This is a parody off of my favourite childhood movie, and one of the best children's books in the world. Obviously, it has some of my very own twisted moments thrown in. This is made for Halloween. I know it's not scary, but most of my fics are scary, and this fic is about sweets, much like Halloween.

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Total Drama. Neither do I own Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. They belong to their own respective owners. I am making no profit whatsoever from writing this fic.

Cody Anderson was a poor thirteen-year-old boy living in Canada. He lived in a small, derelict house somewhere in Canada with his family. He lived with his parents Mike and Zoey Anderson, his paternal grandparents Geoff and Bridgette Anderson and his maternal grandparents Blaineley and Izzy O'Halloran. Cody's family was very poor; Mike worked at a toothpaste factory run by a boss who was cheap so the family only had enough money to barely feed themselves. Cody was the poorest kid in his school. Every day he would see his peers pigging out on sweets and showing off smartphones while Cody only had one bar of chocolate a year for his birthday and his phone was a basic Nokia 3310… which was the only reason he was never bullied in school once he got that phone…

Regardless, Cody was still a kind, sweet boy with a big heart. He was also one of the sanest people in his town. Despite the fact that there is a factory in his town that is testing the boy's sanity. You see, Cody loves sweets, but his family could only afford to give him one bar a year. However, that factory was the most famous chocolate factory in all of Canada, called McLean's Chocolate Factory, run by none other than Chris McLean himself. You could smell the chocolate coming out of the fumes from within a five mile radius. The smell was so good, but it was teasing Cody to no end.

Little did Cody realise at the time that he was the luckiest boy in the entire world. It all started one day when Mike returned home from work. Zoey was at one end of the room cooking the dinner and Cody was at the table finishing his homework. At the other end of the room there was a big bed where the bedridden Geoff, Bridgette, Blaineley and Izzy laid.

"Evening guys," said Mike.

"Evening," everyone else replied in unison.

After kissing his wife and hanging up his coat, Mike sat opposite Cody at the table and said: "Cody, I – or Manitoba Smith, to be precise – found this piece at the factory." He handed Cody a small white piece. Cody smiled.

"This is exactly what I needed," Cody beamed.

"What's that for?" Bridgette curiously asked.

"Chris McLean's head for my sculpture," Cody happily replied, adding the last piece to his McLean's Chocolate Factory model, made from pieces of toothpaste caps.

Geoff sat up on his side of the bed. "Ah, Chris McLean," he beamed. "I used to work for him, Cody."

Cody's ears pricked up. "Really?" he asked, intrigued, sitting on the bed next to Geoff.

"Really," said Geoff. "The dude's business started off small in Second Street. I was one of his first employees. He is a magician when it comes to candy. He made ice-cream that could go on for hours on a sunny day without going runny, chewing gum that never loses its flavour and tiny eggs that turn into birds in the mouth; birds who crap out chocolate poop."

"Wow," said Cody. "That must've been awesome."

"It was," Geoff fist-bumped his grandson. "Eventually, Chris's business grew so big he purchased a factory nearby that was fifty times bigger than yer average chocolate factory. His chocolate eventually came the most popular in all of Canada."

"Dad, why don't you tell Cody about that crazy businessman from India?" Mike suggested.

"Oh yeah," Geoff laughed. "It all began when Chris received an email from this guy called Noah, requesting he'd build a mansion made entirely out of chocolate. The building blocks were made of chocolate, and the cement was made from hot chocolate. Even the furniture, kitchen appliances and bathroom appliances were made from chocolate. The mansion even received chocolate Wi-Fi signals."

"Chocolate Wi-Fi signals?" Cody gasped in disbelief. "But that's impossible."

"Not for Chris," Geoff shrugged. "I know it's disturbing, but it happened. Anyway…"

When the factory was complete, Noah walked around his chocolate made office and droned: "It's good enough."

"It won't last long," said Chris. "You'd better start eating it right away."

"Screw that," Noah shrugged. "I'll sleep in it; bathe in it, work in it, eat in it, jerk off in it… I'll LIVE in it."

"However, Chris was right," said Geoff. "One day during a heat wave…"

One hot day in the middle of the dry season, Noah was watching porn on his laptop when a blob of chocolate plopped on the keyboard. Noah looked up to see that the ceiling was melting. Noah cursed under his breathe and ran with the laptop in his arms, narrowly avoiding being crushed under dollops of chocolate in the process. He made it out of the mansion just before it collapsed into a pool of chocolate. Noah checked his laptop to see if it was still working, but it wasn't because the chocolate seeped into the components of the laptop. Noah roared in anger.

"Noah sent a threatening email telling Chris that one day he was going to find Chris and kill him in his sleep, but Chris said in a reply that the house should've been built in Finland instead, like he suggested, and that it was not his problem," Geoff continued. "Besides, Chris had plenty of problems of his own. Some of Chris's rival companies became jealous and hired spies to pass off as workers and steal some of Chris's secret recipes for the said companies. Soon enough, many companies were making ice-cream that will never melt, sugar balloons that would grow into incredible sizes and basic-looking chocolate bars that trigger full-blown orgasms. Eventually, Chris's recipes were no longer unique. He was slowly losing market share. One day, he decided to throw in the towel."

"I am closing the factory forever," Chris stated before a large crowd standing right before the gates of the factory. "I'm sorry." The gates fell shut before the crowd as Chris slowly retreated into the factory, never to be seen in public again.

"But it didn't close forever," Cody protested. "It's open right now."

"Yes but Cody, sometimes when adults say forever, they really mean a very long time," said Zoey, passing around the bowls of cabbage soup.

"Anyway, three years later, there was smoke coming out of the chimneys," Geoff continued. "Trucks were leaving the factory with boxes and boxes of candy. McLean's Chocolate Family was back in business. The candy was better than ever. No one could find a way to send in spies… they never left the factory alive," Geoff chuckled.

"Has anyone been in that factory?" Cody asked.

"No, little dude," Geoff sadly replied. "Chris has never left the factory in fifteen years. The only thing that has left the factory is the candy, packaged and addressed."

"But who works there then?" Cody asked.

"Nobody knows," Geoff shrugged. "All the people that work there pretty much live there for some strange reason."

"Must be a hostage situation!" Izzy chirped. "Izzy would've confined her employees to her factory for all eternity if she had one! Too bad the government stood in the way since cannibalism and slavery is illegal," she signed. Blaineley shook her head at her wife's Izzy-ness.

"Well, we don't know what's going on there, but I hope it's not what Izzy said," said Geoff. "But I would give anything in the world besides you dudes and dudettes just to visit this factory for just one day to see what is going on in there."

"Well you can't," Blaineley stated. "It's a mystery. It will always be a mystery. Your sculpture over there, Cody, is the closest thing we're ever going to get to visiting that factory," she added, pointing at Cody's factory. She's always been the pessimistic member of the family, but her family still loved her.

"Well it's bed time," said Mike, looking over at the clock.

"'Night Dad, 'night Mom," said Cody, hugging them.

"'Night Cody," said Mike, returning the hug.

"'Night Cody," said Zoey, returning the hug.

"'Night Grandpa Geoff," said Cody, hugging Geoff.

"'Night little dude," said Geoff.

"'Night Grandma Bridgette."

"'Night Cody."

"'Night Grandma Blaineley."

"'Night Cody."

"'Night Grandma Izzy."

"'Nothing's impossible Cody," Izzy assured her grandson. "There's always the chance that you can become the fascist dictator of Canada after ousting the government in a coup." After the hugs were exchanged, Cody climbed up the folding attic starts to the attic where his mattress was. Cody said one final good night before lying down. The lights from downstairs, which dimly lit the attic through a hole in the floor which Cody takes special care to avoid, went out. The only source of light was the moon, which shined through the broken window over the hole.

Meanwhile, at McLean's Chocolate Factory, the gates opened. Squad bikes left the gates; driven by unknown figures in helmets. The figures parked at many poles and pinned a notice on each pole they came across. Shortly before dawn, the figures and their bikes retreated back to the factory. Notices have already been posted to other cities across Canada. It won't be long before the public finds out about the news.

So there you have it, the start of a less sane version of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Mostly because Izzy is in it… and I am writing it. Anyway, I have most of the characters planned out, some of which you would never expect. Try not to jinx it, but if you feel the need to make your guess, go right on ahead. Most of us have seen the movie(s)/read the book but the ending may not be what you were expecting it to be… so yeah… get ready for a whole 'nother level of crazy.

Until next time!