put up a rune barrier and try to trap it or something."

"Right, well the east is the most heavily damaged, so we should start there." The five of them walked to the mostly demolished section of town. "Oh, and what did you mean by 'so called spirit'?" Laxus asked.

"I'm not convinced it's a spirit, grandpa Crux said something that has me worried." The five of them were questing through the area, and Lucy found a circle of blood the size of her fist. Realising that this was what grandpa Crux had informed her about, Lucy decided to have Freed make the barrier 200 metres squared. "Freed, can you make a barrier starting here and ending over there?" Lucy asked as she pointed to the area she had decided on.

"Of course." Freed quickly got to work, knowing that he didn't have too much time. Lucy walked so that she was inside the barrier and made sure that the other four stayed outside.

"Oi, Cosplayer queen, why do we have to stay outside?" Bickslow didn't like the idea of leaving Lucy alone in there with an unknown entity.

"It will be safer for you." Lucy replied to him.

"To hell with our safety! We should be in there helping you!" Bickslow yelled. The ensuing argument was cut short, when a large magical presence made itself known. A gold and silver magic circle appeared in the exact centre of the rune barrier. It started off the same size as the circle of blood and rapidly increased in size until it was almost 100 metres in diameter.

"Holy fuck!" Laxus exclaimed as he took a slight step back from the presence, the Raijinshuu had taken several steps back.

"Ahh, I thought so." Lucy said as she walked to the centre of the magic circle. "Laxus, you need to find the summoner. They should be somewhere within a three kilometre radius of here. Evergreen, you go with him; Bickslow and Freed stay with me." Lucy said, and Laxus and Evergreen took off, Laxus using his nose to sniff out the summoner.

Lucy stared at the magic circle and made a small cut on her finger using the small pocket knife she had taken to attaching to her key pouch.

"What are you doing Lucy?" Freed inquired as Lucy bent down to examine the magic circle.

"Just like Moustache Man." Lucy said, not replying to Freed as the magical pressure tripled. The three of them felt slightly crushed from the presence. Though it was worse for Lucy because she was actually inside the barrier, where as the others were slightly shielded by it. "Don't worry Freed, I know what I'm doing, I hope."

A Large figure emerged from the circle, rising up through Lucy. Which she found to be a rather disconcerting experience. It was cold, colder than Gray's ice, and yet at the same time, burned hotter than Natsu's fire. Lucy shuddered as she found herself standing within the immortal, as though it were a thought projection that she was standing in. Bickslow and Freed looked horrified as they could see Lucy standing in one of the translucent legs of the thing. It stood at roughly seven stories high though the details were hard to make out. There was a heavy mist about it, which prevented the two males from getting a good look at it.

Lucy stood rather calmly within as she waited for grandpa Crux to tell her when to begin. The thing stayed still in a non solid form as a loud shriek was heard, and a flash of lightning hit something a kilometre to the south of where she stood. Lucy hoped that it was Laxus taking out the summoner. The thing didn't move standing still as it waited. It was not yet 3pm, and Lucy suspected that it would not move until then.

There were several more shrieks and more lightning strikes, and about a minute before 3pm Laxus and Evergreen returned with the tied up and unconscious summoner.

"What are you doing Lucy?" Laxus yelled to the blonde, who ignored him; she was too intently focused on the magic that she was performing. The four of them could only watch as Lucy began to glow in silver and gold as the magic circle had done before. She then began to chant:

The eighty eight stars do bind thee

And I too, do bind myself to you

We of the light command you of the dark

That you become one of the light

And that you do bind yourself to me

Open thy gate and heed my call

Heaven's seal

The thing began to flicker as she chanted, and it shrank until it was the same size as Lucy. The glow around Lucy became brighter and brighter, and the Raijinshuu and Laxus had to close their eyes, thus they missed what happened next. The thing continued to flicker, and as Lucy finished her chant, it disappeared completely along with the bright glow. It was pulled inside Lucy, which caused her excruciating pain. The four of them looked to Lucy as she screamed out in pain. Freed hurriedly removed the rune barrier and the four of them raced over to Lucy. Lucy had by now, dropped to her knees and used one hand to smear the circle of blood so that nobody else could use it. She had used up a lot of magic and was almost completely out.

"Lucy! Are you okay?" Bickslow asked, he was the first one to reach her and managed to catch her before she fell fully on to the ground. Lucy looked blearily up at Bickslow, who looked terribly worried even with his visor on.

"Just tired, used too much magic," Lucy mumbled as she fell asleep in Bickslow's arms.

"Damn it Cosplayer queen, are you trying to give me a heart attack?" He asked the sleeping girl as he gently stroked her hair. The others blinked at Bickslow. Since when had he been so caring towards the celestial mage?

"Let's go tell everyone that the town is safe, Bickslow, you take Lucy back to the mayor's office and find her a couch or something." Laxus ordered and he, Evergreen and Freed went to get the towns people.

Bickslow carefully picked up the sleeping Lucy, and took her to the mayor's office. Once inside he looked around for a couch to put her on. There was one against the wall on the far side, away from the mayors' desk. Bickslow carefully laid Lucy upon it, and then sat on the floor next to her. He was ridiculously worried. Well, who wouldn't be if the person they liked was in the same state as Lucy?

About half an hour later, the mayor and the rest of Bickslow's team arrived at the mayor's office. The mayor thanked them all at least a million times, and even gave Lucy a celestial gate key as a bonus. She didn't know that though because she was still asleep. A little while later the group made their way to the train station to head back to Magnolia. Bickslow carried Lucy again, and Laxus bought everyone their train tickets.

The train soon arrived and the five of them settled down in the same arrangement as before. Three hours later, and Lucy was still asleep, so the four of them decided that it would be best to take her to the guild and have Wendy check on her condition. It was only 7pm and they hoped that Wendy would still be at the guild. They soon arrived, and everyone stopped as they walked through the doors.

"Luce!" Natsu yelled. "What happened?"

"She used up a lot of magic power. Wendy, do you think you could check on her condition?" Laxus asked the small dragon slayer. Wendy nodded her head immediately.

"Of course, follow me." Wendy then led Bickslow up to the infirmary with Carla as Laxus stoped everyone else form following, stating that 'Lucy needed to rest, and that they could see her when she wakes up.' Everyone begrudgingly went back to what they were doing, even though they were worried about their celestial mage.

"Why did Lucy use up so much magic, Laxus?" Master Makarov asked his grandson.

"She chanted some kind of weird spell; I don't know what happened it was too bright to see anything. But I'm amazed she is still alive. The magical presence of whatever that thing was, was absolutely huge, even I felt overwhelmed by it. I don't think I've ever met anything that strong; it must have been at least twice as strong as Acnologia. And I've got no idea how Lucy managed to get rid of it." Laxus' statement shocked the whole guild. They couldn't believe that Lucy had stopped something that powerful.

"I guess we will just have to wait for Lucy to wake up." Master Makarov stated, and everyone began to talk in hushed whispers.

Wendy and Bickslow had now been in with Lucy for almost an hour, which made everyone worried. But then the door opened revealing Wendy, Carla and Bickslow, who had rather reluctantly, been forced to leave Lucy. Everyone looked to them expectantly.

"Lucy is fine, she just needs to rest. You can see her in the morning." Wendy said with a smile as they all sighed with relief.

AN: So, if you were wondering, Lucy doesn't send Laxus and Evergreen off straight away to deal with the summoner because someone who could summon a powerful entity like that, wouldn't be very easily defeated unless they had just performed a summoning that used up a lot of energy. Therefore she had them wait until it would be safer for them to take the summoner down.

Also, an entity of that kind needs to be commanded back by its summoner, so even if the summoner was killed, the immortal would still remain in the human world until someone else either sealed it within them as Lucy did, or sent it back to its own world. Oh, and even though they could have just threatened the summoner to send it back, someone insane enough to summon one would probably not be swayed by any kind of threat or torture and would die before they ended up sending it back.

Don't forget to vote for which pairings I should do in a couple of oneshots!

I also appreciate reviews!