He heard a click coming up from the seal, there was a loud noise which Randy covered his ear, a bright light hit Randy's face as the seal opened up, he puts his hands over his face wondering who has opened the seal to his prison, he couldn't see them at first.

He squints to see a chubby figure looking down at the hole he was in, "Cunningham?! You down there? Cunningham? Cunningha-"

"Yeah I am here!" he shouted back, "Who are you?!"

There was a moment of silence before he responded, "Howard, my name is Howard, listen Cunningham, I am going to get you out, first I am going to throw down the sword so you can cut yourself loose and then I am going to give you my scarf so you can climb up.

"Okay Harold."

"Howard!" He corrected him.

Howard got out the sword from inside his suit and threw it down the hole, Randy saw it drop in front of him and immediately grabbed it; he took off the black covering from the sword and marveled the detail of the sword, whoever crafted it did a great job at it.

"Cunningham! Hurry up!"

Randy got up and slash's the chains that once held him down, Howard lowered the scarf so that Randy can climb up, Randy climbs up the scarf, occasionally hearing choking sounds coming from the boy above him, "You alright Henry?"


Randy finally made it on top of the hole, Howard quickly closed the seal and gave it to Randy, "What am I suppose to do with this?"

Howard took off the mask, the black leather binding quickly withdrew from his body revealing an orange haired boy, "Man it took forever to find you, all those hints riddles that the Nomicon was throwing at me, I thought I was never going to find you!"

"So here you are..." Howard handed him the mask, when Randy looked down at it with a confused expression, Howard sighed in annoyance, "You are the Ninja."

"Nu-uh, I think you are mistaken, you are the Ninja I saw you in the suit..."

"No, No," Howard said, "I was just a temporary Ninja, though fun while it lasted, it was too much hard work and I actually made things a lot worse."

"Look, you are the Ninja, if you don't believe me go inside the book," Howard patted down his pants and took the book out "Maybe it will help, oh! before you open the book I would like to say that I may or may not have destroyed the school and you may have to clean all of that up, so we good bro?

Randy glared at him.

"I am going to take that as a yes."