Hey, this is my second story, hope you like it!

Katniss's POV

Why does that guy from two keep checking me out?

I'm going to go over there and try to talk to him...

I walk across the training centre to him.

'Hello, I'm-" I start

"Katniss, I know. I'm Cato," He says in his deep voice.

"Oh, how did you know my name?" I ask.

"Because of your entrance on the chariots, smart one," He says.

"Oh, duh sorry," I say, about to walk back to the knot tying station.

"No, stay," He says grabbing my arm.

"Okay, but I don't know how to use a sword..." I say trailing off.

"Then I will teach you," He says grabbing another, much smaller, sword for me.

"Thanks..." I say quietly.

"You're a shy one aren't you?" He says laughing.

Wow, I thought he was mean, he is kinda sweet...

"Yeah, I was never really good at making friends..." I say quietly, again.

"Okay, when you go for someone try going for their throat or heart," He says, either ignoring me, or he didn't hear me.

"Okay," I say as I try to cut the dummy.

I cut at the throat but barely make a dent in it.

"Good," He says.

"But I barely made a dent!" I say about to put the sword away. But he picks it up and puts back in my hands.

"It was your first time even holding a sword, so you still did good," he says slicing off some of the dummy's limbs.

"I think I'll just stick with my bow and arrows," I say. "Here I can show you how to use one," I say pulling him to the bow and arrows station.

"I don't know... I have never even held one!" He says still walking with me.

"Come on, I tried swords, and now you are trying bow and arrows!" I say as we get there.

"Ok, when you hold the bow you hold it in your writing hand... And you notch the arrow and pull the string back to your mouth... And... Shoot!" I say as my arrow hits the heart of the target.

"Wow you only spent a few seconds lining up your bow, it usually takes Shimmer chick like a few minutes," He says as he try's to hit the target.

Cato's POV

Why am I acting this way around this girl, I'm supposed to be intimidating!

Maybe I like her...

"Do you?" She asks.

"What?" I ask as I snap out of my trance-like state.

"I asked if you wanted to come to my floor after training," She says.

"Am I allowed to?" I ask.

"I don't know," She says grinning like an idiot. A cute idiot.

"I like you so far," I say with a smirk.

"Thanks," She blushes.

After training we walk to the elevator and she takes me to her floor.

She gives me the tour of her floor and the tour ends at her bed room.

"... And this is my bed room," She said taking me in.

"Wow, your floor is amazing, you're kind of lucky to be from Twelve," I say.

"Yeah, I love my room, I spend most of my time in here," She says as her eyes scan around the room.

"Well it's already eleven, do you think you have enough time to get back to your floor, or do you want to stay? I mean, you don't don't have to if you don't want to!" She says.

"Sure, I'd love to sleep here," I say.

"Okay, you can just stay in here with me," She says laying down on her bed.

"Okay," I say taking off my training clothes, which leaves me in my boxers. She also takes off her clothes which leaves her in her bra and underwear...

I lay down and start falling asleep when she pokes me.

"What?" I ask.

"Can you sing?" She asks.

"That's really random, but yeah," I say as she gets closer to me.

"Can you sing me something, I can't sleep?" She asks as she lays her head on my chest.

"Sure," I say.

Today is over, night has come,

Today is gone, what's done is done,

Embrace your dreams, through the night,

Until tomorrow comes, with a new light.

After I'm done singing she falls asleep in my arms.

She looks kind of cute when she sleeps... Stop thinking like that! She is the enemy! Or is she, I mean she is letting me sleep in her bed, and she showed me how to use a bow and arrows; she's obviously better than Glimmer...

I fall asleep finally and wake up to her trying to get up, but I guess I fell asleep with my arm around her.

"Sorry," I say about to take my arm off her.

"No, it's okay," she says laying back down.

Maybe she likes me too.

"Don't we need to get up?" I ask.

"Well we can get up a little late," she says.

"Okay..." I say about to fall back asleep when someone comes and knocks on the door.

"Who is it?" She asks.

"Katniss, come on, it's time to get up!" I think it's Effie, her escort.

"Okay, coming!" Katniss says getting up.

"Come on Cato, we need to get up," she says trying to pull me up.

"Okay, okay," I say standing up and putting on my clothes.

She brushes and braids her hair and walks out. With me following behind her.

She walks me to the elevator and comes over to me.

"Come back to my floor at eleven tonight," she whispers in my ear.

I nod my head and walk into the elevator.

I press floor 2 and wait until I get there and when I do I'm greeted with my angry mentor, Brutus.

"Where were you?" He asks.

"Uhh... Floor twelve..."


"Katniss asked me to stay there with her," I say.

"Stay away from that scum! She's from District Twelve, remember?!" He all but yells at me. "Just get out of here," He says and rubs the spot on his forehead where he usually gets headaches. "Don't ever let me catch you up there again!"

Shit, what am I going to tell Katniss?

So, that was chapter one, you like? Please tell me! c: