Soooo… I decided to at least make another one-shot/continuation of Arthur's Findings, because I can't seem to concentrate on any other story than this… Not even my Blue Pirates… I only have too much Merlin plot bunnies in my head. On with the story. In this oneshot, Gwaine finds out. Rule: Only what Gwaine thinks or conversations he hears will be told. Just like Arthur's findings, actually. This happens a week after Arthur's findings.

Part one: Morning

Gwaine was having a wonderful dream. After he had saved the Unicorn princess, who shared disturbingly many features with that girl that he saw in the tavern last week, she had proposed another quest to him and given him the key to the Castle Candysteyn. Many people had supposedly failed the quest, but not sir Gwaine, who with his incredible self-restraining abilities managed to conquer the castle made of candy and rescue the Unicorn princess her sister, the Pegasus princess. He had even gained a level, and decided that real men should only choose Strength when distributing their Affinity Points. Then he brought the Pegasus princess home, and she rewarded him the Holy Tankard Of Mead. Supposed to rival the powers of the Holy Grail itself, even. She obviously wanted to say something else, but Gwaine didn't hear her too well.

"……..up…" Was she shy, perhaps, in the presence of Gwaine?

"Gwaine….up…" She tried to tell him something, so he inched closer.

"GWAINE! WAKE UP!" Gwaine shot up from his sleeping position. He suddenly felt like shit. Maybe he shouldn't have drunk so much yesterday. Man that was an evening to remember! He looked to his right to see Percival standing in his doorway.

"Was that really necessary?" Gwaine asked. He felt the splitting headache. If only he could have enjoyed the Holy Tankard some more…

"Yes, there is an official council meeting today." Oh damn, it was the official one today. Normally, there was a meeting of the Round Table, in which the knights and the King were present, and the council meetings, in which the ruling lords were present. The Round Table meeting consisted of matters concerning strategy, war, safety and the army, and the council meeting consisted of matters concerning economy. But you also had the Official Council Meeting, in which the knights and the ruling lords were present. It concerned highly urgent or important matters.

Gwaine was dressed within seconds. "How come you're so sober? You went with me last night."

"I didn't drink two barrels of ale last night. But, talking about last night, I did hear some things, when we were walking home…"

Gwaine groaned again. Their prank war was still at large, and Percy had just gotten blackmail material… again! "We'll talk about that later, now we need to avoid incurring the princess his wrath…"

Percival and Gwaine hurried to the throne room. Everyone else was already seated, so Gwaine and Percival quickly sat down. Gwaine was still annoyed and tired, but his mood improved a bit when he saw lord Fungus being present. That was a man you could laugh with. How had it been possible that they had never met before? He would have won the prank war by far if he and lord Fungus would join hands.

He took his Holy Tankard in the hand, and saw it fill with quality beer, maybe the best of the land. Lucky him. He was bored to death at this meeting. He brought the Tankard to his lips and-

"Gwaine," Percival whispered. "Stay awake." Gwaine looked around. Luckily nobody else noticed. They were all murmuring and talking amongst themselves.

"This is an outrage! Magic has been punished by death since the start of the Purge, and it has rid the land of much crime and battle! It has made Camelot a safer place! How dare you think to change that?!" one of Uther's bootlickers cried out.

"Yes!" One other shouted. "What good will it do? It will take away the threat of death for having magic! Sorcerers and other scum will roam the land once more, free to terrorize villages and what-not again!" A wave of agreeing murmurs spread over the room, But some people, Gwaine saw, didn't share the lord's opinion. Amongst them were some knights and Percival, Merlin, and some lords, including lord Fungus. What did he think about magic? That depended, probably. He had seen a lot of evil sorcerer's, yes, but that didn't have to mean magic was bad. Just like nobility didn't mean that a person was good.

"While I think we should stop killing people just because they have magic, I don't think we shouldn't kill murderers with magic anymore. The crime of murder is something separate, just like threatening villages and other crimes. But I've been to a village where an old woman was burned at the stake because the people blamed her of having started a plague. Without evidence. Magic doesn't kill people, people do. We might even have lost the war against Morgana if it wasn't for that old man who helped us by blasting them with lightning! We have to act against evil sorcerers, but that doesn't have to involve killing people that don't mean any harm, or are at our side, even!" The people on Arthur's side smiled.

"But how will we know that they are really at our side? They could be plotting in secret for years, and suddenly rise to overthrow us! They could control people's minds, dry our water supply, rot our food, and get away with it! For all we know, you are under a spell!" Hushed talking commenced.

"I'm not under a spell! As you know, there aren't any sorcerer's in Camelot! And you don't have to be a sorcerer to do the things you just said. You can control a man with other means than sorcery, like bribery, which is a crime in Camelot under certain circumstances. Our water supply can be poisoned. Our food too. Deliberately poisoning water and food is a grave crime in Camelot. You can rebel against Camelot without being a sorcerer. Magic is in all those situations just a tool." Gwaine was impressed. Arthur had done his homework!

"Although you're right," the opposing lord said begrudgingly, "I still think we have to be sure there are no sorcerer's involved."

"If that makes you feel safe. I call in a vote!" Ah, the vote. Gwaine had almost been afraid that he was here for naught.

"All in favour!" More than half of the hands went up. Arthur's own hand and some others on his side went up too. Gwaine laughed about it inwardly. Arthur was provoking them, daring them to do it, so that, when they would return sorcerer-less, he would be proven right, and they would be ridiculed. Gwaine was already looking forward to that.

"Then it's settled. We will talk about this again when lord Odath's search for sorcerer's in the castle is over." Arthur said.

"But… Who… What…" The lord spluttered. He looked confused. He was probably not the brightest lord out there.

"In your opinion, I was bewitched. So I can't lead the party. You can do it." Arthur said almost like he was bored, as if he was explaining to a child why people eat. Gwaine chuckled on the outside, but inside he was laughing hard. He could see Arthur was having fun too, the look on his face, however subtle, betrayed him. The lord regained his composure, determined to find the sorcerer. And last time he checked, Camelot had none. Except last week, when that madman was flung out the window by this Emrys, but he hadn't heard anything about Emrys afterwards, so he must have gone away. Gwaine supposed that sorcerer must have been good at hiding, as nobody had heard much of him before. So they probably wouldn't find him. Arthur left, starting a conversation with Merlin about the events in this meeting. Gwaine went outside as well, suddenly realizing that he hadn't even eaten yet.

Part two: Noon

"Merlin, mate!" Gwaine called out when he saw his buddy Merlin walking down the same road as him with a package. He started walking faster, until he caught up with him. "Where's the package for?"

"Gaius asked me to deliver it to a friend of his. What are you doing here?"

"Ah, I just finished my patrol when I saw you walking here." Merlin suddenly turned right, and went straight in the woods.

"What's in the package?" Gwaine let his curiosity get the better of him.

"A… book." Merlin's answer was hesitant, Gwaine noticed. But he was curious, so he took another shot.

"What book?"

"I don't know, actually." Something about this answer was off, and Gwaine was sure Merlin did know, and just didn't tell him.

"Such a shame." Gwaine let it be for now, if Merlin wanted to tell him, he would do so. "Are we there yet?"

"No, it's still half an hour away from here."

"Oh, good! I still have a few tavern stories I haven't told you yet!" Merlin grinned, and Gwaine started telling his first story about that lad he met a few days ago in the tavern. It was his first night drinking, he said. He and Gwaine exchanged stories for a while until one of those drunk guys picked a fight with him. But somehow the lad had been able to knock the guy out with only one blow, while the guy was clearly bigger and heavier built. After that story was finished, Merlin started telling a story about some time when he was travelling to Camelot. They talked and laughed about the stupidity of the bandits Merlin met.

After some time Merlin and Gwaine arrived at the house Merlin had to deliver the package to. It was a rather small house, hidden between the trees. Gwaine almost missed it.

"We're here." Merlin said. Gwaine followed Merlin inside the hut.

"Isolated hut, ain't it? How do you know it's the right one?" Gwaine asked him.

"Gaius gave me instructions." Merlin said almost immediately. Gwaine shrugged. He followed Merlin in the hut. The inside was a mess. The collection of skins had been gathering dust, and some of the pots contained stuff that looked so vile and rotten Gwaine didn't even want to know what was in it. There were even some remains of a shattered pot on the floor.

"Merlin, I don't accuse Gaius' instructions, but to me, this hut seems abandoned." Gwaine saw his friend tense a bit. Merlin put the book on the table and hurried him out.

"Gaius' friend will collect the book here. He doesn't actually live in this place." Now Gwaine was curious. Why was that book so important that the recipient wouldn't even make an appearance. Gwaine didn't have proof, but he had ideas. Like a magic book, for instance.

Part three: Afternoon

Gwaine hated this. He and the other knights had to welcome Odath's party of witchfinders to Camelot. A waste of time, he thought. He could be doing so much other things right now. Like going back to that cottage to find out what kind of book it was. He hadn't done it on the way back because he had too little time to go back and then arrive for this… event… in time. And if he arrived too late, there would be no chance of escaping Arthur without him seeing said book. And if it was a magic book, then there would be trouble. So he didn't. But he wanted to know, so he promised himself to slip away when the opportunity arose. Imagine him meeting a sorcerer! Now that would be an event! Maybe the holy tankard could be more than a dream then! Gwaine drooled at the idea. In his head, of course, otherwise it would be quite nasty. Actually, he suspected it had something to do with Merlin. Say it was a magic book. Why would Merlin deliver it? He said he didn't know what kind of book it was, but Gwaine was now sure he was lying. So Merlin must know the sorcerer in person.

Right then, the party arrived. Lord Odath rode in front. Behind him rode lord Dreyas with a smug smile. Gwaine rolled his eyes. Of course he was here. He had wanted to search the castle since the Mad Sorcerer Incident. He heard Percival sigh next to him. He was equally happy as him to be here. After Dreyas rode a fat pig... sorry, a respected man in the art of witch finding with a little overweight. Gwaine snorted. He wouldn't be surprised if the man just came here to eat, appoint some random person as sorcerer, watch him burn, eat some more, take the money, and leave. He whispered his thoughts to Percival next to him, who began to shake from silent chuckling immediately. After that came a wily man with a knowing smile on his face. Gwaine supposed that suspicious-looking person fitted the profile of an evil wizard more than the profile of a 'respected' witch finder. Gwaine supposed he just came here to see people burn. Behind that was another man. He had a long cloak, so Gwaine didn't see much of his features. He looked at Arthur, who was radiating boredness. Luckily the party suspected nothing. Merlin however, was shocked as he looked at the last man. He poked Arthur, and told him something. Arthur nodded, looked at the last man, and nodded again. He told told Merlin something else in turn, and Merlin seemed surprised. Gwaine turned away. If only he could go to the hut now… Or the tavern… Or the market (always good ladies there)… Or anywhere else for that matter…

"Sir Odath! How good to see you have your party ready!" Odath got of his horse.

"I certainly will make good use of this possibility. Let me introduce you lord Dreyas, who I appointed second in command." Dreyas got of his horse too.

"Ah, Dreyas. Nice to see you are here again." Arthur said. His face and posture, sir Gwaine noticed, said something else entirely. Dreyas looked at Arthur with a smug smile on his face.

"I will find this sorcerer that was present last week."

"Dreyas has told me all of the events of last week and this Emrys. But do not fear. We will find him, and laugh as he burns at the stake." Gwaine winced. He feared for the poor souls this man would accuse. Merlin and Percival, and a few other knights winced or showed disgusted faces at this too. Arthur, surprisingly, winced slightly, before he composed himself.

"We do not kill for entertainment here, even if it concerns sorcerers. We will only accept accusations if there is enough evidence to support your cause."

"Your father would not have thought that necessary." Dreyas pointed out.

"But I am not my father. What my father would have done is not at hand now." A small silence fell. Arthur took a few seconds to get over Dreyas comment. To others, it would seem like this silence was there to enforce the statement, but Gwaine and the people close to Arthur knew better.

"When will you be able to start your search?" Arthur asked lord Odath, when Arthur had recovered.

"Immediately, if you wish, my lord."

"That's all right with me. I will appoint one of my knights as an overseer to the project. After that, you may start. If you have any sorcerers, you may present them to me in my chambers at sunset. I have a special room prepared for questioning."

"Excellent." Lord Odath said, and he went inside. Gwaine already pitied the poor knight that had to oversee them.

Part four: Evening

That poor soul was him. For the love of Camelot! Why him! After the welcoming, Arthur had summoned his knights.

Arthur had made it clear that lord Odath and his troupe of witchfinders wanted nothing more than finding a witch. So, to supervise them and make sure they would not trash the rooms beyond repair, or create false evidence, one of the knights had to accompany them. So they would draw straws. Arthur let each of the knights pick a straw, starting with Sir Quyll, and somehow he got the shortest straw. He suspected it was another of Percival's pranks. Now he was stuck with them. And they were eager too, starting right when he arrived. Normal nobles would dine and retire to their chambers in the evening, but not this bunch. Nooooo, they just had to start immediately. They were now doing Gaius' chambers. The fat one was eating while he skimmed through the books, splotches of fat defiling them and a sound of his loud eating filling the rooms. It nearly drove him mad. So he decided to do Merlin's room. If he would find something, he could hide it before the others found it.

It was a mess. Clothes were strewn on the floor, the bed looked slept in, some books were on the floor (one was about the art of polishing, funny enough), the window was open, one drawer was open, with clothes hanging over the edge and such. Gwaine started searching under the bed. Nothing was there. Well, Gwaine supposed, you had to be stupid if you thought hiding anything there would work. Gwaine searched through the clothes on the floor next. There were a few herbs in the pockets, but nothing more. He moved to the drawer and looked for clues. Only clothes. The same could be said of the other two drawers. The nightstand was next. On the nightstand were a few other books about herbs, but in the drawer was nothing. That was strange. Gwaine had suspected to find more books there. But there was nothing. Gwaine thought for a while, but eventually got down to announce there was nothing in that room.

"And who are you to say that? A certified witchfinder? No, no room is cleared without me having searched it first." Lord Odath spoke. The nerve! This was a close second on the list of rudest people he had ever met. On the first place stood a bartender he had met while travelling. He had almost killed the man, was it not for his great self-restraining abilities. On the third place was that Dragoon the Great-person. Gwaine sighed. Merlin had to be prepared for splotches of fat on his clothes and books.

Part five: Afternoon, one week later

The witchfinder's search was over, and Gwaine couldn't be happier. The last week was the worst week in his life. There was even that time when he had brought some bread with him, which the fat one had confiscated after saying eating while working could be an hindrance. The fat one then proceeded with stuffing half of the bread in his mouth and starting to chew obnoxiously. This morning, they had searched the last room, and questioned the last people. Their search was fruitless, something which lord Dreyas didn't like. The whole progress meeting he had been moaning about this Emrys person, which irritated even the other witchfinders in the room. But after a week of searching, broken pots, splotches of fat and obnoxious chewing, Gwaine's duty was finally over. He would go to the tavern later. Maybe some other knights even wanted to join him today! Arthur had the next Official council meeting, in which he would pass the law that would stop the massacre of innocent magic users, planned for tomorrow. He had given Gwaine an off day, as reward for putting up with the witchfinders! Gwaine was happily walking through the hallway to ask his best friend Merlin to go with him to the tavern, when he remembered the book incident. He still had to go to the hut and see what kind of book it was. So he changed his path, and walked to the stables. A horse would be faster.

After he picked his favourite horse (dubbed Ale), he rode through the gates and went to search for the hut. After half an hour of riding around, three awkward meetings with local farmers to find the way, and one stop by a bar (he had gotten thirsty), he found the hut. It still looked abandoned. He got of his horse and opened the door. Nobody was inside. He could still see the footsteps of him and Merlin in the dust on the ground. Only they were joined by another pair of feet, who went to the table. The book was nowhere to be seen. After Gwaine got over his initial disappointment, he figured that that was only logical. Of course the book wouldn't be here. The recipient must have come already to collect it. Still, it was pretty coincidental that Gaius wanted a book delivered to this outlandish place just when there would be witchfinders. And Gwaine still suspected Merlin to have something to do with it. But for now, suspecting was all that Gwaine was able to do. He went back to his horse, and started his way back to Camelot.

Part six: Night

Gwaine would end these suspicions once and for all. If Merlin had something to do with it, then there would be one place where he could get answers to this suspicion. In the drawer of Merlin's nightstand, which had been strangely empty when he searched Merlin's room. Thus, while he was drinking some mead in the tavern, he had decided to sneak in Gaius chambers this night. So he had gone to Gaius chambers, where he was now deciding the best route of action. He could go inside, wake Merlin up and ask him. But no, he could also that later. But he wanted to know soooo badly! So he decided to take the quiet way of action. He opened the door slowly, and crept in. Gaius was snoring in his bed. Gwaine was happy that he did, though. Now he could make more noise than when Gaius wouldn't have snored. He sneaked towards the stairs. Suddenly Gaius turned around. Gwaine was completely silent for some time, after which he resumed to sneak towards the stairs. He put his food on the first stair, and a loud creak filled the room. Gwaine cursed silently. He stepped on the other two stairs with care, and opened the door to Merlin's room. Merlin was hanging over his bed, one foot on the nightstand, his hand on the ground. Gwaine had never seen anyone sleep so… strange. He crept to the nightstand, and took Merlin's foot off the nightstand, carefully placing it on the ground. He opened the drawer, and as Gwaine suspected, the book was there. He took the book, to determine if it was really a magic book, and sneaked all the way back to the exit. Gwaine took the book with him to his chambers. Yes, he could have determined it just outside of the chambers, but he wanted to look at it for a bit, and prank Merlin. Merlin would probably have quite a fright when he discovered the book wasn't there in the morning. It was payback for lying to him. He would give it back after the ceremony.

Part seven: Afternoon

Every important person present in Camelot was sitting at the round table or close by that afternoon. It was the day of a big change: Magic wouldn't be punished by death anymore. Some people Gwaine had spoken to approved of the change, others were reluctant, and others were curious of what would happen. Arthur stood up from his place and started his speech.

"Since Uther's reign, magic has been punished by death. Magic was evil and corrupting, and nothing else than that opinion was to be accepted. Many people have found death in that law, be it because…" Suddenly the doors opened. Merlin came in, distraught and with a bed-head. Gwaine was pleased to see that his prank was successful. Arthur looked at Merlin for a bit and gestured him to sit down. Merlin did so, and Arthur continued his speech.

"…be it because they practised it or because the people around them accused them of doing so. But the magic attacks on Camelot didn't decline, even far from so. A lot of sorcerers joined their cause, commonly for revenge. So why uphold a law which brings Camelot nothing but danger? More than once, we have been attacked, infiltrated, or manipulated by sorcerers while we didn't have the means, the magic to fight it. Good, you say, magic is corrupting. Maybe it is, but isn't power corrupting too? How many villagers could have been saved if the townspeople could use magic against the bands of thieves that invaded their village? Those reasons drive me to abolish the law of killing people who practice magic just because they practice magic. But know, that crimes with magic still will be punished."

The lords and knights on Arthur's side started applauding. They were considerably more in numbers, more than three quarters were clapping. Slowly, but without spirit, the people against Arthur's decision joined in too. Most of them begrudgingly. Geoffrey of Monmouth, the old man from the library, Gwaine remembered faintly, spoke up.

"The law has passed the council. As decreed by the council of Camelot, the using of magic shan't be punished by death from this day forth." Gwaine watched him writing it down in the book of laws and decrees, and giving a sign to the messengers, who would spread the word in the kingdom.

"The meeting is adjourned!" Arthur announced. The people present started to leave, talking amongst themselves. If they were against the decision, Gwaine noticed, they would shoot ugly glances at Arthur, but Arthur himself pretended not to notice. Gwaine left to, seeing Merlin leave in a hurry, and followed him. When he was close enough he called out.

"Hey Merlin! I want to show you something!" Merlin looked over his shoulder to answer.

"Not now, Gwaine, I have something else to do."

"It won't take long, I swear." Merlin came to a standstill and sighed.

"All right." Gwaine led him to his room and took the book out of his drawer. Merlin's eyes were bulging out of his sockets.

"How- What- Where?" Gwaine's laughed a bit.

"So, Merlin. How long have you had magic?"

Merlin composed himself. "Since my birth actually, how long did you know?"

"I suspected you since I went back to the hut after the searches were over, and seeing that the book was gone, because of the trip to the hut and your empty drawer. But I knew it for sure when I sneaked into your room last night."

"You suspected me because of an empty drawer?"

"Have you seen the rest of your room?" Gwaine dead-panned.

"Point taken." They laughed a bit.

"Two questions, Merlin…"


"When are you going to reveal it to the rest?"

"Soon, probably." Merlin looked unsure. "Arthur says he wants me promoted to court sorcerer."

"Really? I hope you will still go with us on hunts, then. But Merlin, could you enchant a tankard so that it will never run out of ale?"

"I could, but for your safety, the safety of the knights, and because I promised Arthur, I won't." Merlin looked in thought for a little while, but then he spoke up again.

"Say Gwaine, why did you take the book with you instead of placing it back?"

"Let's say it was revenge on you lying to me on the way to the hut. Say, I think we should celebrate this in the tavern. You coming?"

"All right then."

The two of them walked of in the direction of the lower town.

Part eight, epilogue: Morning, the following day

Gwaine woke up with a gigantic hangover. The night before had been incredible, with Merlin secretly bewitching a tankard of another man to escape his grasp every time the man tried to grab it. He tried to get out of his bed, but the bed was bigger than normal. He looked to the left and the right to see… wings. When he finally got out of his bed, he walked to the mirror and saw that he had changed in a chicken. It seemed that Merlin still wanted revenge for taking his book. The prank war was on.

Well. That was it. The end. There may be another chapter, but there may also not be one. Rate and Review, people. Critique is accepted, as long as it can be of use to me. No useless flames like 'it's bad' or something. Tell me at least why. Otherwise I will send Gwaine the Chicken after you. Below here is an extra chapter about who the cloaked man was. Enjoy. It was not told in the story because it didn't have anything to do with Gwaine. Happens in between part four and part five.

Part four and a half, extra: Sunset (Arthur POV)

Arthur had not exactly been looking forward to this time. The time where all those witchfinders were allowed to moan about their suspicions about who was a sorcerer and who was not. But surprisingly, there was only one tonight. It was the cloaked man. The cloak was, however, a pointless disguise. Arthur recognised him immediately from when he followed Merlin roughly a week ago, when the man, after being told that Uther was dead, wanted to kill Arthur. Merlin had recognized him too.

"I have come here, to voice my suspicions about a sorcerer in the castle, sire." The man said. Arthur supposed he thought the disguise worked. What an idiot. "I think it's your servant, Merlin."

"Interesting." Arthur said. He had to keep up the pretense, after all. "Merlin!" Merlin appeared from behind the curtain.

"Yes sire."

"This man appoints you as a sorcerer. Do you have anything to say about that?"

"Yes sire. He doesn't have any proof, and he's a sorcerer himself."

"Interesting. Not to forget the fact that I already know you're a sorcerer, and that he wanted to kill me." The cloaked man, also named Forlar, looked shocked.

"What, but… And why do you know and… Dammit! It seems that I just have to kill you now, then!" Arthur stood up, and held Excalibur at the man's throat.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. I would leave when you still can, before I release the hounds."

Forlar gulped once, but tried to start a spell. Arthur pressed the sword a bit harder.

"If you do so, I'll sick Merlin and the hounds on you. I'm going to call the guards now, and escort you to jail, where you will stay until your trail. If you escape, I will start a manhunt and kill you immediately, the punishment of combined attempt at murder and jailbreak. So I would stay, if I were you. Guards!"

Two guards came in. "Throw this man in prison." The guards carried a still sweating Forlar away.

End of the extra. Remember: Rate and Review, people.
