Hi friends,
This is repost of first chapter.
I tried my level best to have a good grammer, if its still not good, please forgive me.
Summary:Founders fed up with fate of Harry and Tom. One prophecy of Merlin makes Tom and harry become brothers. Combining the 4 traits of founders the two stand up against the Dark lord and Light lord. Good Tom and Harry/evil voldemort/MOF Dumbledore.
Pairings : HP/HG, TR/?,DM/SB,NL/PP
No Slash,
Male/Male (No sex)
Disclaimer: Harry Potter is not paired with Ginny weasley, Tom riddle is good. Then that means its not original Harry Potter. I am not J. , I don't own HP. Only the plot is mine, All characters belong to J. .
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry...
Located in Great Britain, it is one of the ancient schools in whole world. Established by four greatest witches and wizards of that age, Hogwarts stood many battles, and many more political wars. It is the institution where some of the worlds famous wizards and witches gets trained. The castle was completely woven with magic, that even some think Castle was sentient, but most of people ignore the statement.
No one knows that their assumptions of Castle being sentient was true.
Many people try to get through the whole castle and know every secret of it, every one failed. Some people pride them selves for knowing most of castle, but they were always wrong. Unknown to all of them was a whole tower, which was present from 1000years. The tower or The infamous 'Founders Chamber' lodges founders of Hogwarts. One may question why it is present when founders are dead a millennium ago. The thick magic of castle, prevented Founders from passing after their death and gave them a new body, bounding them to magic. They are immortals in a sense, as long as castle stays, they stay. They stayed there thousands of years, get adjusted with not much changing wizarding world and also a highly changed muggle world. Regularly they will be chitchatting, and scolding the people who were misusing and misunderstanding their ideas
But today was a different day, atmoshphere in chamber was so tense, because one amongst the four was very furious. It was none another than Slytherin.
"Sal! Do you want the boy to face the same fate as other. A fate where he was used as a pawn and was not loved by any one"
"What made you think, he will become like Tom, Row?" almost yelled a person with Black silky hair and emerald eyes .
The witch with Blonde hair and sapphire eyes, was not the one who will cower easily " I saw his future Sal! Manipulations of that old goat made him a dunderhead. He won't have his soul mate, lose his true friends, He will defeat Tom, but other than that he will become soul less, he will go himself infront of Dark lord to get himself killed. You know why, inorder to get a stupid hocrux out from his body. He will then be back stabbed by the very wizarding world he saved and will be reduced to a Grade 5 Auror. Grade 5!. He will marry a woman who administer him love potion. Is this the life he need? What wrong does that boy do Sal?"
Another wizard with Red hait and talll stature came forward " What about the Soul mate?"
"She will be going to get struck with the red haired boy and will be abused and will be killed before she recognise her soul mate." answered the blonde witch.
Another witch with short stature ,auburn hair and kind face spoke gently , her voice carried an aura of soothing ness " But Row, if we wanna save that boy, then why would we save him alone. Along with that we will make the Prophecy of Merlin come true too"
The remaining three cried in unison " Helga! you know that prophcy can't be fulfilled,"
Helga frowned at them and took an orb, tapped it , the mist in orb cleared and a voice came out
"The one to save the wizarding world, arrives the end of second millenium. Heir of bravery but fond of cunning. Companied with Heir of cunning and bond of bravery, being brother in all but blood. Two people will defeat the Dark lord. Power of love along with change of time make them strong and together, not only the dark lord is defeated, the dark in the light is also defeated. With efforts of founders the balance will be established."
" I got it, the prophecy mentions Tom and Harry, they both belong to different times, and Tom was no more, there's only Voldemort, there;s no time paradox."exclaimed Salazar, Much to his annoyance Godric exclaimed even louder " Helga! you are a genous, I got it. Change in time and efforts of founders, I got it!"
Helga smiled while Rowena rolled her eyes and asked him in a sickening sweet voice " My dear Stupid Godric! Please explain me!"
Godric huffed " Its simple my dear sweet lady, we have to raise both Harry and Tom"
Rowena gasped " You mean Time travel."
Salazar frowned " Time Travel? bringing the boy into future? Are you crazy Ric!"
Godric glared at Salazar " Ofcourse Zar! Tom suffered as much as Harry is going to be,if you wish to help my heir then I am going to help your heir."
Rowena wondered " How can we hide him, especially Tom from Oldcoot. We should take a lot of precautionary steps"
Salazar continued to mutter " You people are crazy"
Helga went to Salazar and laid a hand on his shoulder " Sal! We are not crazy, every thing is going as per planned. May be fates also want to help us."
Salazar nodded " but if they brign Tom here, the time line is going to be disrupted, and Voldie won't exist. there will be a major blotch in time line"
Godric grinned " Don't worry Zar' ! Tom won't be Voldie, but Voldie will be from Tom!"
Every one looked at Godric in confusion, Rowena got it and she exclaimed " I got it! What Ric means is we leave a dopple ganger there and bring original Tom with us. "
Salazar nodded " Its okay, but why we are dong this"
Helga squeezed his shoulder " We are doing this for our Hogwarts and for our heirs. For Generations we doesn't interfere in the life out side, because we don't want to get attached, but If this battle occurs, Hogwarts will be going to be destroyed, which none of us want and two of the founder lines will be completely ended. We don't need that. Harry is the one who can face Voldie, while Tom is the one who can face Oldcoot. We want them both to be out from society, that's why"
Godric lost his smile in all this and asked "Hey don't tell me Harry is Tom's soul mate"
Rowena smiled " No, both have their witches."
Salazar snapped " Then why doesn't Tom met his"
Helga's eyes sparkled as she spoke "Because! Tom's witch belong to this time"