Title: It Really Must Be Love
Pairing: Beca M/Jessica
Rating: T
Disclaimer: I own nothing of Pitch Perfect, just borrowing the characters for a bit of fun.
Summary: Jessica is dancing in a dance contest for charity and the Bellas go to show their support. Please forgive me if there are too many mistakes.


Cynthia Rose watched as Beca and Jessica left the practice hall first totally caught up in one another. She had texted the others to hang back until Jess and Beca left.

"So what's up that you didn't want to talk about it in front of the lovebirds?" Chloe asked nodding her head towards the door the couple had just disappeared through.

"Well I found out some very interesting news yesterday when I dropped by the local branch of the Gay and Straight Alliance. It seems the main branch is putting on a big deal dance contest tonight like that whole dancing with the stars stuff on television except without the stars. I have heard all of the competitors can really dance well. Although I did hear a few local personalities had competed in the earlier rounds, but didn't make it to the big televised finale that is happening tonight. The whole thing is to raise money for AIDS research. Anyway, I found out Jessica is really big into the ballroom dancing sort of thing and even won contests back in her home state of Minnesota." CR was practically bouncing as she relayed her story.

"I found out yesterday that Jessica signed herself and a partner up as soon as the contest was announced that first day when all the clubs were campaigning for members. She and Beca actually met that day while signing up to join Barden's GSA group. The contest is tonight starting at six in Atlanta. I was able to score us eight tickets if you guys want to go and cheer our girl on. I am sure Beca will be there cheering for her girl. I think it would be a great surprise if we went to support a fellow Bella and it is for charity. We also get to help vote for the winners."

The Bellas were all smiling. "I think it sounds fun and we can all vote for Jess because I know she will be great. It is for a good cause and the Bellas always support worthy causes." Chloe grinned over at Aubrey knowing she now had her best friend. Their Captain was all about supporting the Bellas.

"Alright aca-bitches, we will meet here at four and dress nice. We want to proudly represent the Bellas and support Jessica." Aubrey's voice was stern as always.

The girls soon broke-up all looking forward to the outing.


At fifteen minutes before six the girls found their seats about six rows up from the ballroom floor. The place had been set-up very much like the set-up for the famous television show. Judges on one end on a raised dais, a stage and live music on the other end with a dance floor in between. The girls' seats were up along one side of the dance floor so they could see the judges, the music, and the dancing. The band and orchestra were already entertaining the entering crowd.

"Hey look there's Luke from the radio station." Chloe waved to him calling his name. The guy was walking along the edge of the floor looking for his and his date's seats. He waved to Chloe and started up the stairs.

"Hey guys! I didn't know you were into this kind of thing. My boss at the station gave me a couple tickets he purchased. My girlfriend Christy loves Dancing with the Stars so we decided to come." He took a moment to introduce Christy to the Bellas.

"Where's Beca and Jessica? Could Jess not get Beca to come?" Luke teased.

The girl's laughed. "Actually Jessica is dancing in the competition tonight. Beca is probably somewhere with her being supportive or something." Aubrey smiled, she may not get on with the alt-girl very well, but Beca seemed to really be there for Jessica and drew the girl more into the limelight.

Luke laughed. "Most likely. Her and Jess are adorable together. Jess brings out a soft side of Beca I didn't know she had." He looked again at his tickets. "Looks like we are a row behind you." They moved to their seats.

On the back of the seats before all of them was an electronic pad they would use to vote for their favorite dancers.

At six the lights flickered and the show hosts moved to the middle of the stage. The crowd applauded as local pro basketball player Jackson Matheson and morning talk show host Lisa Jacobs were introduced.

"Thank you all for coming to this amazing and fun event. You have all helped in raising funds for AIDS research. We applaud all of you tonight." The tall well-dressed male athlete said as they clapped.

The elegantly dressed blonde woman took over. "This first time event skyrocketed even bigger than we dreamed. Tickets sold out today which is great to here and more donations are already coming in over the phones and internet as we are now broadcasting live." A pause for more applause.

Jackson smoothly stepped in. "The entrances to the dance competition was also much larger than expected and we have had to have dance-offs on the weekends since two weeks after sign-ups closed to narrow the field from the 127 couples who originally signed up to the very talented 5 couples that will each be performing four dances in the finals tonight."

The blonde took her turn next. "While we explain a little about what you will see tonight you will see behind us a brief look at the 122 talented couples that did not make it to the finals tonight. You will however get to see them dance in groups in between each round of competition tonight."

Everyone saw flashes of dance moments from each couple collaged together on the huge screen behind the stage. Many were very good.

"Our five finalists tonight have worked very hard to get here. Every couple will start out with a waltz, but the last three rounds are dances that were drawn at random and given to each individual couple. So you will get to experience many different dances tonight and each couples take on them." The ball player had continued, but now stepped back for Lisa to take point.

"Tonight our five couple's scores have been wiped clean so they all start out equal. We have even brought in three fresh new judges for the finals who have not seen any of the five couples perform." There was more applause as the judges were introduced.

"Those at home will get a chance to vote by phone, text, or online between each round just as all of you here will using the electronic pads on the back of the seats in front of you." Jackson explained.

"It is now time for our first round to begin. The couples drew numbers earlier and will perform in that same order all night. Our first couple performing the waltz is our only all male couple in the finals, Markus and James."

Markus was in sleek a black tux and James was in a soft grey one with a frilly shirt and tales. They did a wonderful job as did the three couples after them. The other three couples were all male-female pairings.


"Man they were all so good. If Jessica made it this far she and her partner must also be really good." Ashley stated as they all clapped. The others all agreed with her.


"Now our final couple of the evening has become a sweetheart favorite over the last months of competition. They are our youngest pairing, both being only 18 and freshmen at Barden University." The crowd who had been following the competition from the beginning began to cheer loudly.


"Wow, Jessica must have a great partner. I bet Shorty's jealous." Fat Amy laughed. The other Bellas joined her until the couple was announced.


"Please give a warm welcome to our only all-female couple in the finals Jessica and Beca!"

The crowd cheered as the dance floor filled with fog and Jessica in a flowing relaxed gown in sparkling white with hints of sparkling pinks that shone as the light hit them glided out into the middle of the dance floor. As the music began to play Jessica began to dance, but Beca rose up out of the fog to join her as the vocals to A Thousand Years by Christina Perri began. Beca had on black tuxedo pants and a vest with the tie around her neck tucked down into it. She wore a pink sparkly shirt that matched the highlights in Jessica's dress. Where Jessica's hair was pulled elegantly from her face to flow down her back Beca's was tightly braided to her head.

The couple moved together as one so in tune with one another it was like poetry in motion and the song really played well with the connection the pair had. The crowd clapped at each elegantly well put together movement. Their height difference wasn't even a factor they moved so well together. In a few elegant maneuvers Beca really showcased how strong her small frame was and how much the couple trusted one another. The whole thing was beautiful and brought a tear to many an eye by the time the pair came to a halt in the middle of the floor holding one another close.

The crowd went crazy for the young women.

The five couples all stood in front of the judges who spoke with them all together. Nothing bad was really said about any of them, but Jess and Beca were the only ones to get three perfect 10's from the judges. Though none got below a total score of 27, so the competition was very close.

The dancers waved to the crowd as they disappeared backstage to prepare for their next round.

"Please everyone enter you votes for your picks of round one. Enter #1 next to the couple you think should be first and on down the line to 5. Those of you at home do the same by phone or internet." Jackson Matheson took first spot this time followed quickly by Lisa Jacobs.

"Please welcome our first group dancers from the earlier competition as they perform together." The crowd grew loud for a moment before settling down to watch and wait, some disappearing to the bathrooms and concessions.


"I can't believe that was Beca. The pain in my ass Beca who hates to work on our choreography!" Aubrey said with disbelief clear in her voice.

"They were unbelievable, you could actually feel the love between them." Chloe gushed with tears in her eyes.

"I can't wait to see what they do next." Denise added, the rest of the Bellas equally curious to see what was next. All impressed by their friends.


The next round began with Marcus and James doing the cha-cha, followed by couple 2 doing the rumba, couple 3 doing the flamenco, and the fourth the samba. They were all really great. The fifth couple's friends couldn't wait to see what they had been given to dance.

"Our final couple will be dancing the Lambada to a mash-up of JLo's Ain't it Funny and Koama's Dancado Lambada."

Everyone went wild at the dance the two young women would be performing.


"I never dreamed I would ever see Beca Mitchell dirty dancing." Aubrey deadpanned causing her friends to crack up.

None of them had seen Jessica look so sexy or show so much skin as her lacy outfit was a top that was really just a bra and she had a short blousy skirt cut to show of lots of leg and billow and sway with her sensual movements. The dress was a deep glittery purple. Beca had black pants that fit to her ass and hips and loosened as they reached knee down to the floor. She had on a very tight black shimmery tank that stopped halfway down her stomach. The top showed off muscle tone that the girl usually kept hidden. It also showed off her tattoos and a sparkly jewel in her navel that matched the purple of her partners dress. Jessica's hair was free flowing whereas Beca's was still tightly braided. They looked very hot together, their dance sexy, sensual, and erotic with a touch of naughty innocence. Again the couple's feelings really shone through as they danced and it added another layer to their performance. Once again Jessica and Beca nailed it and the crowd loved them.

They were smiling and breathing hard as they joined the other four couples in front of the judges. The scores were close with couple five and couple one tying with 29 points. The crowd grew loud once more as they all disappeared backstage and the between round performance began.


"That was hot! I feel like I need a cold shower now." Cynthia Rose chuckled as Denise hip-checked her.

"They are so talented. I wonder why they never told us they could dance like that. I'm really good at sexy dancing." Stacie was standing shimmying her hips and of course grabbing her breasts.

Aubrey simply groaned and turned away to see Lily's lips moving, but as usual she got nothing.

Of course all of the Bellas were voting for Jessica and Beca to win at each round so far. They really thought the couple deserved it.

When the next rounds began Marcus and James performed a Tango, with the second couple doing a cha-cha of their own, the third had drawn the Charleston, and the fourth had drawn a rumba.

"We now give you Jessica and Beca dancing the Jive to This Head I Hold by Electric Guest."

Beca came out in black pants with grey pinstripes and a black shirt with suspenders. Jessica was in a ragtime golden shimmery tasseled dress with her hair done up in a classic rag time hairdo. She even had a matching gold headband with a golden feather in her hair cementing the look.

The dance was fast paced with lots intricate foot work and it was obvious the couple was having a blast and they didn't miss a step. They were fantastic. The cheering was even louder when they finished. The couple was obviously out of breath as they stood before the judges, but their smiles and clasped hands gave way to how happy they were and the fun they were having. They won the third round with a 28. There was one 27 from couple one and couples two and four had 26 each with couple three getting 25. The competition was tight, but Jessica and Beca had at least a two point lead over the closest couples going into the final round. No one knew for sure who the crowd present or at home had in the lead.


"If they smash the last round they got this in the bag. They were awesome again. I don't think I have ever seen Beca smile like that before and Jessica really made that dress shimmy and shake." Chloe was bouncing with excitement for her friends. "CR I am so glad you found out Jessica was competing and got us all tickets. This has been a great night so far."

All the girls agreed and thanked Cynthia Rose. "No problem, it is great fun and for a good cause."


The crowd was really hyped up as the last round began. The couples were giving their all for their final competitive dance of the night. Couple one performed a romantic contemporary number, while couple two had a lively hip-hop number, couple three had drawn the Argentine Tango, and couple four performed a Foxtrot. They all gave their best and it really showed. It had Jessica and Beca's friends really biting their lips knowing the young women had to really have an amazingly great number to pull out for the win.

"Our final competitive dance of the night is a Pasa Doble to a mash-up of Queens' We Will Rock You and Pink's So What!"

The couple was going to put their own stamp on the dance. It was a powerful and intense dance. The movements were big and strong with lots of attitude.

The crowd began to roar as soon as the heavy baseline began and the lights fell on two figures dressed in black. As they rose up you could see Jessica's dress was sleeveless and opened from just under her breasts to her waist showing her trimmed stomach and the skirt was only truly attached at the plunging back of her dress. She could fan it out like a cape at her hips leaving her long fit legs on full display. The inside of the caped skirt was blood red.

Beca had on a short opened black jacket that showed she only wore a sexy red bra-like top that really showed off her awesome cleavage and very well-toned abs. Her black pants matched her jacket. Both women had left their hair down to fly sexily free and had darker make-up on. They looked powerful and unstoppable.

There was no smiling this time, but the attitude and intense looks fit the music and dance so well. The couple moved strongly together and fed off of one another in big bold movements. They were going all out, as in 'go big or go home'. When the dance ended with Jessica splayed across the floor with Beca hovering over her planting an intense kiss on Jess the whole place went crazy. Jessica and Beca had managed to top the amazing performances they had already given all night.

The cheering continued as the breathless couple stood, Beca assisting Jessica to her feet. The couple kissed once more as they moved to join the other four couples before the judges.

The hosts had to ask the crowd to quiet down so the judges could be heard.

The all-male couple scored a 29, couples two, three, and four all received 28's. Jessica and Beca clung to one another as the judges spoke about their amazing performance and the crowd erupted again as the female couple received their second perfect score of the competition, a 30.

They had now cemented first place as far as the judges were concerned. The five couples waved as they once more disappeared backstage and the last group of previous competitors took the floor for a group Rumba.

The hosts stepped to center stage. "Please get all of your votes in. The voting will end in ten minutes so our computer system can begin tallying who the nights overall winner is. Also please keep those donations rolling in." Lisa Jacobs announced.


The crowd moved around, out to get concessions and bathrooms like they had been doing all night between rounds. The Bellas were all bouncing with excitement.

"That was incredible. They slammed that last dance. Beca and Jess were the best couple out there tonight." Chloe was all smiles and excitement.

"They were aca-awesome. They got my vote for winner all night." Aubrey was happy for her fellow Bellas.

"Beca's mash-ups really rocked with their dancing as well. That girl has serious talent." Cynthia Rose added while trying to be discrete in her checking out of the hot women who had attended the competition.

"Let's hurry and get back to our seats. I don't want to miss the final dance of the night. It's supposed to be some sort of group dance thing performed by the final five couples together." Stacie was moving to the music still easily heard from the band on stage inside the auditorium.

Lily led the way back inside everyone instinctively getting out of her way.

Luke smiled as the girls took their seats in front of him and Christy once more. "Beca and Jess were great. I think they deserve to win."

"So do we." Ashley agreed as she sat.


The hosts were back center stage. "The opportunity to vote is now closed and our computers are counting up all the votes as we speak." Jackson Matheson announced.

The morning talk show host took it from there. "Now while our computers are counting the latest round of voting we have a great treat for all of you. The five final couples are going to do a final group dance for us tonight. Now this dance is for entertainment only not for votes. These ten dancers have elected to do something a little different. They will not be performing ballroom style dancing, but group street style dancing instead." The crowd was ecstatic.

The sports star stepped forward shouting to be heard over the noise. "We now give you your final five."

The music was another Beca mash-up. The beat was strong, and hard, and heavy with hip hop and a bit of rap.

The stage filled with fog to the point you couldn't see the dancers and the crowd screamed when Beca came flying way out high over the dance floor head first to flip over and land on her knees sliding to the center of the ballroom floor. She had on baggy black jeans and a tight black tank on, her hair once again braided tight to her head.

The crowd loved it as the tiny dancer put on an excellent break dancing display as others jumped out of the fog to join her on the floor. Although none of them had made such a grand leap.

The group really worked the high energy dance even throwing in some rhythmic stomping that blended well with the beat of the music. It was very physical and showcased that both Beca and Jessica must have had some gymnastic training in the past as they both were launched into awesome aerial moves. The ten finalists were really great and showed how amazingly gifted they all were, but of course the Bellas thought Jess and Beca were the best.

The crowd loved it and gave them all a standing ovation. It really was a great night. The ten dancers hugged one another as they made their way center stage for the announcement of the winners. Beca and Jessica were holding hands as they climbed up on the stage.

Jackson took point. "Tonight has been more than any of the organizers for the Gay Strait Alliance ever dreamed. We have already surpassed our lofty goal of raising $300,000.00 and made over $419,000.00 so far and donations are still coming in." He paused for the crowd applause to die down. "Now for the moment you have all been waiting for." He bowed to Lisa Jacobs to indicate she had the honors.

"The dancers tonight have really been phenomenal." She pulled out an envelope and peaked inside. "However, two couples did not make it into the top three. Couples two and four we are sorry, but at the final tally you came in 4th and 5th." The crowd cheered for them and the others couples shook their hands hugging them as they made their way off stage.

The Bellas were on their feet, their friends were in the top three. No matter what they were going home with a trophy and some prize money.

"Now our third place winner tonight is couple number three Beverly and George." The tall man announced handing George a trophy and his partner a check for $1000.00. The audience was cheering and the Bellas were on tenterhooks.

"Now the last two couples were pretty close throughout the competition, but our winners tonight really swept everyone away. This couple has been the break-out stars from the beginning, but first the runners-up who also get a trophy and $3000.00 in prize money goes to Marcus and James.

The spectators went wild. Jessica and Beca had won. The Bellas were screaming and jumping up and down.

The couples on stage hugged and kissed each other as they smiled and congratulated one another.

Lifting a large trophy over his head the tall ball player loudly announced into his mic. "Our winners of tonight's first Dancing for Alliance completion is the judges and voters favorites Jessica and Beca. They get this first place trophy and $5000.00 in prize money!"

The crowd went crazy and the winning couple danced around together in glee before the large trophy was set down in front of Beca. The thing was nearly as tall as she was. The blonde host handed Jessica the prize check.


It took a while for the crowd to calm and begin to slowly trickle out of the auditorium. The top three couples had to pose for pictures and Jessica and Beca were interviewed by some local television and radio stations as well as newspapers.

The couple had also gained several fans who wanted to meet them and take pictures with them. They even signed a few autographs. The couple also heard a few people say they had already posted their dancing on YouTube.

Beca groaned when she saw all of their fellow Bellas smiling hugely at them from the crowd.

Chloe slipped through the crowd first throwing her arms around both women. "You two were so great. I had no idea both of you could dance like that and that street dance at the end was fantastic. Beca you really are a good break dancer. My heart went to my throat when you flew so high out of the fog. I thought there was no way you could land safely. How did you not hurt your knees on that move?"

Beca laughed at the speed in which her exuberant friend was speaking.

Aubrey made it to them pulling Chloe away a little. "Let them have some breathing room Chlo and give them a chance to answer."

Jessica laughed as Aubrey hugged her first. "Well I have been dancing in competitions like this since I was little. My brother was always my partner back home, but Beca's much better and puts a more modern spin on everything that really works for us."

"Hmm, I am well aware of Beca's need to break from tradition. However, you are right. It really worked well for you two tonight." Aubrey hugged Beca too shocking everyone. "I am going to expect better of you now during our Bella numbers."

"Great. So glad to hear it. I still say they are boring though." Beca smirked before turning to Chloe. "I began learning to dance around the age of three. My mom's sister was a dance teacher, but had no wish for kids of her own so me being her only sibling's only child I got roped into dancing and gymnastics. My Aunt's husband was a music teacher and started my lessons with piano around the same age and slowly introduced me to other instruments as well. He was very supportive when I moved to mixing my own music too." Beca leaned down rapping her knuckles on her knee. "I have on knee pads under my jeans."

The rest of the Bellas along with Luke and Christy had also made it to them enveloping the girls in more hugs and kisses.

"Shorty how did Jess here talk you into coming out of the closet with all this dance stuff?" Fat Amy inquired.

"I bet Jess's clothes weren't on when she asked Beca." Stacie offered.

"What can I say? I danced my ass off on live television for all to see. I must be in love with her!" Beca smirked as all her friends went quiet.

"You love me?" Jessica's face lit up.

Beca kissed her girl. "Yeah, I love you. How could I not, you're an amazing and sexy woman."

"I love you too BB." They kissed as those around them made Aww's! and spoke about how precious they were and what a cute couple they made.

"I'm still wondering what BB stands for!" CR commented.

Jessica laughed when she and Beca parted. "Badass Beca, of course."

Aubrey rolled her eyes. "You're right, again. It really must be love."


Now I am not a big dance aficionado, so please don't judge me to harshly on all of the dancing stuff. This came into my head when I was pulling up the latest Castle episode on my DVR and I had the end of dancing with the stars before it. I have only watched the show a few times so YouTube was my friend when finding the names of dances and helping to create outfits that might be hot on the women. It was just a fun bit of fluff. I hope you enjoyed this latest look into Jessica and Beca's relationship. If more ideas come to me I will write them. I will also take prompts and story ideas for more shorts involving Beca and Jessica. As always I love hearing from my readers, please drop me a review or PM letting me know what you think. Until Next Time…Holly