Here it is! Sorry it took so long. I'm really into age-play Glee fan fictions, but I saw that there weren't where it takes me! This will probably more likely will be updated twice a week.

Baby Quinn and Santana, mommy Rachel and Brittany (most requested)

Note: Rachel and Brittany are the same height.

If you want anything to happen, PLEASEEE private message me. I'm open to anything!

Thank you so much for supporting my other story as well.


Rachel and Brittany were high school sweethearts and married as soon as Brittany turned eighteen, one year after being together.

Three years later the 21 year olds are in search of a new place to start their lives together after dropping out of college from winning the town's lottery, 27 million, they headed for their dream town.

They moved to an age-play community in Ada, Ohio. Populating almost six-thousand people, this little town holds the most unusual families the world has ever seen. But no matter how much hate the citizens have had, they still hold their heads up high.

The whole town revolves around non sexual age-play supplies: Diapers, amusement parks, schools, and even a foster care program where people in search of a mom or dad go there to stay.

That was the main reason that Rachel and Brittany moved to Ada, in search of a family. As a gay couple, things didn't always go their way. Including starting their own family. So they decided to move the Ada in search of a perfect child.

You're probably wondering, why age-play daughters? You see, before they got together, Rachel confessed to Brittany, who was her best friend at the time, that she was in need of a mother. Since she was raised my two dads, and her biological mother, Shelby, pretty much did not want anything to do with her.

Long story short, Brittany offered to be her mother, then a week later, they were in love.

However, two months after Brittany was her "mommy", she found that the hole in her heart didn't need to be fill by a mother, but the need of being a mother.

She shared her concerns with Brittany, and they were immediately searching for a way to start a family. They tried for adoption, but they were too young. And also because of their ages, they got declined by the donor agency. They were hopeless.

After two weeks of winning the lottery, Rachel came across a website for age-play communities. She found that there was a neighborhood that was 30 minutes away from Lima called Ada. She was amazed to see how big the age-play community actually was. She also noticed they had an adopting agency. She then remembered when she so badly wanted a mother to baby her.

To see that there were people like her that wanted a mommy or daddy, she wanted to be a mommy for someone. She was also pretty thankful that people actually took this lifestyle seriously. Anyways, she showed Brittany, and two months later, they were on their way to be a family in Ada, Ohio.

They were surprised that getting a five bedroom house in such a small town would be so expensive, but thankfully, money was no longer a huge priority. It was a faded cream color with pink window seats. The grass was perfectly cut. A three car garage as well. Inside the house came with a long, indoor, four foot pool with a waterfall and slide, a jungle gym with a rock climbing wall in the backyard, and a hot tub in the master bed room. To say the least, this house was built for a family.

Two weeks after they bought furniture for every room in the house, they contacted the foster home. The lady there, Miss Kay, said that all walk-ins are welcomed, so the two lovers planned on seeing her on the next day.

"C'mon baby were going to be late!" Brittany said waiting by the front door. Looking up Kay's Foster Care, she saw that It was only a ten minute walk from their house. Meeting Kay at two, Brittany saw that if they don't leave now, they might be late.

Two minutes later, Rachel came down the stairs in a white cardigan over her dark pink top, and light washed denim jeans. Matching Brittany's attire, which was high-waist striped shorts and a red blouse tucked into the shorts.

"I'm really nervous" Rachel said looking at the ground. Throughout the process, she was nothing but excited. But now, she was terrified. The thought of none of the kids liking her was a dread placed in her mind. Her and Brittany's lifelong dream of starting a family could be ruined today if no one wants to be their kids.

"Baby. They're going to love us." Brittan said taking Rachel's hand in hers. "Plus if this doesn't work out, there's hundreds of more options for us." She told her wife trying to keep the hope in her eyes.

The ten minute walk was short considering they each were lost in their own thoughts. Rachel rang the doorbell and waited for someone to answer.

The foster home from outside looked like, well, a home. Looking up, they saw a good three stories on this house. The sounds in the air were of "children" at play, probably outside. They locked hands and deeply breathed until they see the door swing open.

"Why hello there! Rachel and Brittany? Oh please, please come in!" said the older looking lady. She was a little wider than most women but had the warmest motherly energy coming off of her. Brittany tried her very best from giving the woman a hug.

They nodded with big smiles on their faces. "Miss Kay, it's so nice to finally meet you" Rachel said while the two girls stepped into the house.

It was one of the biggest houses they've ever seen. Red walls and hardwood floors covered in baby toys. It was easily recognizable that children stayed here.

"You as well, let's give you girls a tour of the home yes?" Miss Kay said leading them further into the house.

Miss Kay showed them the kitchen, with exactly twenty-four seats at the dinner table, (Rachel counted). She showed them the humongous playroom with seven play pins, a swirly slide, and small tables you would find in a preschool building. She also showed them her and her spouse Timothy's room. The bathroom the piled high with oversized diapers and bath toys. Finally she showed them the bedrooms.

"Boys on one floor, Girls on another" she said walking in front of the married couple. The first floor they landed on was all blue, green, and red. There was an open, sunny floor with just one big room with four oversized cribs, three toddler beds, and four twin sized beds. Dinosaurs and power rangers on each wall you saw. Dressers lined up one wall and beds lined up another. A bathroom was located on the very end on the floor. It looked like a little boys paradise.

The third and final floor was full of pinks and lavenders. It was identical to the boy's floor, but just different toys and colors. Brittany counted five cribs, and six twin sized beds. She also noticed two unopened toddler beds located on the right of the very large room.

"Who are those for?" she asked pointing at the two long boxes. Rachel noticed them as well wondering what, or who they were for.

"Oh, those are for two girls that are arriving here in a few hours." Saying it like no big deal. "Now, we have a lot of business to go over. Let's make way to my office."

The three women arrive to Kay's office. It was set up like any adoption agency office they visited. They saw a bunch of pictures of adults in childish clothes scattered all across the wall and on her desk. Across from her chair behind the desk, there were to seats, so they took those.

"Now" Miss Kay said sliding on reading glasses "before ask you what type of children you wish to have, let me give a little background on the home.

Me and Tim moved to Ada as runaways when we were sixteen. Seven months later one very, very stormy night, a man that looked roughly around twenty-six came to our house and was pounding on door screaming 'I want my mommy' on the top of his lungs. We took him inside and once he calmed down, we tried asking where he came from, his name, anything. But all he would do is babble like a baby. Surprisingly, we kept him" Kay paused looking at a picture on the wall of a boy with blonde hair giving a toothy grin laying in the grass.

"Seven months later, we offered a home to anyone who needed the mommy or daddy the never had. Every few months we have adults who need compassion. Currently, we have twenty-two kids. Eleven girls and eleven boys. We have adopted seven of them, and the others? Well were they're still on the market" Kay said chuckling to herself.

"Now, you wouldn't necessarily adopt them since most of them are over the age of eighteen, but the situation would go the same way if you were to officially adopt them. Any questions before we move on?" Kay asked looking between both women sitting across from them.

"We saw on your website you have an 'age-system'. How does that work?" Brittany asked grabbing Rachel's hand when she saw it was beginning to shake.

"Ahhh yes. Well you see, when a person decides to move in with us, we create an age system for them. We ask them what they need from us when it comes to being taking cared for, and whatever they say falls into the age their needs surround.

For instance, one of the veteran family members we have of this growing family, Tina, is twenty. She necessarily didn't need a 'mommy' or a 'daddy'. She needed mom and dad. After she came out to her parents as gay at thirteen, the turned their backs on her. After kicking her out, she had no one to lean on for her whole teenage years. After switching from shelter to shelter, she arrived at our house. When we asked her what she wanted, she said she wants a mom to go shopping with, to fight with, and even get grounded by. All she wanted was a teenage dream. So, we started her out at the age of thirteen. She's now fifteen years old. It's really confusing, but it works for us." Kay said shrugging.

"Who is the youngest member in your house?" Rachel then asked.

"Rory, is twelve, but four in age-play years. That's when his parent died in a helicopter crash." Kay explained.

The room fell silent as Rachel and Brittany fell into each other's thoughts. "Were ready to begin" Rachel finally said.

"Well okay! Don't worry it's not that hard to get a child here. It's simple, really. Okay first things first. Girl or boy?" Kay then asked.

"Girls. Two" Brittany stated confidently. The night before, the couple talked about wanting two baby girls to care for instead of one.

"Okay let me show you the available girls." Kay said while pulling out a large binder that said 'girls' along the side of it. One by one they saw girl after girl:

"Here we have four hear old. Kitty she is actually twenty-seven. She is a ball of energy with a bad potty mouth. But I'm sure you can fix that right awa-"

"no." Rachel stated simply. She didn't do that well with bad mouthed kids. So Kitty was a big no-no.

"well how about Marley? Hmm lets see she is a very shy sweet girl and she is seven and has the sweetest little voice and she's only thirty-sev-"

"No she's too old." Brittany complained.

"well unfortunately girls, my youngest girls under eighteen are adopted by us." Kay said while scanning through to book one last time. Getting up to put the binder back in the bookcase, a beige file fell out of the binder and landed by Rachel's feet. She slowly opened it and it read like:

Name: Santana Marie (last name unknown)

Age: Three (nineteen)

Race: Latina

Gender: Female

Characteristics: Tan skin, 117 pounds, 5"5. Dark brown eyes, Black hair

Likes: Naps, power rangers, the colors red and purple, dresses, mac n cheese, pacifiers, cuddles, singing, and toys.

Dislikes: Spankings, veggies, soup, being too cold or hot, waking up, swimming, boys, and seeing people sad.

Background: Came to Ada at age Fifteen with girlfriend, Quinn, in search of a mommy that gives cuddles and free food. Prefers to go by the age of three mainly because as soon as she turned four, her father attempted to rape her (the main reason she hates boys). Wears pull ups most of the time.

Clipped to the file was a picture of a small Latina girl with the most beautiful smile. It was extremely breathtaking and brought her to tears. She looked over to Brittany to see her eyebrows furrowed. She handed Brittany the file waiting for her to read it. When she looked back in her laps, she was extremely surprised to see another file hidden under the one Brittany, who is crying by the way, was reading. It read like this:

Name: Quinn Elise (last name unknown)

Age: One (nineteen)

Race: White

Gender: Female

Characteristics: pale skin, 116 pounds, 5"6. Hazel eyes, Blonde hair

Likes: princesses, cuddles, snow, peek a boo, the color pink and yellow, dancing, bottles, swimming, and make up.

Dislikes: Spankings, bed time, baby food, hurting herself, frogs, the dark, sleeping alone, long car rides, and old people.

Background: Came to Ada at age fifteen with girlfriend, Santana, in search anyone who will love her for her (preferably a mommy). Prefers to go by the age of one (will not share the reason). Wears mainly diapers.

The girl on the picture had the biggest smile on her face with her hazel eyes shining from the flash of the camera. At this point, Rachel was nearly sobbing on how these two girls fit perfectly for their family. After handing Brittany Quinn's file, she immediately turned to Miss Kay, who was still finding a place to put the binder on her already stuffed bookcase.

"How about Quinn and Santana? Please, please tell me they are available." She said through her sobs.

"Ohhhh! How on earth could I forget those two? Those are our newest editions. Those unopened boxes on the girl's floor are for these two cuties. Unfortunately, I haven't met these two because they are coming later today. Their files just came over from our friends down the street. They too are a foster family. But unfortunately, they don't have enough room for two, and apparently, these two come a package deal. Real life lovers as well" Kay explained with a smile.

"We'll take them." Brittany blurted out. After seeing these two girls pictures, she could only hope they would end up being their daughters at the end of the day.

"ookkayyy slow down sweet cheeks, I know I said it would be easy. But not this easy. This is how it goes. They stay overnight here and tomorrow, we drop them off at your house and let them spend 24 hours with you. If they like it there, then they stay with you, forever. And if they don't, then well, they don't stay with you forever. I'm actually picking them up around seven thirty. If would like to see a 'glimpse' of them, you can follow my car, but not until tomorrow can you talk with them. Sound good?" Kay explained.

Both girls nodded their heads eagerly.

"Okay. Come back over here by, seven, and we'll head over there together, yes?" Kay said standing up leading them towards the door. "Oh! And you both can keep these" she said hanging them Quinn and Santana's file along with both girls pictures. She handed them another picture that wasn't in the file of Quinn and Santana hugging each other closely with cheesy smiles on their faces. Quinn has on a princess dress and while slippers grinning through a pacifier, while Santana dressed the red power ranger, but instead of the bottom being pants, it was a poofy fairly skirt.

Rachel and Brittany laughed over the pictures of how adorable the girls looked. While exiting the house. They said their thank you's to Kay and made their way back to the house.

On their way there, they see all types of things. A woman pushing a 'baby' in a stroller, and boys and girls playing tag. "this neighborhood is perfect Britt" Rachel told Brittany holding her by her waist.

"What are we going to do for the next three hours?" Brittany pouted looking at her clock seeing it was only four in the afternoon.

"I have a few ideas" Rachel said smirking. Seeing that they were only a few feet from the front of their house, Rachel pulled Brittany all the way up to the doorstep. Once inside, Rachel slammed Brittany into the door and kissed her with as much passion as possible. Brittany was making her dream come true by starting a family with her at such a young age, and she needs to repay her. Plus, with the stress of moving, they haven't had time for some lady lovin'.

"Mmmm Rach, bedroom" Brittany mumbled in the kiss. She picked Rachel up bridal style with her lips still locked to her wife's. She blindly found her way through the house. She knew she found the stairs because she hit her toe on the bottom stair, sending both her and Rachel face first with the stairs.

Through it all Rachel let out a giggle at the blushing Brittany and pulled her all the way upstairs. Once they got to the bedroom, Rachel flicked off the light, which made a light blue glow go throughout the room.

She slammed Brittany on the bed and straddled her waist "Let me show this sexy future momma how much I love her" she whispered seductively into her ear, which made her shudder.

After a good three rounds of love making, they saw that it was already six o clock. They both hopped in the shower, which created another round of love making, after getting out, they slipped on sweatpants and loose fitting shirts. Seeing as if no one is going to see them, they wanted to be comfortable.

Thirty minutes later, they were on their way to Kay's house. Rachel smiled when she noticed what Brittany did with the three pictures that Miss Kay gave them of the girls. They were hanging on the sun visor of the car. Rachel kissed Brittany softly before they started driving. "Let's go see out girls." Brittany nodded and started to back out of drive way.

After the short drive to Kay's, her and Brittany in the car just as Brittany instructed. About fifteen minutes later, they saw Kay walk out with the boy the first adopted at her side, Sam.

When she noticed the girls in the car, the slowly made her way over there while holding the little boy's hand.

"Why hello there lovely ladies! I see you're right on time. Okay here's what's going down. Me and this lovely handsome boy next to me are going to the house down the road, and you're going to follow us. Sam's going with me because he is spending the night over there with his buddy Joe. The thing is, you cannot get out of the car. We do not want to overwhelm the two little girls. So that's why you get to see them tomorrow. The only thing you can do now is pretty much watch them get in the car. Is that okay?"

Both girl nodded.

"Okay then well let's get this show of the road! C'mon Baby." She said motioning toward the baby boy next to her.

They bagged out of the driveway in Kay's car and they quickly followed her. Man, she wasn't lying when she said the house was right down the road! Thirty seconds later, they are waiting outside a house, smaller than Kay's.

They see her and Sam hop out the car. They notice Sam running to the door eager for it to open, probably because he knows the people as well. The girls inside the car are anxious to see the door open to reveal the two little girls they hope to have one day.

Finally the door swings open to reveal a middle aged woman with a little boy next to her side. He hugs Sam brotherly and makes their way into the house, the two women hug and follow their sons.

After the door closes, the girls get comfortable in the car, just playing the waiting game.

Eventually, they see Kay make her way out holding a beautiful blonde girl dangling on hip. She has a pink knitted dress on with ruby slippers. Her hair was slightly messy and has her pacifier, the same one in the picture, in her mouth. Their vision follows to Kay's left side seeing a head full of brown hair on such a stunning little girl. She's wearing a 'world's best big sister' shirt on followed by pajama pants and black boots. She too has a pacifier in her mouth.

It takes all the power in Brittany not to jump out of the car, but like Kay said, they don't want to overwhelm the girls.

"Their gorgeous Rach," Brittany said through her tears. All Rachel could do was nod because she was taken away by her emotions.

When Kay was strapping Quinn in what it seemed to be a car seat, they noticed Santana look in their direction. She stared at them for a while with no emotion on her face. After a few seconds, she offers a faint smile and wave.

Both women quickly wave back at the girl before Kay leads her to get in the car as well.

"They're perfect Britt." Rachel whispered. They started the car to head home.

Once there, they immediately got into bed, exhausted from crying. With Rachel spooning Brittany, both girls in their own thoughts.

"They're ours, Rachel?" Brittany whispered through her doubt.

"They're ours, Britt," Rachel said turning to face her lover.

Both girls smile and could not wait to have two beautiful little sleeping girls in between them one day.

The end :) I really wanted to get this out to you before the end of weekend. What do you think of it? I would love suggestions as well! Again thank you so much for the support on Twister and this story too.