A/N: Hey everyone. This is my first PLL Fanfiction, and I am very excited to be writing it for you all to read.

Disclaimer: I do not own Pretty Little Liars.

This story will be an A/U style. The story jumps seven years into the future from around the time frame of when Spencer went into Radley Sanitarium, Toby did not leave to look for answers about his mother's death, there is no –A. Allison is alive but her and the girls are not friends. This is a Spoby story. If I think of anything else, I will let you all know. Please enjoy!

Toby Cavanaugh smirked at the waitress who dropped off his beer on the side table, and watched as she moved around to the back of his chair. She placed her hands on his shoulders, massaging them gently. "Anything else I can do for you baby?"

Toby reached over to grab his beer and brought it to his lips before answering. "Beer is all I need for now, thanks."

"Look for me if you need anything at all." She whispered in his ear before moving away to another table of drunken men.

Toby did not reply, as his focus drawn to the empty stage. He checked his watch and then took another sip of his beer. Any minute the lights would dim; provocative music would begin to play through the speakers and the dancers would take their places on the stage. Normally Toby would never have agreed to going to a strip club, but a few of his fellow co-workers had convinced him that he needed to let loose and have fun. So here he was, waiting for these dances to work their magic and make him forget all his problems.

"Alright gentleman!" A voice rang through the speakers of the room. "The moment you have all been waiting for is about to begin! Sit back and enjoy these ladies because they sure enjoy being here to entertain you all every night!" As soon as his speech finished, music filled the room and the lights dimmed while the back curtains suddenly pulled apart. As the first set of girls walked out, the men in the crowd started yelling in excitement, some even standing up and making their way to stand as close to the runway as they could.

The girls had big smiles on their faces as they kept moving their bodies seductively to the music, making sure to make eye contact with each man they faced. After a few minutes, another set of girls made their way from the back curtains, walking down onto the main floor, they went up to random men whether they were sitting or standing, and started their strip show.

Toby watched intently as articles of clothes started to fall off their bodies. He quickly finished off his beer and stood up to get another from the bar. He knew he would need a few move in his system before he would be comfortable watching the show. "Hey man, let me get another Guinness." Toby said as he reached the bar. A second later, he had his beer and he threw some bills on the bar before walking back to his seat.

"Gentleman!" The voice returned as the music was only lowered a few notches. "I am pleased to introduce your main event for the evening! Autumn Jade!"

The stage suddenly turned dark and a new song started to play through the speakers. As the opening lines to 'S.E.X.' by Nickelback started to blare, the lights turned on and standing in the middle of the stage was Autumn Jade.

Toby watched mesmerized by the way, she danced to each beat of the song, slowly removing her jacket in a teasing manner. This girl was the reason he had come to the club tonight, according to his co-workers, she could bring any man to his knees with a glance of her deep brown eyes.

She had a smirk placed on her lips as she pulled her body close to the nearest pole, wrapping a leg around the middle and she twirled around sliding to the ground before grinding her body back to standing. The men in the room started shouting and hooting even louder as she slowly removed her top, revealing a black strapless bra.

Toby took a big swing of his beer as he continued to watch her every move on the stage. As another song began to play, she made her way off the stage and onto the main floor to join the other girls. She would walk to different tables and would tease the men by sitting on their laps, touching their faces, grinding to the music against their bodies before getting up and walking away, still keeping her smirk in place on her cherry lips. The men would slip bills into her bra, or her sexy black boy shorts that barely covered her ass.

Suddenly Toby was watching her walk over to him, he looked down at her high heels and his eyes slowly moved up her body taking in her gorgeous long legs, her tight mid-section and beautiful breasts. When his eyes finally looked up at her face, she was standing in front of him smiling. His eyes locked hers and for a moment, he felt that he knew this girl, those eyes looked so familiar to him. She broke his gaze as she went to sit on his lap, straddling his hips and slowly started grinding into him to the music. She put her arms around his neck, her hands running through his hair, her face close to his, teasing his lips with her own.

It took everything in Toby to leave his hands back at his sides after he slipped a few bills into her shorts and not have them roam her body. He took in her scent of vanilla and coconut as she leaned her body closer to his and whispered in his ear. "See you later pretty eyes." She said and slowly slid her body off his lap, her hand tracing his jaw line as she fully moved away from him, a sexy smirk appearing on her lips again. She turned her back to him and began to walk towards the stage again with the other girls as they all made their way to the curtains.

Once the girls had all disappeared into the backroom, the clubs regular music switched over and the lights went brighter again. Toby reached for his beer and finished the remaindered of it before standing up and making his way to the bar again. Once at the bar, he reached in his jacket and pulled out a card and pen. He quickly wrote on the back of the card and then folded it in half and returned the pen to his pocket. He scanned the floor and then made his way to the front by the stage. He was making his way to the waitress who served him earlier in the night; when he reached her, he tapped her shoulder.

"Hey, I need something from you before I leave." He said as he held out the card for her to take. "Can you give this to Autumn Jade?"

She raised an eyebrow at him, but took the card anyway. "Sure thing honey, I'll make sure she gets it before she leaves tonight. Do you have a name you want to leave with the card?"

"Card says it all." He said with a quick smile and turned to leave the club. Afterwards he made his way outside; he hailed a cab and left into the night.