That year, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger got awards for services performed to the school. Gryffindor absolutely destroyed the competition, mostly because Harry had become an immensely adept seeker (he just trailed the snitch since the moment it was liberated and didn't pay attention to anything else during the game, also, he'd gotten a new Foul added to the rulebook by capturing the Snitch the very instant it'd been released) and thus the Inter House Quidditch Cup had gone to Gryffindor, which was worth a lot of points. As were the awards given to the newly coined 'Golden Trio'.

Lockhart was sacked the very moment Hermione sat down and wrote down each and every single inconsistency and impossibility in his books. McGonagall aided her when she could not truly call foul due to lack of knowledge. His entire collection had an approximate 1500 errors, mistakes, impossibilities, inconsistencies or flawed concepts in them.

Everyone cheered when Flitwick announced he'd keep the Dueling Club functioning anyway, to the cheers of many.

All in all, it was good year.