You are who you are

Warnings: Past abuse, blood, mentions of rape, curse words

Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia.

1105 days, three years and 10 days. For so long have I been here. In this tiny room. In the darkness. 1105 days, for so long have I not seen any natural light. For so long have I not been outside. For so long have I only seen three people.

The Demon and his sisters. That's what they are. They come here. They feed me; make sure I'm still alive. They won't let me die. Because believe me, I've tried. But here's nothing you can use. Or well, there's plenty. But nothing you can reach from where I am. Chained to the wall. Only the Demon can use those things. And it's never enough to kill. Just to make me scream. Because that's why I'm here. To scream and scream until I have no voice left.

His sisters never hurt me. They are the ones to give me food. One of them just puts the food in front of me and takes care of my wounds while I refuse to eat. I suppose that she's kind. The other one however is a completely different story. She comes here and stuffs me with food and water. Choking me with it. Makes me have to swallow. Makes it impossible to even starve myself to death.

The Demon. The Demon. I don't even know his name. I've asked him. But he only smiles his childish smile and looks at me with his violet eyes. He never answers questions I ask about him. Or any question. Except for one. Why are you doing this? The answer is always the same. Because you deserve it. Because you are a filthy rat that deserves nothing but pain. You're worthless, polluting the world with your existence.And maybe he's right. I'm not exactly the best person in the world. Maybe I should be in pain.

I remember things from before I was here. I used to be a pretty normal kid. I had a brother, his name was Feliciano. We were twins. I was born first, but everyone always loved him the most. He was so happy, always talking and charming everyone. I was in the background. Always compared to him, never good enough.

And then he died. We were twelve. My parents and I survived, but he died. And I survived. Why? He was so happy, innocent, cute. While I was always pissed and screaming. Not loved by a single person. Why couldn't I die? I'm the oldest I'm supposed to die first.

But nope, Feliciano died. And then just days after the funeral I was taken by the Demon. I don't know how, I just woke up here. I suppose that that must have been a relief for my parents, not having to see a Feli copy everywhere they went.

I can hear footsteps. It's the Demon. I've learned by now how to hear who's coming here. The demons steps are heavy, loud, smashing down on the floor. But slow always slow. He's taking his time. Never in a rush. The Demon, tall, heavy, with violet eyes, a childish smile and a long, very long scarf. He always wears that scarf around his neck. Always the same. It has spots of blood on it.

The steps are coming closer and the door opens. He's there, looking at me. The pipe in his hand. That's his favorite thing to beat me with. The thick metal pipe that can break bones. He smiles at me. Soon the walls will be covered in more blood.

AN: So that's the prologue to my first multi-chapter fanfiction that I've written. I hope that it was okay and I would be really happy if you could review and tell me what you think of it.