Okay that's all I really wanted to say.

This is a sequel to Like Dominoes, and yes, you probably want to read that first. Don't worry; it's not that long!
I can't put a link to it here CURSE YOU FANFICTION

This story will start by swimming through the different times. There is the present, a time six months before, and a few moments in between. It shouldn't be too confusing; I'll warn you guys when the time changes. It'll be smooth sailing in the present by the third chapter, probably.

DISCLAIMER: I only own my little Druid OCs. Merlin belongs to the BBC (even if they completely screwed up the ending and I will never forgive them.)
WARNING: Read Like Dominoes first, and know that it is set after the Diamond of the Day Part 1, so the finale never happened (well, it just happened... differently.)
No slash, as always, unless you absolutely must.

On with the show!


A year.

It had been a full year since the battle.

Since all the bodies had been cleared away…

Since all the prophecies had been fulfilled…

Since Merlin had gone.

And even a year later, the pain was just as raw as ever for a young king who stood emotionless at a window, absently watching his people going about their daily businesses, as if they were no more than ants bringing food back to their nest. The sun was only just rising, but he felt no warmth from its golden light.

Arthur was like that every morning, now. Guinevere and Gaius worried over him constantly. They made sure he ate enough, slept enough, kept from going completely mad….

And he was grateful. He really was.

But he would still turn back any servant who offered to sharpen his sword.

The sword had lived through many of his battles, but after Camlann, he felt it had lived through enough.

Merlin had led him to the sword.

It didn't feel right to use it anymore.

Still, no other sword was as well-balanced or powerful. His knights wanted him to take up the beauty once more, to fight like the great man they all knew he was.

But Arthur would never do it, always fighting meekly with a simple, unadorned blade, or even borrowing one from a knight, saying he'd 'forgotten' his own.

The refusal was frustrating to most, and inexplicable to the rest.

Only Gaius understood the significance of it. He daren't say anything about it, and he let the King grieve.

But the King never stopped grieving.

They'd thought it was just a passing phase, a momentary fluke in the heart of a great king; they'd thought Arthur would move on. They'd thought he could move on. The loss of Merlin had dealt everyone quite a heavy blow, but none felt it quite as hard as Arthur.

Arthur, who'd seen the boy every single morning as he threw open the curtains and blabbered some cheerful nonsense that the King secretly enjoyed. Arthur, who would often pick on Merlin and make him his training partner just to put him back in his place, but without ever even thinking of trying to actually hurt him. Arthur, who'd honestly felt Merlin was his best friend… maybe his only friend.

Arthur, who was now very, very lonely.

Not only that, but he was trying to drown himself in his solitude.

The young king heard Guinevere as she tiptoed over to him, but he made no move to turn around. Even as she tenderly wrapped her arms around his chest, he did little except pull her a little closer. He continued to stare out unseeingly at the city. The young queen tentatively ran a hand across his short beard (which he'd begun to grow a year ago, after the battle, and never really attempted to trim unless ordered to by his wife.)

There was a lulling moment of peace as they held each other. Neither wanted to break the silence, but Gwen had something to say. "Arthur," she began uncertainly. She opened her mouth a few more times, but the words wouldn't come. Gods, how could she say this?

Arthur sighed; the first audible response from him in a long time. "Guinevere," he prompted quietly.

But Gwen didn't want to upset him. "No, no. It's nothing. I… I shouldn't have said anything. I'm sorry. I'll just—"

"Please continue."

Gwen paused, pulling back from the embrace. She searched his bloodshot blue eyes, and she could just feel all the pain he held within them as he stared back. He looked as though he hadn't slept in days. And he hadn't, as she well knew.

"Arthur," she started again, a little more softly. "You know what day it is."

He inhaled slowly through his nose, letting it out through his mouth. "I do," he acknowledged. He seemed dispassionate, but Guinevere knew better.

They both gazed out at Camelot, their home. Soft morning light pooled at their feet as the day began.

"Oh, how I do," he whispered into the bleak air.

The sunrise was cold on the anniversary of Merlin's death.

Six months earlier

Far, far away from Camelot's castle, a great beam of light fell down from the sky, followed by a second, and then a third. The forest they landed in lit up in blue, and any living creature within distance paused in their activities to stare at the three pillars. They just stood there in a triangle for a moment, outshining the early sun in their brilliance, before the first dropped fully to the earth, quickly followed by the two others.

It meant little to most onlookers, but the sight had great meaning.

The Gods had decided.

Emrys had fulfilled his destiny, but there was still much he could do.

And there were two others that day; two people, once horribly misunderstood and dreadfully misguided, but both could do with a second chance.

They would all be reborn, in the same bodies, but younger; more years to come meant more time for explanations, and more time to process said explanations, leading to many avoided mishaps. Most importantly, it gave them more time to learn.

There were three adolescents lying unconscious in the forest that day, each the corner of a single great triangle of blue light. They all had dark hair and pale skin. Under their closed lids, blue and green eyes in varying hues shone like molten gold with the flow of magic.

The Druids were the first to discover them, sensing their power and carrying them back to their camp.

And so it was that Merlin, Mordred, and Morgana would rise again.

Okay I'm trying to make it as non-confusing as possible. Just review if you have any questions, or PM me if you're too shy ;) I always reply to reviews, unless they're anonymous or whatnot (or if I just don't know what to say because it doesn't make sense XD)

I should be submitting the next chapter soon. I mean, it's done, but... I don't want to submit everything at once XD just wait and see!

Please review! o3o