I am so so so so so sorry this took so long! But school is starting up again and that, along with swim team and my job take priority over writing

I will try to update as much as possible but please be patient with me.

So other than that, please enjoy :)

Danny's POV

"How much further?" Umrbigde snapped.

"Just a bit" Hermione said.

"Why?" she said, narrowing her eyes.

"Well Phantom couldn't have someone accidentally stumbling upon his hide out. So he made sure it was far enough away to keep it secret" I said.

"Yes...yes" Umbridge said "You three...lead the way"

"Can't we have your wand if we are walking in front?" Harry said looking at the dark forest ahead of us.

"I think not." she said pursing her lips "The Ministry places a rather higher value on my life than yours, I'm afraid."

Harry looked at me and I nodded slightly. If anything came at us I would protect Harry and Hermione, Umbridge on the other hand...she was on her own if something went wrong.

We continued our trek into the forest. I didn't need to have my ghost sense to feel something bad all around us. The forest was giving off a chilling vibe that sent shivers down my spine. Every nerve in my body was screaming to either run or transform before the danger closed in on us.

I took a deep breath and kept my eyes locked on Hermione. She had a plan that I was starting to piece together but I didn't want to mess up because I assumed too much.

"It's a bit further in!" Hermione said.

"Not as loud Hermione" I whispered through my teeth, looking around to see if anything really nasty had heard us.

"Not as loud Miss Granger! Don't want the beasts to hear us." Umbridge said.

Hermione sighed as we continued to follow her through the forest.

"We're almost there... Just a little bit longer" Hermione said pointing to the hill "He's right over there"

"I will see this for myself and then I can capture the beast" Umbridge said as she raised her wand and started up the hill.

"What are we doing?" I whispered to Hermione.

"Make a clone and then we can take Umbridge" Hermione whispered back, then leaving me behind as I grinned and cracked my knuckles.

I ducked behind a tree and transformed quickly. I created my clone and it flew off, invisible. I transformed back to my human form and jogged to catch up with Umbridge. Luckily, the toad woman wasn't fast and they were only a short ways away from where I had transformed.

"Where are they?" Umrbidge said looking at Hermione as she looked over the hill.

"They must be invisible" Hermione said looking at me and I nodded.

"I need to see Phantom before I can capture him" Umbridge said.

"Danny?" Hermione said, looking at me.

"I can get him to come out" I said and Umbridge glared at me.

"And how would you do that?" she asked.

"Phantom is from my home town...he won't trust anyone else." I said.

"Is that the reason you are at Hogwats this year?" Umbridge said, her lips curling into a grin.

"Yes!" I said "That is exactly it"

"I knew Dumbledore was lying when he said you were simply an exchange student!" Umbridge said "But since you have cooperated, your punishment will be less severe"

"Alright...I'll just go lure Phantom out of hiding" I said walking over the hill.

"Phantom!" I shouted, standing in the small clearing.

My clone flew towards me and hovered about a foot off the ground.

"Danny. Is it time?" he asked.

"Umm yes. But wait right here until Harry and Hermione get here." I said. Harry and Hermione then walked over the hill and towards me and my clone.

"What are you doing?" Harry whispered.

"Just trust me" I said, looking at Hermione who'e eyes were locked on the hill.

"So are you all ready?" clone Phantom asked.

"Yes" Hermione said "But you need to see something at the school before"

"Alright. I'll tell the others and come right back" clone Phantom said then flying off and returning only a few short minutes later.

"Lead the way" he said, gesturing for us to lead.

We walked over the hill and Umbridge pointed her wand at Phantom.

"Don't move a muscle you beast!" she shouted.

Phantom put both of his hands up in surrender.

"And don't think of trying to take over my body either! I am protected!" she said with a smug grin on her face.

"Okay" clone Phantom said, as I looked at Hermione and she nodded. I winked at my clone and he grinned. He fired two ecto-blasts from his palms, hitting Umbridge square in the chest and knocking her back a few feet. The wand flew from her hand and Harry rushed to grab it.

Umbridge was laying on the ground, and trying to sit up.

"You dare attack a Ministry official!" she hollered "My wand...where is my wand?" she said searching frantically on the ground around her.

Harry then raised Umbridge's wand at her.

"Mr. Potter, you will give me back my wand this instant!" she yelled, standing up.

"No, Professor" he said.

"Mr. Potter!" she shrieked "Give me my wand!"

"No" Harry said firing a spell at her. The bolt of light hit her in the chest and knocked her out, falling to the ground with a thud.

"Good job, now we have to move" I said transforming and merging with my clone and grabbing both Harry and Hermione.

"Are we going to leave her here?" I asked, looking at the unconscious Umbridge.

Harry and Hermione looked at her as well and nodded their heads.

"Alright, hold onto me and don't let go" I said taking off.

"Now I wasn't able to ask this back in toad lady's office, but from guessing what you told Snape, Sirus is in trouble right?" I said while flying back to the school.

"Yes! We need to get to the Ministry of Magic right now!" Harry said.

"And how do we do that? I can fly, but if you all want to come with I don't know if I can carry all of you" I said "Two is my limit for long distance."

"We need some other form of transportation" Hermione said.

"Brooms?" Harry said.

"Not all of us have one and I am not the best flyer, Harry" Hermione said.

"Then what are we supposed to do?" Harry shouted.

"Harry, I get your godfather's life is on the line. I understand the stress, the fear, and panic you are going through more than you can imagine. But we need to keep our heads. Try and think clearly. What are other ways we can get to London?" I said in a calm voice, looking down at Harry.

He took a deep breath and nodded. I put us on the ground only a few seconds later.

Ginny, Ron, Luna, Neville, Sam and Tucker all then ran up towards us.

"How did you guys get away?" I asked.

"Couple of Stunners, a Disarming Charm, Neville brought off a really nice little Impediment Jinx," said Ron airily while Sam handed back Hermione's, Harry's, and my wands.

"But Ginny was best, she got Malfoy Bat Bogey Hex it was superb, his whole face was covered in the great flapping things. Anyway, we saw you heading into the forest out of the window and followed. What've you done with Umbridge?"

"We had a lovely tea party" I said dryly "But if you need to know, she is currently unconscious somewhere in there" pointing to the forest behind us.

"Where is Danny?" Neville asked.

"Oh...well..." I said looking at Harry and Hermione. Hermione nodded and I sighed.

"You see..." I said transforming. The white rings of light appearing around my waist and travelling in opposite directions. My black and white jumpsuit being replaced with my regular clothes.

"I'm Phantom." I said sheepily looking at Neville's shocked face.

"You-you're a-a g-g-ghost?" Neville stuttered.

"A half ghost actually" I said raising my finger.

"That explains why you would sometimes run off when a ghost attacked" Luna said.

"Now that that's out of the way" Ron said, looking at Harry "What did you find out in the fire? Is Sirius okay?"

"Voldemort has him. I am sure he is still alive, but we need to hurry" Harry said grabbing his forehead.

"Can you fly us?" Neville asked.

"I don't have the strength or energy to carry this many people all the way to London at the speed we need." I said.

"Well, we'll have to fly, won't we?" said Luna in the closest thing to a matter-of-fact voice I had ever heard her use.

"We already thought of that. Not all of us have brooms." I said.

"Wait! There is no 'we' " Harry said, putting both of his hands up.

"Oh yes there is. And before you go on some time consuming rant about how this is your problem or we aren't experienced let me remind you of something. Ginny, Neville, and Luna have all been practicing with Dumbledore's army. Plus me, Sam, and Tucker have loads of experience hunting down ghosts. So just stop that train of thought in its tracks" I said.

Harry sighed and surveyed the group. He sighed "But its no use. We don't have anyway to get to him in time"

"I thought we'd settled that?" said Luna maddeningly. "We're flying!"

"And I thought Danny already went through that!" Tucker said.

Luna sighed "I am not talking about brooms. They can fly us to the Ministry"

I spun around to see two thestrals, standing between two trees, their white eyes gleaming eerily as they watched us.

"That's...brilliant!" I exclaimed.

"What are you talking about!?" Ron said.

"Thestrals." I said looked back at him with a mischievous smirk.

"They can fly?" Ginny said.

"Hagrid said they could. And right now I think they are our only option" I said.

"But we can't see them" Neville said.

"But me, Luna, Tucker, and Sam can. So just listen to us and hang on where we tell you too. I don't want to waste energy catching all of you if you fall" I said then turning to Luna "How are we going to get them?"

"I think they like you. Being half dead maybe they can sense that and are not as afraid of you." Luna said.

"Okay, everyone stay here while I gather a few thestrals." I said running towards the forest and jumping up, transforming in mid air.

I flew to the two thestrals and created a few ecto-ropes and tied them loosely around their necks. I saw a few more standing in the trees and roped them as well, gathering five before flying back with them in tow.

"Okay, some of us will have to share." I said.

"We should pair up so that those who can see are paired up with someone that can't" Hermione said.

"Alright, Hermione you ride with Sam. Tucker you and Ginny are together. Neville is with Luna. And Ron can be with Harry."

"What about you?" Neville asked.

"There aren't enough. I can fly." I said.

"Are you sure?" Sam asked.

"I'll be fine." I said "Now let's fly!"

Everyone mounted the thestrals, with those who could see in the front and those that couldn't handing onto the person in front.

We took off, heading towards London.