Chapter One:

Rapunzel opened her eyes and found herself in a pitch black room, that almost resembled a dungeon cell if the blackness didn't make it seem like an endless chamber. The floor felt like ice stabbing her body on the smooth stones of the mysterious cell. She cautiously rose to her feet and looked around the dismally empty room. She saw on a far wall a mirror, lit up by a single bright light from above that had no origin.

She walked to it, slowly, not sure what she was supposed to do. The last thing she remembered was being in her tower, looking out of her window and taking in the summer breeze. Now she felt cold and a bit scared, and the only thing that seemed to make sense at the moment was a mysterious mirror in a mysterious room.

Creeping up to the mirror, she hesitated, bringing her hand up to it slowly. She tapped on it lightly, the surface rippling at her fingertip.

"What's going on?" She said to it. Perhaps it was a magic mirror? She wouldn't be surprised given the world she lived in.

"Your virtue is much, your strength is trust," a voice spoke. The mirror began glowing, Rapunzel's reflection began shimmering and she could feel the air changing. The surface of the mirror began changing into a new room, her reflection thinning more and more. She brought her hand to the surface again and suddenly the entire room brightened and shimmered into a large chamber like the one in the mirror.

She turned around and marveled at the enormity of the room. It looked like a grand hall, a pristine and white stone chamber almost made to entertain a house of guests, though it was empty. Rapunzel wondered if this was inside the castle, the one in the middle of the Magic Kingdom, home to many "Disney" characters such as herself. In the middle was a long dining table decorated in elaborate floral arrangements and golden platters and goblets. Tapestries hung around the room, ranging from large and colorful designs, telling classic tales Rapunzel had become familiar with since she first was brought into the Kingdom three years ago, and smaller, more simplistic styles.

The tapestry at the end of the table, hanging on a bare white wall, had a simple "D" in a decorative font that looked a bit medieval in style. Rapunzel sucked in her breath. "No way…"

"Way." A calm and collected voice sounded. Rapunzel looked to her right toward a tall archway that seemed to lead to split staircase to see a woman standing there, dawning a beautiful silver ball gown that had small hints of a light blue in the gleams from the light. The woman moved gracefully, yet still firmly and with purpose, as she walked to the other end of the table.

"You're-" Rapunzel began.

"Cinderella," she said cooly. "I know." She smiled at her warmly. "But I'm not the honored guest here. You are." She sat down, smoothing out her dress as she sat and laid her hands on her lap looking across the table to the golden haired princess. "Rapunzel, isn't it? Lovely name."

"What exactly do the Defenders need from me?" Rapunzel said firmly, her voice shaken a bit. Nobody is just summoned by the Defenders on a whim.

"You'll know soon enough."

"WHOAH!" A rush of wind and a startled cry came from behind Rapunzel. She turned quickly to find a man stumbling backward, seeming confused, from the mirror. He donned a brown coat and naval hat, his dreads flying all around him as he flailed to get his balance back, struggling a little more than he probably needed to. He composed himself quickly and straightened up. "I'm okay! I-I-" he then looked around in further confusion. "Where am I?"

"The big castle," Cinderella said.

"What big castle?"

She looked at him puzzled. "The only big castle at the middle of this world."

He leaned back a bit and shrugged. "Yes well of course… THAT one."

"Rapunzel this is Jack-"

"CAPTAIN," the man cut her off. "Captain Jack Sparrow, young lass." He took her hand and gently kissed it. "Rapunzel, aye? One of the new ladies I hear."

Rapunzel giggled. "Oh, thanks." He nodded.

Another rush of wind came from the mirror and standing before it was a girl with a bush of red hair who twirled around frantic. "What in the blazes was that?" Rapunzel noted she had a thick Scottish accent. She looked from Cinderella to Rapunzel to the Captain in one continuous cycle for a minute. "Ehm… where exactly am I?"

"The big castle," Cinderella said again. "AND the one that is in the middle of our world and can be seen from everywhere."

"Oh." She walked over to the other two. "Why… am I here?"

Rapunzel shrugged. "Afraid, miss, the situation at hand has yet to be revealed," Jack said.

"I don't get it though. I've been to this castle before and I never saw this room," the girl said. "Name's Merida, by the way." She gave them a small smile.

"Only Defenders have access to this room," Cinderella said. "It's a special base of operations, and a method of reprieve for our members."

Merida looked even more confused. "The… Defenders?"

"Oh that's right," Rapunzel said. "Your movie came out only a year ago, you're still learning how this place works." Merida looked at her. "Well, I'm assuming what she means is this is the headquarters for the Defenders of the Magic Kingdom. Sort of like the Disney elite that basically take care of whatever it is the Villains are up to."

"Oh. Well that sounds pretty cool," Merida said.

Another rush of wind and, much like Jack's appearance, a huge man stumbled backward with a yelp and crashed to the ground, sending a shockwave rippling and echoing through the chamber, Cinderella lightly placing her hand over her goblet to prevent whatever drink was in it from spilling. This shockwave put the other three in imbalance for a bit, Jack once again struggling to stand up straight.

Merida turned to the man. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah that looked like it hurt," Rapunzel said.

"I'm fine!" He stood up. "Seriously, I'm fine. I've fallen off of ten story buildings."

Jack grimaced. "Might I suggest a more healthy lifestyle, mate?"

He chuckled. "Nah, it's just a job. Name's Wreck-It Ralph. You can call me Ralph." He looked around. "Now… where am I exactly?"

Cinderella just sighed. Yet another rush of wind came from the mirror.

"How many more people are joining this party?" Jack exclaimed.

"This one, and another Mr. Sparrow. Be patient," Cinderella said.

He shifted in his place. "Captain."

A girl walked out from the mirror this time, with more awe than confusion on her face. Cinderella stood up. "This, friends, is Elsa. She's from a new movie, due out near the end of this year actually." She walked to their end of the table. "And she makes the first time in history of a team to be inducted the year of her release."

"Team?" Jack said.

"Inducted?" Rapunzel said.

"What exactly is going on?" Merida said.

Cinderella gestured to the table. "Take a seat and we'll begin after our sixth guest arrives and our head makes it this meeting." A final rush of wind came from the mirror. "Ah, our final guest."

Before the mirror stood a tiny blue creature, ears pointed up. He turned around and began fixing his black eyes on everyone in the room. "Hmm?"

"Oh!" Rapunzel shouted as everyone began sitting down. "You're Stitch! I've heard a lot about you!"

He got on all fours and made his way to Rapunzel. He stood up and held his paw out. "Hi! Name Stitch!"

She shook his hand. "It's very nice to meet you!"

Cinderella smiled. "Alright everybody, now that we're all here we can get this started."

Rapunzel and Stitch sat down next to each other. "But get what started?" Elsa said.

"The initiation," a high voice came from the stairwell Cinderella came through. They all looked to see a life-sized mouse standing there, in a black jacket and pants as if he was geared up for a battle.

"Mickey Mouse…" Rapunzel muttered under her breath.

Mickey made his way to the head of the table next to Rapunzel. "Initiation?" Jack said.

"Yep!" Mickey said. "You guys have been chosen as the new generation of Defenders of the Magic Kingdom!"

Chapter Two:

The room was quiet for a moment. It seemed longer. "Wait, wait, wait," Rapunzel said. "You're saying that… you want us to be Defenders?"

"That is a terrible-horrible decision. I mean really." Jack stammered.

"We're not exactly anyone's first choices for fighters…" Ralph said

"Speak for yourself," Merida said. "At least I know how to use a bow and arrow."

Rapunzel turned to Merida. "But you didn't even kill that bad bear Mordu."

Merida stood up. "Oh you're going to talk about feebleness? So sorry, let me go up to my tower and get myself chained up while my boyfriend gets himself stabbed by my own mother."

"I-" Rapunzel thought of getting up but remained seated. She turned herself in her chair and crossed her arms. "That wasn't called for."

"Aye," Jack whispered to them. "When you two princesses are done having your little bicker, leave the saving the world to the four of us who actually don't get ourselves into our own messes by accident."

"And why is he even here?" Merida said as she sat back down, pointing at the captain. "He's a pirate. Not exactly a perfect role model for little boys across the globe."

"Um, to add on here," Ralph said. He gestured to himself, Elsa and Stitch "The rest of us have probably less stake to be here."

Elsa nodded in agreement. "Except Stitch though," she said. "He's cute and fluffy." Stitch made an awkward sound that Elsa took as a method of agreement. She smiled at this.

"We didn't choose you six to join the team," Mickey said, almost enjoying the bantering a little too much.

"Then who did?" Rapunzel said tentatively.

"The mirror did," Cinderella glided to the mirror as she spoke.

The silence instilled even further confusion and tension than there already was in the room. "A mirror told you we were destined to fight legions of evil people that probably want to destroy the world?" Merida said.

Cinderella rolled her eyes. "No." She gestured to the mouse. Everyone's focus shifted.

"See," he began. "You only know what we do as Defenders." He got up from his seat and started walking to the mirror as well. "But you don't know what we are. Not really.

"It all began when the first Magic Kingdom was created-1955. Our creator, Walt Disney, had found a way to bring the characters he had created to life in a world that belonged to them. In this world, all the characters, good and bad, could exist together and live out new and exciting adventures after their happily ever afters. However, in order to do this he needed to make a similar replica, simply for show, that could reflect this world and be home to a rift, a portal, that allowed access to a different dimension.

"And it all worked out just swell! But then, 16 years later something changed. A second Kingdom was created in the outside world. Now you'd imagine that this wouldn't be a bad thing, right? Well, as it turns out, Walt didn't realize the full extent of his powers and how much they were tied to our world. When his idea went underway, the new kingdom began to form in our world and started shaking things up a bit, and without Walt there to really keep the place in check then the situation would only get worse. So in order to compensate, he made a new entry point in this new Kingdom.

"A while before the new Kingdom opened, he decided to make a way to keep a part of his presence in our world at all times. I remembered when he made this mirror," he touched its cold, smooth surface. "He said 'Just in case I can't come back, buddy.' At the time I didn't really know what he meant…" His voice trailed off for a moment. Cinderella put her hand on his shoulder.

Rapunzel hesitated for a moment. "Yeah, but we already know all of this. It's how we know about each other's movies and tv shows."

"I didn't," Elsa said, trying to not be so loud. "But I mean, like yeah I guess that doesn't exactly answer… the question." She shrank in her chair.

Mickey snapped back to reality. "Anyway for the next few years there weren't many problems until we discovered exactly what Maleficent was after," the six cringed a bit at the mention. They hadn't met the fairy in person but they'd heard many stories. Aside from her role outside their world, the Villain had quite a reputation with her constant battles with the Defenders in the past that spilled all over the Kingdom. "She'd found a way to bypass the exit into the real world that we thought was only accessible through both Disneyland and Disney World. See, ever since Walt made a second entry point, it made the Kingdom's bubble from the outside world vulnerable, more weak. She figured that if she amounted enough power she could penetrate the rift between our worlds and make her own exit.

"This called for a change in tactic in dealing with the Villains, which has been growing in its members for years. Now their goals were higher, but still accessible. There needed to be some kind of power that could go up against them, strengthen the borders and prevent the Villains from just taking over willy nilly."

Mickey gestured to the mirror. "So the mirror chose to create one." He looked at the others. "But making one person have all that power would be too much for anyone to handle. So the mirror chose six people it valued as strong and virtuously good souls to defend the light of the Kingdom and defeat any force of darkness the Villains created meant to threaten the safety of this world and outside world." He stopped, indicating he was finished.

Another distilling pause. "Right," Merida said. "But what does that have to do with us? Why us? Why now?"

"A clause, if you will," Cinderella said. "One that says every twenty years a new generation takes the mantle to inspire and represent Disney's modern virtues and strengths. Characters who can add more history and memories to this place in their own way."

"And whatever it is ol' Walt sees in you six, I'll stand by it," Mickey said with a nod.

No one said anything at first. It felt like a very long silence, everyone still taking it all in. Finally Rapunzel stood up.

"Okay," she said, standing straight even though she was sure she was shaking. "I-I'll do it. I mean, sure I'm not really a fighter… I can do this." She looked around her, almost wanting the others to stand up just so she didn't feel awkward being by herself. The others weren't budging. "Come on, guys! I know that all in all, none of us really think highly of ourselves. And sure, we don't really have talents that make us stand out, but who cares?"

She stood at the head of the table looking at them all. "Look, we can keep slumping here all we want, not wanting to take the chance because you're not sure of yourself and your potential. But standing by, when you could do a dn mean something incredible for millions of people, out of fear is worse than locking yourself in a tower because you're afraid of how the world's going to treat you," she backed up a bit. "And I know what that feels like." They all shifted in their seats.

Jack stood up first. "Well, Miss Rapunzel," he bowed slightly. "You have, indeed, sold me." He walked up to her.

She smiled brightly, welling with excitement. "Thanks, Jack."

"That'd be 'captain,' now." She rolled her eyes.

"Well," Merida stood up. "Only cause a wee damsel like you needs someone who can actually fight to make sure she doesn't get her long hair tied in a knot." She nodded.

"Oh! Um I can smash things!" Ralph said. Rapunzel giggled.

She looked at Elsa, who seemed the quietest in the room. "And you, Elsa?"

She shrugged. "Sure. Honestly this is kind of fun." She looked over at Stitch. "How about you, fluffy?" Stitch responded with another noise of confirmation. Rapunzel giggled.

"So," Cinderella said, the six turning to her. "The next generation of Defenders, chosen and ready for action."

Mickey cheered. "I've got a real good feelin' that you guys will have a great time!" He stood next to Cinderella. "I know we did!"

"I didn't know you two were Defenders," Merida said.

Cinderella smiled. "That's a story for a different time."